Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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IKAIIVt Ntl WUKK AM onUVYon by Broadcasting ABN AUN News SUNDAY CBS MBS NBC MONDAY FRIDAY US mbs ABN SATURDAY , CBS JUS. NBC arm Great Moments Great Composers Prophecy Inc. /oicc of Prophecy (91) Weather* Message of Israel S Weather*' Negro College Choirs S iunday Melodies Romance in Music Weather* The Christian In Action S 12:15 PM Weather*' Moods in Melody As We See II It's Your Business World News Kent, Postum Wheaties Music Room Church of the Air Chev. News f!78) E. Power Biggs S Invitation to Learning S News Charles Collingwood Howard K. Smith Salt Lake City Tabernacle S Chev. News (170) Vincent Lopez Orchestra Sammy Kaye Orchestra Weather F.W.Woolworth 1-1 p m rVMTwortfi Hour CM) Dr. Wyall Wings of Healing (301) Christian Ref. Chireh Back to Gad (Ml) Radio Bible Class (Ml) Voice of Prophecy (307) Dawn Bible Frank 8 Ernest (311) First Church How Christian Science Heals News America's Top Tunes News America's Top Tunes News America's Top Tunes How Christian Science Heals Bill Cunningham Dawn Bible Top Tunes 'News World News RoundUo Co-t Art of Living Voice ol Prophecy Braikfast Clib (Participating) News National Radio Pulpit Herb Oscar Anderson Show (participating) Late News Monitor 10:30 a.m. Sun. Thru 12 Mid. Sun. (except as noted) 5 min. News every lour on the hour Commercial Co-op Paul Harvey The Eternal Light Sunshine Boys Monitor Jim Reeves Show (participating) Co-op Newj Amer. Home Fds Curtis, Angostura Bristol-Myers Chun-King Hartz General Foods ShervHij-Wms. Read .igest Norwich Std. Brands Staley Sara Lee Mutual Benefit See man Dr. West Weco Arthur Godfrey (participating) Wrigley Howard Miller (144) Miles, Gen. Fds Amer. Home W. Warren (144) Colgate Scott Backstage Wife Lever, Scott Helen Trent (186) Colgate Scott Our Gal Sunday (194) Toni, Hotpoint Hearst Nora Drake Lever, Lipt on Scott MaPgjns Co-op Rebt Hurlelgh America's Top Tunes News— Kraft America's Top Tunes News America's Top Tunes News— Kraft America's Top Tunes News America's Top Tunes Hurleigh— News Queen lor a Day News America's Top Tunes News-Kraft Foster— News America's TjjTunes News 'News My True Story NBC Bandstand All-League Club House ' News News Weather*' Farm News NBC Bandstand Reynolds Ranch Boys Navy Hour 'News News* My True Story Weather**** Baruch-Wain Speaking ol Sports Charlie Applewhite NBC Bandstand Pan American Party ' News NBC Bandstand News* Weather**** Baruch-Wain ipeaking of Sports Top Hits Co-op News Man Around House Farm News Garden Gate Chv.Jackson(193) General Mills Clairol Hudson Postum Galen Drake Campana Hudson General Mills Robt. O. Lewis Lewis-Howe(198) Milner Chev.. Jksn. (113) Lorillard Amos V Andy Music Hall Kent DodgeGen. Mills Gnnsmoke (199) Chev., Jksn. (115) City Hospital he Day News America's Top Tunes News America's Top Tunes News America's Top Tunes News— H. Engle America's Top Tunes News America's Top Tunes News America's Top Tunes News Wheel of Chance News Wheel of Chance News Good News News 1:30 PM New: Pilgrim' 1:45 2:15 Healing ■. lie Dr. Oral ft Monitor • 8 a.m. Sat. Through It Mid. SaL (except as noted) 2:30 Hersl of Tf 2ii Weather 3:15 Sammy Sun Serena S min. news every hour on the hour Commercial 3:30 3:45 Or. Billy C Hair ol D (ih: 4:00 4:15 Allis Chalmers Farm 8 Home Hr 4:30 Sospel B<s Old-Fas i Revival Nr Drier 4:45 5:15 Rac Bib ( Class Monitor 5:30 Disa If 5:45PM