Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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Seen on the local scene You've probably noticed big telephone cable reels like the ones shown above at the curb-side of streets and highways around your town. They are there to meet a date with the Bell telephone construction crews who will pull the cable up on poles or into conduits so telephone service may grow with your community. These particular reels are about to be delivered to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, and Eugene Midkiff, a warehouseman in our Seattle Distribution Center, is giving them a final check. Telephone cable, of course, is just one of the many products we keep on tap to meet the needs of Bell telephone companies. In all, there are 30 Western Electric Distribution Centers across the nation, and they stock an average of 8,000 different things for both day-to-day and emergency use by the telephone companies. This is another important part of our job as the manufacturing and supply unit of the Bell System. Broadcasting Telecasting June 17, 1957 • Page S5