Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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INTERNATIONAL continued meeting in the morning followed by discussions on use of radio and television by a number of advertisers, including R. P. Beadon, Procter & Gamble of Canada, Toronto; A. M. Lawrence, Nestle (Canada) Ltd., Toronto; and T. B. Humphrey, General Mills (Canada) Ltd., Toronto. Baxter Ricard, CHNO Sudbury, Ont., CCBA president, will preside over the convention. Global Audience Sees Series On Live, 24-Hour-Delay Basis The 1957 World Series is covering a record area on the map, as the games reach radio-tv audiences north and south of the U. S. and in Japan. Japanese viewers are getting the series on their television sets for the first time — only one day after play date in the U. S. Kinescope recordings of the games were carried over the commercial television station, NTV Tokyo, under terms of a sale made by NBC International Inc., whollyowned NBC subsidiary. Kinescopes of each game were made by NBC-TV at its west coast office and rushed via Pan American Airways to Tokyo for replay 24 hours later. The Tokyo station scheduled the games in prime time, according to NBC International. In the U. S. the World Series is being carried live over NBC-TV and broadcast on NBC Radio starting at 12:45 p.m. for New York games and 2:45 p.m. for Milwaukee games (New York time). The games are sponsored by the Gillette Safety Razor Co., through Maxon Inc. The contests also are being carried live in Canada and in Cuba over the CMQ-TV Network by means of the recently developed overthe-horizon relay from Florida. Fans in more than 13 other Latin American nations also are seeing and hearing the Gillette-sponsored games. Kines have been airlifted to Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala. The Gillette radio lineup includes the Dutch West Indies, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, El Salvador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. Regular Gillette announcers are calling the games in Spanish. U. of B. C. Announces Course An evening course in communications has been announced at the U. of British Columbia, at Vancouver, B. C. The course is being conducted by the university in conjunction with the British Columbia Assn. of Broadcasters. It will specialize in radio, television and film and will be held for 10 weeks from Jan. 15. A five-day summer course will be held from May 5-10, with lecturers from all parts of Canada, the U. S. and Great Britain. British Columbia broadcasters will underwrite the 10-week course to the extent of $10,000 a year for five years, with the university providing administration and, jointly with the broadcasters, supplying lecturers. The course will be open to students of the U. of B. C. and those in the industry in the west coast province. Others may be admitted if accommodations can be found. More Clients Sign For CBC-TV Programs Additional purchases on the English-language CBC-TV network, bringing the network's time sales even nearer to the sellout point [B»T, Sept. 23], were reported last week. Live shows were cut considerably from last year and more film shows — Canadian-made or imported from Britain and the U. S. — were sponsored this season. The latest purchases: Max Factor & Co., Toronto, through Locke Johnston & Co., Toronto, is jointly sponsoring with General Foods Ltd., Toronto, through Baker Adv., Toronto, the live Canadian half-hour drama On Camera Monday evenings. Campbell Soup Co. of Canada, Toronto, through Cockfield Brown & Co., Toronto, and Standard Brands of Canada, Montreal, through MacLaren Adv., Montreal, jointly sponsor Wyatt Earp on Wednesday. Sunbeam Corp. Canada Ltd., Toronto, through Vickers & Benson, Toronto, with Pond's Cosmetics, Toronto, through J. Walter Thompson & Co., Toronto, jointly sponsor on Thursday evening the half-hour The Music Makers. General Motors of Canada. Oshawa, Ont., through MacLaren Adv., Toronto, is sponsoring the live Canadian one-hour GM Drama on Tuesday evenings, the Chevy Show on Wednesday evenings, Patrice Munsel and (on alternate weeks) The Big Record on Friday evenings and the Canadian live French show Porte Ouverte on French-language stations. Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Montreal, renewed sponsorship of Cavalcade of Sports Friday evenings, through Maxon Inc., New York. Dow Breweries, Montreal, through Vickers & Benson, Montreal, sponsors in Quebec province the Canadian Big Four Football games, with Tobaccofina Ltd., Montreal, through Walsh Adv. Ltd., Montreal, and Shell Oil Co., Toronto, through J. Walter Thompson, Toronto, sponsoring the games on English-language network stations elsewhere in Canada. Kellogg Co. Ltd., London, Ont., through Leo Burnett of Canada, Toronto, sponsors Wild Bill Hickok Saturday evenings and Rin Tin Tin on Wednesdays. Milko Products Ltd., Toronto, through A. W. McCracken Ltd.. Toronto, with Whitehall Pharmacal (Canada) Toronto, through Young & Rubicam, Toronto, sponsors the Canadian historical film series Adventures of Pierre Radisson. Procter & Gamble of Canada, Toronto, through Benton & Bowles, Toronto, with Salada Shirriff Horsey Ltd., Toronto, through McKim Adv., Toronto, jointly sponsor the live half-hour Canadian Hit Parade on Saturdays. Success Wax Ltd., Montreal, through Snyder Cardon, Montreal, and Benson & Hedges Ltd., Montreal, through James Lovick Ltd., Montreal, sponsor the Saturday evening Wrestling on the Canadian tv network. Nestles Ltd., Toronto, through E. W. Reynolds, Toronto, and Walter M. Lowney Ltd., Montreal, through Foster Adv., Toronto, sponsor Lassie on Sundays. Canadian General Electric Ltd., Toronto, through MacLaren Adv., Toronto, sponsors the live Canadian half-hour Showtime. Bristol-Myers of Canada, Montreal, through Ronalds Adv. Agency, Montreal, and Singer Sewing Machine, Toronto, through Young & Rubicam, Toronto, sponsor the half-hour Sunday evening program Stories of John Nesbitt. Various spectaculars from New York also will be carried on the Canadian tv network, including, for General Motors of Canada, the Jubilee of Music on Nov. 17 and Annie Get Your Gun on Nov. 27. A new one-hour live-Canadian comedyvariety program Wayne & Shuster Show will be sponsored, but definite word of what company will use this vehicle has not yet been announced by CBC. In previous years Christie Brown & Co., Toronto, a division of Nabisco Ltd., Toronto, has sponsored the half-hour Wayne & Shuster Show. The two Canadian comedians are doing a one-hour show in London, England, Oct. 8, on the Independent Television Authority's network. Coverage of Queen's Visit Will Be CBC's Biggest Job Coverage of the visit of Queen Elizabeth to Ottawa, Oct. 12-16, will be the most ambitious project Canadian Broadcasting Corp. television has undertaken in its five years of operation. The biggest problem, from a programming standpoint, will occur on the first and last days of the visit, during the drives to and from the airport. The 13 miles of turns and twists will make coverage extremely difficult. CBC is using 25 cameras to cover the 13mile route from Uplands Airport to Rideau Hall, where the Queen will stay. Seven mobile units will control the 25 cameras on the route. For radio network, 27 radio pick-up points will be used. Four U.S. tv and radio networks will carry the Canadian telecasts and sound programs. In addition to live pickups, U.S. networks will have access to Canadian film coverage of the Ottawa visit. CBC also will supply tv film to Great Britain and other countries. NBC Radio's Monitor program will carry live and delayed broadcasts direct from Ottawa during the entire visit. Other U.S. radio networks will have access to all Canadian royal visit programs. Four CBC commentators will go to Washington to cover the royal visit there, two covering in English and two in French. CBC networks, both tv and radio, will use U.S. networks for the Washington visit on an exchange basis. To provide live coverage of the royal visit to Canadian Atlantic coast tv stations, a special arrangement has been made with ABC network whereby four stations in Maine will drop their usual programs and carry the royal visit on the microwave network out of Toronto, Ont., through Maine to the Atlantic coast provinces. This will allow live coverage of the event for practically all Canadian tv stations from the Atlantic Coast to the Rocky Mountains. Page 118 • October 7, 1957 Broadcasting • Telecasting