Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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. . . A distinguished piece of journalism, the finest radio program of its kind in years. WALTER HAWVER, ALBANY, N.Y., KNICKERBOCKER NEWS "By popular demand" is a loosely used term in broadcasting, but it actually applies to the rebroadcast of Ed Murrow's one-hour CBS Radio documentary. MARIE TORRE, N.Y. HERALD TRIBUNE . . . CBS Radio presented a dramatic combination of evidence that built an even stronger case. NEW YORK TIMES ...RESOUNDING HIT... SID SHALIT, N.Y. DAILY NEWS ★★** THAT RADIO HAS AH UH MATCHED 1TY OF TRAHSMITTIHG THE DRAMATIC AHD HOKUM... BROADCASTING • TELECASTING 44 ^P^P If you are in network radio, and you should be, there's only one place for real influence. CBS Radio £k A Network J J ...a documentary of incisive interest ...demonstrated the unique ability of radio to present timely provocative content. Its total impact provided an arresting broadcast. SID SHALIT, N.Y. DAILY NEWS ...brilliant documentary broadcast... Few listeners will forget that voice of Murphy's fiancee, Sally Cap... WASHINGTON POST