Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1957)

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ROGER HODGKINS, Chief Engineer, WGAN-TV, Portland, Maine, SAYS . UJGfln-TV ft£poRTinnDi3 "After 1 500 hours of on-scene operation, this G-E camera tube still shows no stickiness!" "^HE General Electric camera tube I'm holding has given WGAN-TV more than 1500 hours of top-grade service. And that's with target voltage up. Count the time the filament was lit during camera warm-ups, and you can increase the hours even more. "At no time has there been a fall-off in picture quality. Resolution is still excellent, burn-in is negligible. In fact, we can use this G-E tube today and be sure of sending out a signal that meets WGAN-TV's high quality standards. "Our General Electric camera tubes match WGAN-TV's policy of using only the finest equipment. They produce superior pictures and return full-dollar tube life, a combination that is helping us maintain WGAN-TV's reputation of 'traditionally Maine's finest'." For quality performance that will please vour audience and your advertisers, replace with G-E Broadcast-Designed image orthicons! Your local General Electric tube distributor stocks GL5820's. Phone him today! Distributor Sales. Electronic Components Division, General Electric Company, Schenectady 5, New York. Progress Is Our Most Important Product GENERAL® ELECTRIC