Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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RADIO Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Management OPEN LETTER TO ARTHUR HULL HAYES: Congratulations! It took courage (and considerable know-how) to improve your radio network sales from a 40°o to a 90°o sold-out position in less than a year [BaT, May 6]. Here is another record on a smaller scale. Within the first year of my management of this metropolitan regional independent we hcd a 54% increase in gross revenue, a 35°o increase in Pulse ratings, and more than a 500°o increase in NET PROFIT. Now the station has been sold. New ownership occasions my immediate availability for a not-so-profitable property. Progress-building broadcasters will want details. The record will be substantiated by my former principal. (Note: My price-tag may be less than you think. Effective management is relatively very inexpensive!) Write Box 745G, B»T MANAGER SALES MANAGER 20 Years Sales and Executive Background Sales Manager 50kw NBC Station Sales Manager 5kw CBS Station Manager 5kw Independent 43 Years Old — College Education Proven Record — Excellent References BOX 754G, B«T Announcers TOP NEGRO DJ "3-D LEE D" Now Available "Lee Dorris, is one of the greatest talents I have ever known. I regret that we had to part company because of a policy change." Ernie Tannen WILY— Gen. Mgr. For tape or personal interview, photo, write, or wire, Lee Dorris, 320 Chalfant Street, Pittsburgh 10, Pennsylvania, Everglades 1-6004. Broadcasting • Telecasting TELEVISION Help Wanted Management NATIONAL TV SALES MANAGER WANTED FOR TWO TV STATIONS Because of shift of responsibility, created by our expansion, MidAmerica ABC-TV and NBC-TV stations, under the same management, need hard-hitting, experienced salesman. Chance of a lifetime for the right person. Send complete resume to: Box 760G, B°T Salesmen TELEVISION SALES Salesman, young, personable, free to travel, sell special television promotion package. Expenses during training, commission when qualified. Give previous selling experience and as many particulars as possible. BOX 755G. B»T WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO TV SALESMEN REAL OPPORTUNITY W TIC -TV Channel 3 Hartford. Conn. On the air September, 1957 Men with tv selling experience and proven record — preferably in New England or Northeastern United States. Write giving full background and picture to: Walter C. Johnson Vice President & General Manager / Planning a Radio Station? RCA PROGRESS PURCHASE PLAN Flexible Financing for Broadcasters I I Here's a brand new financing plan that will take a load off your pocketbook and speed you on your way to station ownership! RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA May 20, 1957 • Paae 10