Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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OPEN MIKE Would you like to be the life of the Plans Board ? Do you sit idly by, sobbing into your hankie, while someone else hogs the stage ? There's a cure, friend . . . At the recent Sportsman's Show, key KTTV personnel interviewed the crowds day after day, getting important answers to questions about Southern Californians and their television viewing habits. For the first time, this information is available to you . . . packed with vital facts that mean business to you. "How many people enter contests ?" "What time do people go to bed in Southern California?" "How many people write letters to television stations?" "Where do people find out about the television programs they watch?" Fill out the coupon below and the booklet is yours by return mail. 1 Research Department 5746 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Send me 30,000 Answers About Los Angeles Television. Name Address City State " I ?_J Page 22 • October 7, 1957 Too Much Meeting Conflict editor: B»T could perform a great service if it would set up some central clearing house of meeting dates. Maybe this has been tried unsuccessfully before, but it seems to me if it were widely publicized, every broadcaster's organization would welcome it. I know that there can be no czar to dictate meeting dates, but it seems that somebody could do something that would be an improvement over the present chaos. Edward A. Wheeler President WEAW-AM-FM Evanston, III. [EDITOR'S NOTE — B»T has grappled editorially with the problem for many years, effecting sharp reductions and consolidations of meetings. We welcome suggestions.] The Clock Wasn't Stopped editor: Re "is it really 4:04" in Sept. 30 B«T, Ft. Wayne has again seceded from Indiana AND WILL REMAIN ON CENTRAL DAYLIGHT Time the year round. Calo O. Mahlock Program Manager WKJG-AM-TV Ft. Wayne, Ind. [EDITOR'S NOTE — In B«T story on the time switches at this time of year, it was indicated that all Indiana reverted to Central Standard Time Sept. 29.] Was Not Consultant There editor: Your description of the Teleglobe Pay-Tv System in B*T Sept. 23 contains a sentence: "Currently, Mr. Sagall is consultant on commercial tv to the governments of Peru and Israel." At no time was I consultant on commercial tv to either of the governments mentioned. Solomon Sagall Teleglobe Pay-Tv System Inc. New York City [EDITOR'S NOTE— B»T, which based its report on information furnished by Mr. SagaU's public relations counsel, is happy to set the record straight.] Help to an Advertiser editor: Please forward to this department two copies of your latest telestatus section. This information, outlining data on the everchanging tv picture of today, has proven a valuable aid to us. George J. Caddo Advertising Department Colgate-Palmolive Co. New York [EDITOR'S NOTE — B*T's trimonthly report on the status of all tv stations plus program showsheets of the three major tv networks is carried in the first issue of each quarter. The current Telestatus starts on page 125 of this issue.] Coy Memorial Fund Grows editor: The family of Wayne Coy and all at Franklin College are deeply grateful for the response of so many of his friends which will make possible the Wayne Coy Memorial Scholarship Fund. This is one of the finest possible tributes to his selfless public service. ... It begins to look as if the amount continues on page 26 Broadcasting • Telecasting