Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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Ralston (recently added). General Foods, Reynolds aluminum, Bristol-Myers, Revlon, Kellogg, Mars, Seven-Up, AC spark plugs, Sylvania, Buick Div. of General Motors, Chesterfield and Campbell soups. Jackson Tells How NBC Sees Client Gets Money's Worth ADMINISTRATIVE procedures used by NBC to make sure its advertisers "get what they buy" and receive proper credit for program or commercial interruptions were spelled out last fortnight by John W. Jackson, manager of advertising and sales promotion administration for RCA. Mr. Jackson spoke at the Assn. of National Advertisers' Fourth National Workshop on Advertising Budget and Cost Control, held June 6 at Chicago's Drake Hotel. Other speakers at the closed session included James E. Weber, executive vice president of Leo Burnett Co., who advocated "a creative approach to budget planning and control," and Richard K. Jewett, supervisor of advertising administration for PitneyBowes Inc., who discussed "Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness Through Analysis and Control of Inquiries." Mr. Jackson detailed the system of checks and cross-checks by which RCA's NBC keeps tabs, at both network and affiliate levels, in order to know that each advertiser's programs and commercials are broadcast in full by every station he has ordered. In cases where interruptions do occur, he said, the advertiser's billings are credited as follows: 1. If program material (but not the commercial) is interrupted for one minute or more, time charge credit is based on a proportion of the length of interruption to length of program. 2. If commercial is interrupted, credit is based on proportion of length of interruption to length of total commercial time allowance in program. 3. If both program and commercial material are interrupted, larger of two foregoing credits is allowed. 4. If only audio or only video is interrupted, credit is reduced by 25"% . But if this partial interruption occurs in the commercial and renders uninterrupted audio or video commercially valueless, full credit is allowed. Graham to CBS-TV Program Dept. HAROLD GRAHAM Jr., for 12 years radio producer-director and tv account executive with McCann-Erickson, has been appointed program executive, CBS-TV program department, Hollywood, it was announced last week by Alfred J. Scalpone, CBS-TV vice president in charge of network programs, Hollywood. In the newly-created post. Mr. Graham will serve primarily in liaison with advertisers, coordinating program and talent matters with all advertisers or network programs originating in Hollywood, Mr. Scalpone said. Green Named to Manage ABC-TV Program Department APPOINTMENT of John B. Green as manager of the ABC-TV program department, succeeding J. English Smith, was announced last week by James T. Aubrey Jr., vice president in charge of programming and talent for the network. *4 Mr. Green for merly was an asa sociate producer on i">ftt. the executive stall fet of NBC-TV's Wide BBHk 11 & mr. green fective immedi ately. Mr. Smith, whom he succeeds, is resigning to return to Hollywood. He has been with ABC since 1954. Mr. Green, in addition to his work on WWW, also is a former associate producer of NBC-TV's Home show, business manager of Saturday Night Revue and producerwriter-director for The Black Robe. With Newell-Emmett Co. from August 1947 to May 1949, he was agency producer on America Speaks, the Mary Margaret McBride Show and Suspense, and was writer and agency producer for Coast Guard Cadets on Parade. 7.-NULLI0N PfoptE , ■8/UION mco^ TENN • KNOXVILLE +58-COUNTY DATA Population Incomes Retail Sales Homes 2,021,900 $2,240,153,000. $1,590,398,000. 511,900 (Data from SALES MANAGEMENT Survey of Buying Power May 10, 1957) IN THE WFBC-TV 4-STATE MARKET WFBC-TV leads all South Carolina television stations by far*. Its total 4-state market is comparable with Atlanta, Jacksonville, New Orleans or Miami. Within "The Giant's" 100 uv/m contourt is the South's greatest textile-industrial area and the fabulous Carolinas mountain playground. ♦According to NCS No. 2 'The Giant of Southern Skies" Video-l 00,000 Watts (FCC Maximum) Audio— 50,000 Watts Antenna Height— 1204 feet above average terrain— 2,204 feet above sea level. Channel 4 WFBC-TV Greenville, S. C. Represented Nationally by WEED Television Corp. NBC NETWORK Broadcasting • Telecasting June 17. 1957 • Pace 85