Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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ANOTHER FABLE OF PROFITS (How To Feather Your Net) NCE UPON A TIME there was a station manager who thought that bird -watching was strictly for the birds. He couldn't even tell the difference between a sitting duck and a gaggle of geese. One unproductive day, while blundering about the Madison Avenue aerie with his tattered bird-book and foggy scope, he met the friendly Boiling man who deftly taught him how to sharpen his focus and recognize all the calls. Today he is a bird-watcher of rare distinction who can always detect the clink of the double-eagle.* The moral of this story is ... a guy with two good eyes who won't see is surely blind. *For finer focus phone us. THE BOLLING COMPANY in. STATION REPRESENTATIVES 247 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. CHICAGO • BOSTON • LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO