Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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NETWORKS MR. GRANT ABC-TV Appoints Armand Grant As Daytime Executive Producer ARMAND GRANT has been appointed to the newly created post of ABC-TV executive producer for daytime programs, effective immediately, according to James T. Aubrey Jr., vice president in charge of programming and talent. Mr. Grant, formerly vice president and general manager of WKIT Garden City, L. I., will be responsible for "the many new live' programming properties which ABC-TV is preparing for its daytime schedule this fall," said Mr. Aubrey. "Many of these now are in the planning stages," he continued, "with pilot films on the most promising properties to be made in the near future." Prior to joining WKIT, Mr. Grant served from 1948-1956 as assistant general manager in charge of programming and sales for WAAM (TV) Baltimore. He also has been an account executive with WBAL-AMTV Baltimore. CBS Newsmen Claim Scoop With Story of Cuban Rebel CBS claimed a journalistic scoop with a "cloak-and-dagger" air last week when two of its newsmen walked out of the jungles of Western Cuba with an exclusive soundand-picture story of life in the secret mountain camp of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. Newsman Robert (Bud) Taber and news cameraman Wendell Hoffman joined the Castro band 10 days ago after five days of being passed along from family to family of Castro sympathizers. Mr. Hoffman showed up Monday with more than two hours of film and two hours of taped interviews with the revolutionist and his band. Edited, they are scheduled for presentation next Sunday on CBS-TV (6-6:30 p.m. EDT) and CBS Radio (9:05-30 p.m. EDT). Mr. Taber emerged from the jungles Thursday, bringing with him two runaway U. S. youths whom he turned over to American authorities in Santiago. Radio Networks for News, NBC's Danzig Tells Kiwanis NETWORK radio's function today should be essentially that of furnishing news and information, Jerry A. Danzig, vice president for NBC Radio Network programs, told the Camden, N. J., Kiwanis Club May 3. He predicted that within the foreseeable future it will be possible to have home radio sets turned on electronically whenever news of importance occurs. This, he indicated, may come as a new application of the electronic device which NBC Radio uses daily, in connection with its "Hotline" serv ice, to alert affiliates when important news bulletins are coming up. He also said the post-tv decline in radio listening has been halted and audience size once more is increasing. Mr. Danzig predicted that "personal radios will soon be carried as commonly as wrist watches are worn — but for a purpose. Nobody is going to carry a radio around to listen to rock and roll. People today want to keep in touch with the world — to know what's going on at the moment in any country. This is the function of network radio — ■ to be in touch and keep in touch. . . . "Network radio suffered from an inferiority complex but now we know that we can outmaneuver television in a number of areas. "The future of network radio lies in speed of communication, but this is electronic. To the technical devices we must apply intelligence and a dedication of our purpose to make the American citizen the best informed in the world." He also foresaw a greater interchangeability of news between newspapers and radio. FALL COLOR THERE'S just not enough color program activity left for the summer. That was the gist of CBS-TV's explanation last week of its plan to shut down its network color transmission for a long summer, starting May 15. The network feels it "obviously" will be telecasting color again come fall. Feldman Named CBS-TV V. P. PROMOTION of Philip Feldman to CBSTV vice president and business manager of talent and contract properties in Hollywood is being announced today (Monday) by CBS-TV President Merle S. Jones. Mr. Feldman joined the CBS-TV business affairs department in Hollywood in September 1953 as associate director and became director in October 1954. In his new post he will continue to report to W. Spencer Harrison, vice president and business manager of talent and contract properties for the network. CBS Nets $5.9 Million For First '57 Quarter CONSOLIDATED net income of CBS Inc. Net revenues and sales for the quarter for the first quarter of 1957 was $5,907, totaled $95,946,932, compared with $88.323, compared with $4,462,783 earned in 406,663 for the corresponding period last the comparable period of 1956, it was re year. This represents an increase of 8.5%. ported Wednesday by William S. Paley, Mr. Paley said strengthening on the profit chairman, at the meeting of the board of side was due in part to the liquidation last directors. This is an increase of 32.4%. The summer of the CBS-Columbia Division, the current earnings are equivalent to 77 cents company's radio and television receiver per share, an improvement of 17 cents over manufacturing unit, which had been tinthe 60 cents per share earned in the first profitable in recent years, three months of 1956. Per share earnings are At the meeting, the board of directors calculated on the average number of shares, declared a cash dividend of 25 cents per 7,651,446 in 1957 and 7,485,837 in 1956, share on its Class A and Class B stock, payoutstanding during the respective three able June 7, 1957, to stockholders of record month periods. at the close of business on May 24, 1957. CBS' FIRST QUARTER STANDING Three Months Ended March 30, 1957 March 31, 1956 (13 Weeks) (13 Weeks) Net Revenues and Sales $95,946,932 $88,406,663 Deduct: Operating expenses and cost of goods sold . . $66,709,321 $63,164,839 Selling, general and administrative expenses . 14,979,540 13,859,516 Provision for depreciation and amortization of fixed assets . . . 1,683,252 1,668,333 83,372,113 78,692,688 12,574,819 9,713,975 Miscellaneous income, less miscellaneous deductions 72,504 108,808 Income before federal taxes on income . . 12,647,323 9,822,783 Provision for federal taxes on income . . . 6,740,000 5,360,000 Net Income $ 5,907,323 $ 4,462,783 Earnings per share (Note 1) $ .77 $ .60 NOTE: Earnings per share are calculated on the average number of shares, 7,651,446 in 1957 and 7,485,837 in 1956, outstanding during the respective three-month periods. Page 94 • May 13, 1957 Broadcasting • Telecasting