Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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Papers Served in CBS Suit Against Electrical Workers LEGAL papers were served on representatives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers' Local 1212 in New York May 10 by CBS Inc.. thus setting into motion the SI 00.000 suit initiated two days earlier by the network's move into taking its grievances to the federal courts [B«T. April 29. et seq.]. The network seeks to punish the electricians' union for short circuiting a planned remote telecast which was to have been sponsored by a local PepsiCola bottler on April 21. The next move is up to Local 1212. It has until May 30 to reply to the network's charges. At that time, counsel for CBS may be expected to press for trial. Hollywood IATSE Local 818 Agrees to Three New CBS Pacts A SPECIAL membership meeting of Publicists Assn.. Local 818 of IATSE^in Hollywood, held Monday, ratified new three-year contracts negotiated with CBS for staff publicity personnel at Hollywood offices of CBS Radio and CBS-TV. Terms, retroactive to Jan. 1 of this year, include a division of publicists into juniors and seniors, each group with automatic increases at the end of the first and second years. Juniors, under the new contract, will start at SI 10 a week, go to SI 20 the second year and top scale of SI 32.50 the third. Senior scale starts at SI 35 and progresses in annual steps to S145 and SI 62.50. Previous top was SI 15. NABET Loses Jurisdiction Case A ROVING radio-tv reporter at WMALAM-TV Washington, Delmar Malkie, is not a member of the newsroom staff and is not within jurisdiction of the National Assn. of Broadcast Employes & Technicians, according to a decision by National Labor Relations Board. NLRB denied NABET's petition to include Mr. Malkie in the newsroom bargaining unit, holding he is a broadcaster, rather than member of the newsroom staff, spends little time in the newsroom, has no regular hours and is not under the same supervision as newsroom employes. Pickets at WGEE Ruled Illegal PICKETING of WGEE Indianapolis by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers during the station's construction in July 1956 was illegal, the National Labor Relations Board ruled May 14, affirming a finding by a trial examiner. NLRB ordered the union to cease trying to induce employes of the building contractor to stop working on the Rollins Broadcasting Inc. project because the labor group was unable to get a contract covering employment at the projected station. WGEE was constructed during the latter part of the year and took to the air last December. Broadcasting • Telecasting HEAD ONLY $425.00 NEW "BALANCED" TV HEAD MODEL C offers smooth tilt with 360° pan action, perfect balance, with center of gravity adjustment, tension adjustment, built in spirit level, and telescoping pan handle. Price! subject to change without notice sees you through the Big on-the-spot assignments Whether you are covering a presidential visit or a big news story, CECO equipment comes through for you with flying colors. CECO exceeds existing standards of quality and performance. Why risk breakdowns when you can be SAFE with CECO! Stop in today. ALL METAL TRIPOD has cast top flange and upper leg portion made of one piece aluminum alloy castings. Accepts Microwave Relay Beam Reflector Head, "BALANCED" TV head, and other similar professional tripod heads. $285.00 HEAD ONLY MICROWAVE RELAY BEAM REFLECTOR HEAD is perfect for parabolas up to 6 ft. diameter. Withstands torques of 225 ft. pounds in elevation and 150 ft. pounds in azimuth. Full line of MOLE RICHARDSON, BARDWELL-McALLISTER & C0L0RTRAN STUDIO LIGHTING EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING CECO CONE LIGHTS • SPECIAL ENGINEERING AND DESIGN DEPARTMENT • REPAIRS BY EXPERT TECHNICIANS SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FOR TV— Spider dollies • Portable collapsible dollies • Roof top clamps • Film Editing equipment • Motion Picture Cameras • MAGNASYNC MAGNETIC SOUND RECORDING EQUIPMENT FRANK C. ruCKER (£flm€RH €0UIPIH€I1T (O.JIK ~" Dept.B * 315 West 43rd 5».. New' York 36. N. Y. JUdson 6 1420 Cincinnati's Most Powerful Independent Radio Station 50,000 watts of SALES POWER WC KY CINCINNATI, OHIO STATION On the Air everywhere 24 hours a day— seven days a week May 20,1957 • Page 91