Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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TELEVISION FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Programming-Production, Others Tv producer-director. Imaginative, alert. Thorough knowledge tv all phases. 3 years with present employer. Ability supersedes current situation. Want to advance. Expand with more progressive operation. References-resume upon request. Box 587G, B«T. Newswriter-producer-director — experienced in all phases of news, newsfilm, videotape possibilities. Highest references. Box 589G, B-T. Wanted . . . job with a future . . . by experienced copywriter familiar with production problems. College grad. Details by writing. Box 612G, B-T. Hard-hitting news editor in large midwest city producing and writing two tv newscasts daily desires similar situation in metropolitan station with regular air work. Trebled news ratings here. Northwestern Medill graduate, veteran. Available immediately. Box 616G, B«T. Stations Equipment Experienced cameraman. Employed. Strong production; some directing. Desires position leading to directing. Box 617G, B-T. Television director, 3 years (3 stations) experience. Desires relocation in metropolitan vhf. Creative, mature, single. BA, 27, available June 1st. Resume references, recommendations on request. Box 625G, B-T. Program director, production manager, director wishes to relocate with tv station. Not interested in radio with pictures, family, college graduate. Box 636G, B-T. Tv school grad. wants position as assistant art director or prop. am. Single. Box 642G, B-T. June university television graduate desires small station programming or production work anywhere. Box 657G, B'T. Director, 4 years experience. 7 years radio-tv announcing. 31, mature, B.A. degree. Permanent. Box 662G, B-T. Experienced tv-news'i director-editor, announcer, interested in larger market. 33, married, employed. $125 minimum. Box 678G. B-T. Program manager, producer, director, network experience, desires larger market, 30. married, employed, best references. Box 679G, B«T. An ad can indicate only slightly an announcernewsman's value. Let me send complete brochure and film audition. Eight years radio-tv. Freelance fiction and article writer, established newsman. Want staff or news, far west. Permanency. $600. Box 680G, B-T. FOR SALE Stations Midwest fulltime local channel station single station market, $30,000 with $10,000 down or $26,500 cash. Box 645G, B'T. Old established fulltime station in 100,000 market with good Neilsen. West Virginia. Grossing over $112,000 which can be increased. High profits with probable four year payout. Combo operation and valuable building. $50,000 down and approximately four year balance. Please state financial qualifications. No brokers please. Sale indirectly due to sale of another property. Box 664G, B'T. One-fourth interest in medium Texas market am station now in the black and potential is extremely good. $15,000. Write Bob 672G, B'T. For lease, midwest station, option to buy. $300 per month. Box 674G, B'T. 250 watter, Pacific Coast, three county market of 41 thousand, retail sales 15 million, highest west of Mississippi, grossing $45 thousand, net 18 percent after all. Price $58,000, one-third down and four hundred monthly. May Brothers, Binghamton, N. Y. No telephones. Please use our No. 9906. confirming by airmail. The Norman Company, 510 Security Bldg., Davenport, Iowa. Sales, purchases, appraisals, handled with care and discretion, based on operating our own stations. Write now for our free bulletin of outstanding radio and tv buys throughout the United States. Jack L. Stoll & Associates, 6381 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Equipment 250C Gates 250 watt transmitter. Doolittle Model FD-1A frequency monitor. Gates MO 2639 modulation monitor. Gates Model 21-B antenna coupling unit. Gates MO 3294 diod rectifier remote antenna ' current meter. Fairchild Model F29 portable disc recorder. Box 550G, B'T. DuMont I-O camera — with used tube — field mount model. Terms. Box 568G, B'T. Presto 28N console recorder with Fairchild cutter and Presto 88A Amplifier. Box 633G, B-T. 2-Ampex model 600 tape recorders and 1 Ampex model 620 speaker amplifier, $825 for the set . . . prices for individual pieces on request. 2-RCA 44BX microphones in like new condition. $100 each or both for $175. Box 685G, B'T. For sale — reasonable — Collins 21C 5 kilowatt complete am transmitter, now in operation. Available after April 30. Wire or phone KANS, HObart 4-2387, Wichita, Kansas. Vidicon camera for sale. RCA "tv eye" camera, type HC-1' with control box and all tubes in good working condition. Cost $1,100; will sell for $500. Keegan Technical Institute. P. O. Box 5, Memphis, Tennessee. Illinois location. 1 GE iconoscope film camera complete with iconoscope type PC2D, model 4PC2D1. One blanking and shade generator, one camera sweep generator, one channel amplifier, one high voltage power supply, one Bias supply. All for $4,000 F.O.B. location. Our No. 9923. May Brothers, Binghamton, New York. 18 new and used guyed towers ranging from 200 to 350 feet. New towers manufactured by River View Welding and Mfg. Co. Complete with lighting and installation if preferred. All towers are galvanized and made of steel tubing to withstand 100 mile per hour wind velocity. Made on 14-inch centers. Will sell at very low price, on terms or lease. Phone 8610, Austell, Georgia. RCA 1G transmitter — first rate operating condition; also Truscon 235 feet self-supporting tower. W. N. Cook, 1433 Vreeland Road, Trenton, Michigan. Phone ORleans 6-2484. WANTED TO BUY Stations Private sales and independent appraisals. Serving the Southwest and Intermountain regions. Ralph Erwin. Licensed Broker. 1443 South Trenton. Tulsa. Oklahoma. Equipment Need light used antenna about 160 feet. Reasonably priced. Box 553G, B'T. 250 to 3kw fm transmitter. Collins ring antenna. 200 ft. coax, 150 feet self-supporting tower with lighting equipment. Frequency and modulation monitor, program limiter, studio consolette. State description, condition and best price. Box 615G, B-T. Fm transmitter: 3 or lOkw with monitoring equipment, coax. etc. Box 646G. B'T. FM transmitter, 250 watt or one kilowatt, frequency and modulation monitors. State condition, age. price. Box 648G, B-T. Wanted: 2 Gates CB-11, 3 speed turntable chassis. Must be A-l and cheap/WLMJ, Jackson, Ohio. INSTRUCTION FCC first phone in 12 weeks. Home study or resident training. Our schools are located in Hollywood, California, and Washington, D. C. For free booklet, write Grantham School of Electronics, Desk B-A. 821 19th Street. N. W., Washington 6. D. C. FCC first phone license. Start immediately. Guarantee coaching. Northwest Radio St Television School. Dept. 6, 1827 K Street, N. W„ Washington, D. C. FCC first phone license in six weeks. Guaranteed instruction by master teacher. Phone FLcetwood 2-2733. Elkins Radio License School, 3605 Regent Drive, Dallas, Texas. RADIO Help Wanted Sales RADIO SALES Opportunity with an unlimited future for an aggressive local radio salesman. 50,000 watt major market network affiliate in southeast is looking for a true radio enthusiast who is mature and experienced with a proven sales record. Will pay salary plus commission commensurate with ability. Send photo and complete resume to Box 585G, B»T Announcers ANNOUNCER Central New York State Network Radio TV Station has Opening for Experienced Staff Man. Top Pay. Excellent Working Conditions, Rapid Advancement. Send Full Details and Pix First Letter. Write Box 659G. B»T THE FASTEST H I 1 to buy or sel stations, or equipment, is a classified ad on this page. Page 130 • May 13, 1957 Broadcasting • Telecasting