Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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at deadline Caster, Robison Pay $2 Million For Ch. 5 KGEO-TV Enid, Okla. Purchase of ch. 5 KGEO-TV Enid, Okla., by Louis E. Caster and Ashley Robison for approximately $2 million announced Friday. Mr. Caster is 7.1% owner of WREXTV Rockford, 111. — being sold to Bob Hope and associates for $2.85 million [At Deadline, August 26] — and Mr. Robison is former broadcaster who is one of group buying WREX-TV, KGEO-TV began operating in 1954 and is affiliated with ABC. It covers Enid and Oklahoma City, and is owned by P. R. and L. D. Banta, 41%, George Streets, 13.1%, and others. Mr. Robison owns 75% of KOVO Provo, Utah, and at one time owned KCCC (TV) Sacramento, Calif. Time Inc. Makes Radio-Tv Shifts Occasioned by Death of Wayne Coy Executive realignment in Time Inc.'s radio-tv operations, occasioned by death of Wayne Coy [Stations, Sept. 30], announced by Time Inc. President Roy E. Larsen. Hugh B. Terry, president and general manager of KLZ-AM-TV Denver, becomes member of board of TLF Broadcasters Inc., subsidiary which owns and controls Time Inc. stations. Weston C. Pullen Jr., Time vice president for broadcasting, assumes Mr. Coy's title as president of Twin State Broadcasting Inc., licensee of WFBM-AM-TV Indianapolis and WTCN-AM-TV Minneapolis. Eldon Campbell, vice president and general manager of WFBM-AM-TV and Philip Hoffman, vice president and general manager of WTCN-AM-TV, become board members of Twin State. G. Bennett Larson still president and general manager of KDYL and KTVT (TV) Salt Lake City and Willard Schroeder president and general manager of WOOD-AM-TV Grand Rapids. Michigan Bar Limited on Air Attorneys and judges in Michigan no longer can appear on public service campaigns or use air time during political campaigns, Michigan Assn. of Radio & Tv Broadcasters informed Michigan Bar Assn. Friday. Broadcast group based this position on interpretation of bar code of ethics, which holds attorneys and judges can't appear on broadcasts. Letter sent by Martin Giaimo, WJEFAM-FM Grand Rapids, MARTB president, asks bar group for clarification of code's meaning and proposes conference. RCA, Ampex Exchanging RCA and Ampex Corp. today (Mon.) announce signing of agreement for exchange of patent licenses covering video tape recording and reproducing systems for both black-and-white and color. Information on Daytime Viewers Needed, NARTB Tells Regional Adequate information on daytime viewing should be provided in NARTB's proposed tv circulation audit plan, association's regional meeting at Kansas City was told Friday morning in discussion session. Broadcasters showed interest in proposal and asked many questions after it had been explained by Richard M. Allerton, NARTB research manager, and Thad H. Brown Jr., tv vice president. Norman E. Cash, president of Television Bureau of Advertising, suggested project should not be submitted to agencies until industry has given it united support. Feature of Friday morning session was radio sales panel, plus reports on remote control of transmitters and Washington developments. Marvin Katz, vice president-promotion manager of Katz Drug Co. chain, told radio group Katz has doubled business over 1956 through use of radio and tv. Resolutions urged FCC to delay basic changes in tv allocation pending report of Television Allocations Study Organization; supported proposals for FCC delay in action on pay tv applications and called on broadcasters to tell legislators true facts about BMI-ASCAP controversy. Final registration at Kansas City was 242, largest in three-year history of regional meetings. At afternoon session, James Monroe, news director of KCMO-AM-FM-TV Kansas City, said management should give newscasters more air time so they can justify fight to obtain access to news sources. Indianapolis Ch. 13 Grant Stands FCC instructed staff Friday to deny petitions seeking reconsideration of March 8 grant of ch. 13 Indianapolis, Ind., to Crosley Broadcasting Corp. (WLWI [TV]). Petitions filed by unsuccessful applicants WIRE and WIBC Indianapolis and MidWest Tv Corp. Still pending FCC approval is application by WLWI to change equipment type and other engineering data, hung up last few weeks on 3-3 tie votes [Closed Circuit, Oct. 7.]. Opinion will be expedited, it is understood, so Commission may act on it this week. At same time it will, it is believed, approve Crosley modification of construction permit permitting WLWI to commence operation by week's end. UPCOMING Oct. 14-15: NARTB Region 8, Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Ore. Oct. 17-18: NARTB Region 7, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. Oct. 18: UP Broadcasters of Wisconsin, Mead Hotel, Mead Rapids. Oct. 20-21 : Texas Assn. of Broadcasters, Baker Hotel, Dallas. Other upcomings on page 56 • BUSINESS BRIEFLY Late-breaking items about broadcast business; for earlier news, see Advertisers & Agencies, page 27. GAME HUNTING • Parker Bros, (games), Salem, Mass., reported looking for spot radio availabilities in New England and eastern markets for launching of campaign shortly for various games. Agency: Badger & Browning & Parcher, Boston. TWO ON BANDSTAND • General Mills (Cheerios) Minneapolis, through DancerFitzgerald-Sample, N. Y., signed for alternate Friday, 4:15-4:30 p.m. EDT segment of ABC-TV's American Bandstand (Mon.Fri. 3-4:30 p.m.), starting Nov. 8. SevenUp Co., St. Louis, through J. Walter Thompson Co., Chicago, will sponsor 12 quarter-hours of Bandstand, starting Dec. 2. FOUR-STATE DRIVE • Block Drug, Jersey City (Pycopay toothpaste), placing 26-week radio spot campaign, effective midOctober, in four states: Mississippi, Missouri, Indiana and Florida. Agency: Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, N. Y. TIME FOR DATES • Dromedary Co., Washington, N. Y. (Dromedary dates) planning two radio spot campaigns — one starting three weeks before Thanksgiving and second three weeks before Christmas in undetermined number of markets. Agency is Lennen & Newell, N. Y. BACK AT MBS • B. T. Babbitt Co., N. Y., (Bab-O) in its first use of MBS in five years, signed for saturation spot campaign on network starting today (Mon.) for three weeks. Agency: Donahue & Coe, N. Y. BISSELL TO BURNETT • Leo Burnett Co., Chicago, named agency for Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., effective Jan. 1. Bissell currently is handled by N. W. Ayer & Son, Phila., which reported it has obtained account of Pyrex Consumer Products Div., Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y., resigned last month by Maxon Inc., Detroit. FOR 'TODAY' AND 'TONIGHT' • National Carbon Co. (Prestone anti-freeze), N. Y., signed for 10 participations in NBCTV's Today and Tonight, starting today (Mon.). Order said to represent $103,000 in billing. Agency: William Esty Co., N. Y. Film Sales Session in Chicago New sales pattern and programming plans expected to highlight national meeting of salesmen of National Telefilms Inc., New York, to be held in Chicago this coming Friday through Sunday. Broadcasting October 14, 1957 • Page 9