Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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Season's Greetings" to Bob « ♦ ♦ • EDWIN K. WHEELER GENERAL MANAGER DETROIT 31, MICHIGAN Mr. Robert W. Samoff President National Broadcasting Company 30 Rocketeller Plaza New York 20, New York Dear Bob: Before the 1956-57 season cones to a close I'd like to pass along a few words of praise and gratitude to you and your entire network staff, You know enough about station men to realize that the surest way to an affiliate's affection is with new business. And this season's sensational upsurge in NBC daytime ratings brought us more than our share of new advertisers and new revenue. So, many thanks for this. Nighttime we're running a strong race against CBS and broadening our already substantial margin over ABC, (April ARB gave WVvJ— TV five of the Top Ten.) The development of Steve Allen and Tennessee Ernie as hit shows... the great an:1 continuing success of Perry Ccroo, Bob Hope and ninah Shore, ..the emergence of "21" as the year's biggest nevsraaking show. , ..sells Fargo's quick bounce into the big time. ..real acconplishments like these have done much to strengthen the position of the NBC network — and the NBC affiliates. We're all looking forward with enthusiasm toward NEC's great fall schedule but meanwhile I thought you might like to have this vote of confidence for a job so well done in 1956-57, Cordially , Edwin K. Wheeler EKV.'/BMc OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE DETROIT NEWS I Broadcasting • Telecasting June 10, 1957 • Page 87