Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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KHHI 8 WHEN MEREDITH SYRACUSE TELEVISION CORP l0l COURT STREE " " n mpW YORK T| SYRACUSE 8, NEW £ B S j ^obiein for , a good P1 u „ vation resea afternoon Kay of nf our veeVcday ai luT>e to w Ka7 Larson, ^250^^^^%^ -^^^^ 36nt Si postmarked less made an exotic J-«® -i 3 atten able to ruii 0r do our dUrln6 , „tte of motivation ^esea . , full ^ovle^g^t sincere sales™ ercial Ve don't profess full proficient s^ MenZies our^ ^ t0 simply ^if^at K^ ana^voted.h ay.ouiyoW ltefflS) contact exo ^ Cordially' Paul Adanti *tce President ,f ESSFOl ARMING MAGAZINE „„cklc AMD SUCCESS?^ ,^UFt AND GARDENS ANu I LI AT ED WITH BETTER MEREDITH STATIONS KCMO and KCMO-TV,Kansas City • KPHO and KPHO-TV,Phoenix WOW and WOW-TV, Omaha • WHEN and WHEN-TV,Syracuse Page 8 May 27, 1957 Broadcasting • Telecasting