Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES Consultant Says Advertising Is Better as Lure than Trap ADVERTISING is "considerably more effective" in attracting new customers than in retaining present ones, Raymond Stevens, president of Arthur D. Little Inc., Cambridge, Mass.. management consultant, told the spring conference of the American Management Assn. in New York last week. Mr. Stevens based this evaluation of advertising on a series of studies the Little organization has been conducting on sales response to advertising and promotion. The studies also indicate, Mr. Stevens said, that campaigns should not be "protracted beyond the saturation level and, instead, another type of promotion of the product should be launched." He also suggested that "'too long" campaigns can be avoided by distributing the budget among several media, rather than concentrating in one. Elmo Roper, research consultant, told the meeting that research by advertisers should be used on a continuing basis rather than "during an emergency." Mr. Roper said that continuous research may provide information "on what the customers will be buying two or more years hence." Big Ten, Sports Tv Sign EXCLUSIVE rights to a Big Ten filmed football tv series have been granted to Sports Tv Inc.. Hollywood production firm, it was announced last week by William Reed, assistant commissioner of the western conference. The series will be released on a syndication basis Sept. 21 under the title of Big Ten Highlights and will feature Chick Hearn as commentator for 13 halfhour programs. Sports Tv Inc. already handles All American Game of the Week and Pacific Coast Conference Highlights. The film firm reportedly is near the close of negotiations with an advertiser for regional sponsorship of the film series. Fla. Citrus Budgets $4 Million THE Florida Citrus Commission has lowered its sights from a $7 million advertising budget discussed for the coming year and settled on $4 million, it has been announced. The reduced figure still represents a 25% increase over the expenditure for the current fiscal year, which ends this month. No media breakdown has been given. The commission settled on the lower figure after fears were expressed that $7 million came dangerously close to predicted total income, estimated at $7.3 million, collected by taxing fruit [B»T, May 20]. Biddle, Winter Agencies Merge THE Biddle Co., Bloomington, 111., and N. A. Winter Advertising Agency, Des Moines, will merge next month under the name of Biddle Advertising Co., the firms have announced. Mr. Winter becomes senior vice president and client service counsel of the consolidated firm. It will headquarter in Bloomington and maintain offices in Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis, in addition to Des Moines. DUAL ECONOMY THE other day Biff Jones, young son of Ernie Jones, president of MacManus, John & Adams. Bloomfield Hills, Mich., and New York, nagged his father into buying a tent for him, but not before Mr. Jones had given him a parental lecture on the expensiveness of the tent. After the purchase, the son joined his father at an emergency meeting in the latter's office, where agency executives were discussing multi-million-dollar investments in network and spot. Biff kept interrupting his father with "but, Dad " After the meeting had ended Mr. Jones turned to his son and said, "What is it, Biff?" "But Dad," asked Biff, "where you going to get the money?" TIBBAtS Tibbais to Anderson-McConnell WALTER A. TIBBALS. formerly a vice president of BBDO. has joined Anderson-McConnell Advertising Agency, Hollywood, as head of the televisionradio department. During 14 years at BBDO, Mr. Tibbais was executive on such accounts as Revlon Inc.. Wildroot Co., San Francisco Brewing Co., Schaefer beer. Rexall Drugs, Lever Bros., General Mills and American Tobacco Co. NETWORK BUSINESS Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron. Ohio, has bought three weekly 5-minute participations in Bill Brundige weekday sports show (6:15-6:25 p.m. PDT) on KHJ Los Angeles and full Don Lee network. Agency: Young & Rubicam. Oldsmobile Div., General Motors Corp., Lansing, Mich., signed to sponsor six special one-hour color programs starring Jerry Lewis over NBC-TV during the 1957-1958 season. Agency is D. P. Brother & Co., Detroit. NBC -TV will air Adventure Theatre, starting June 15, as summer replacement for Your Hit Parade (Saturday, 10:30-11 p.m. EDT), sponsored by American Tobacco Co. (Luck Strike cigarettes), through BBDO, and by Warner-Lambert Inc. (Richard Hudnut Quick home permanents), through Kenyon & Eckhardt. REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENT WEAT-AM-TV West Palm Beach, Fla., appoints Venard, Rintoul & McConnell. N. Y. A&A SHORTS Doyle Dane Bernbach on July 1 will move its L. A. office to 6399 Wilshire Blvd., where it has leased third floor, providing 100% increase in space. Caples Co., Chicago, announces merger with Martin Co., same city. Young & Rubicam Foundation of Y&R agency, N. Y., has made annual award of eight four-year scholarships to students, with one other special award made this year. Merritt Schoenfeld, account executive, C. L. Miller Co.. Chicago, announces formation of new company, Ramms Inc., named after plans for specialization in research, advertising, marketing and merchandising. W. G. Goldsmith, in bank advertising and public relations, Los Angeles and Dallas, established own advertising-publicity agency, W. G. Goldsmith Co., at 857 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles. General Mills (Betty Crocker products) on July 15 starts four-week intensive schedule on Panorama Pacific, morning show on nine-station CBS Television Pacific Network. Agency: Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample. New York. Ralston Purina Co. (Purina Dog Chow), St. Louis, signed for alternate week sponsorship of Broken Arrow on ABC-TV (Tues., 99:30 p.m. EDT), starting Oct. 1. Agency is Gardner Adv., St. Louis. Miles Labs., Elkhart, Ind.. earlier had renewed its alternate week sponsorship of series. AGENCY APPOINTMENTS Julian Freirich Co., N. Y.. meat packing firm, names Bermingham, Castleman & Pierce. N. Y. Fred Bruns is account executive. Delaware Punch Co. (soft drink, frozen concentrate and ready-mix), Washington, D. C, appoints Beckman. Hamilton & Assoc., L. A. Climalene Co. (Climalene and Bowlene Cleansers, other products), Canton, Ohio, appoints Maxon Inc., Chicago. Stiffel Co. (lamp manufacturer), appoints John W. Shaw Adv. Inc. Toni Co., Chicago, appoints Clinton E. Frank Inc.. same city, to handle advertising for Bright'ning, new hair color rinse product. Hill Blackett Jr., vice president, named account supervisor. Agency already handles company's Pamper Shampoo. Toni Creme Rinse and Casual Pin Curl Permanent products. Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, appoints Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample Inc.. to handle advertising for its Dash detergent. Baldwin Piano Co. (New York division) appoints Roy S. Durstine Inc., N. Y. Electronic Tube Corp., Philadelphia, appoints Loren F. Green & Assoc., Chicago, to handle line of ETC single-and multichannel oscilloscopes, multi-gun cathode ray, amplifiers and other equipment as representatives in states of Illinois, Indiana. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa. Page 50 June 10, 1957 Broadcasting Telecastinc