Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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TRADE ASSNS. CONTINUED UHF station operators in the Midwest met Oct. 10 at Peoria, 111., to discuss plans to push legislation to remove the manufacturers' excise tax on all-wave tv sets. The program was outlined by John W. English, chairman, and Wallace M. Bradley, executive director of Committee for Competitive Television. Seated (1 to r): Benjamin W. Huiskamp, WKOW-TV Madison, Wis.; Jack Hoskins, WICS (TV) Springfield, 111.; Ben West, WTVP (TV) Decatur, 111.; Jack Feldman, WKOWTV. Back row, Messrs. Bradley, English and Hal Phillips, WTVH (TV) Peoria. at 3 p.m. The board also will hold a preconvention dinner meeting Oct. 31. Seminar portions of the convention are open to all radio and tv station promotion managers and other station personnel, upon payment of a registration fee. BPA business sessions are restricted to voting members. Ohioans Vote to Make It OAB, Following Similar NARTB Plan Conforming to an industry trend, Ohio Assn. of Radio & Television Broadcasters has changed its name back to Ohio Assn. of Broadcasters. Decision to make the shift was announced Oct. 11 at the association's meeting in Columbus. The step conforms to a plan by NARTB to change its name back to NAB (National Assn. of Broadcasters) at the end of the year. The Columbus meeting included separate radio and tv sales sessions. News and film topics were discussed in the afternoon. Ralph Jackson, commercial manager of WAVE-TV Louisville, told how "the oldest continuous radio advertiser in history, Greater Louisville First Federal Savings & Loan Assn., added tv and grew from a $26 million to $85 million institution in eight short years." He said this growth was in the face of competition by older institutions in the field. The savings-loan firm started in 1915 as a $25,000 organization. "Through consistency in using newspapers and radio — which the firm is continuing— Greater Louisville grew from 1915 to 1949 into a $26 million institution," Mr. Jackson said. "In the last eight years, Greater Louisville tripled this amount by the addition, first, of WAVE-TV and then 18 months later, WHAS-TV." Page 98 • October 21, 1957 He said the firm uses a daily weathercast and announcements in Today on WAVETV, news on WHAS-TV and a series of "savings post" announcements on the WHAS-TV T-Bar-V children's program. Special promotions were used in 1956 when the $70 million mark was reached and are used to offset withdrawals when semiannual dividends are paid. The firm's budget is 60% tv, 20% radio and 20% newspaper, Mr. Jackson said. Arnold Thompson, advertising manager of Dodge Div., Chrysler Corp., discussed Dodge advertising policies and urged broadcasters to keep in touch with dealers (see Opinion, page 139). Oregon Broadcasters to Cover Special Legislative Session Oregon State Broadcasters Assn. will cover the special session of the state legislature starting Oct. 28 with a nightly (99:30 p.m.) Report From Salem (Oregon's capital) over a special statewide network. During the last session of the Oregon Legislature, OSBA's Report From Salem ran 13 weeks and was carried by nine stations. A minimum of 12 is expected to broadcast the new series. Plans for the legislative coverage were announced by Frank Flynn, KFLY Corvallis, chairman of the OSBA special services committee, at a special business meeting held Oct. 13 in Portland, preceding the NARTB Region 8 meeting last Monday and Tuesday. Dave Hoss, KSLM Salem, OSBA president, presided at the afternoon session which was attended by more than 75 of the state's broadcasters, representing 65% of Oregon's radio and tv stations. 500 Advertiser, Agency Execs Expected at Chicago TvB Meet The third annual membership meeting of Television Bureau of Advertising will be held Nov. 22 at the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago, officials announced last week. Some 500 advertiser and agency executives are slated to attend a 9:30 a.m. session, preceding the membership meeting, to see the bureau's new Cellomatic presentation, "The Vision of Television — 1958," which already has drawn large audiences in Los Angeles and San Francisco. A meeting of the TvB board will be held Nov. 21, also at the Sheraton. While disclosing plans for the membership and board meetings, TvB also reported that during the past eight weeks it has made presentations and sales calls at meetings with 310 individual advertisers, advertising clubs, agencies, regional business groups, conventions and broadcasters' meetings. These meetings and presentations, President Norman E. Cash explained, are part of TvB's program of "carrying the television business story directly to the public" as well as to advertisers and agencies. Mr. Cash, setting the pace, has spoken in the past two months before TvB conferences in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Baltimore, at NARTB meetings in Schenectady and Kansas City, and before advertiser and agency groups in Detroit and Lansing, Mich., and is slated to appear before the Assn. of National Advertisers meeting in Atlantic City at the end of this month. George Huntington, sales development director, addressed the Radio & Television Research Council in New York and the Adv. Federation of America convention in Memphis, and will speak next month at the Industrial Audio-Visual Exhibition and the Assn. of Advertising Men and Women, both in New York. Halsey Barrett, director of national sales, conferred with advertisers in four cities and made major presentations to two broadcaster and two advertiser meetings. William Colvin, station relations director, has appeared before both advertiseragency and station groups, and Howard Abrahams, director of retail sales, completed a tour in which he worked with department and specialty stores in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and Portland, Ore. Art Directors Plan Visual Show Plans for the 1958 Visual Communications Conference and the 37th annual Exhibition of Advertising & Editorial Art and Design, sponsored by the Art Directors Club of New York, are beginning to take form. The ADC last week set the date of the Conference for April 2-3. The exhibition will be held at New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel April 1-10. At the same time, ADC President Walter Grotz, art director at Marschalk & Pratt Div., McCann-Erickson Inc., designated Paul Smith, president of Calkins & Holden Inc., as the chairman of next year's conference. Victor Traoff, art director of William Douglas McAdams agency, will supervise the annual exhibition. Broadcasting