Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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PEOPLE CONTINUED McCarthy gets bell Despite the fact that Baltimore & Ohio locomotive No. 5303 has been sold for scrap, its bell is still heard by WCPO Cincinnati, Ohio, listeners. For the past seven years newscaster Tom McCarthy has broadcast his early morning show from his farm and, apart from cattle, chicken and other farm noises, he has called attention to the "music" of passing train whistles. To show their appreciation to Mr. McCarthy for telling "thousands of listeners about B&O," executives of the railroad decided to present him with the heavy bronze bell from one of the fast disappearing steam engines. So, every morning the bell from No. 5303 rings out again. Jon A. Holiday, formerly news director, KXLR Little Rock, Ark., to WIST Charlotte, N. C, as program director. J. Edward Hill, account executive, WFBL Syracuse, N. Y., named merchandising and promotion director. Mel Kampe, promotion manager, WMAY Springfield, 111., to WTVJ (TV) Miami as public service director. Owen Simon, promotion-publicity director and continuity director, KQV Pittsburgh, to KDKA, same city, as publicity director, succeeding Jack Williams to WBZ Boston as advertising-sales promotion manager. Jim Raser, formerly writer-producer, KCBS San Francisco, to KNX Los Angeles sports staff as director. Bryant Brosche, musician and continuity director, WMBR Jacksonville, Fla., named music director. Richard F. O'Brien, news staff, WTIC-AMTV Hartford, Conn., named assistant news director. Dave Ritchley, engineer, WWDC Washington, promoted to assistant engineering supervisor. Bill Walker, announcer-engineer, KFRE Fresno, Calif., to KIMA-TV Yakima, Wash., as assistant in studio production, succeeding Hal Millen who rejoins local daily newspaper. Frank Langley, assistant to publicity manager, WPIX (TV) New York, promoted to publicity supervisor. He succeeds Leslie Hollingsworth, resigned. Pete French, newscaster-in-chief, WHASAM-TV Louisville, Ky., to KYW-AM-TV Cleveland, Ohio, to head newscasting, succeeding Tom Field who joins WRCV Philadelphia. Mr. French will also head his own news show on Monday-Friday and Sunday at 1 1 p.m. on KYW-TV. Dean Mitchell, KVOS-TV Bellingham, to KEPR-TV Pasco, both Wash., as news editor, succeeding Grant Norlin, resigned to attend Stanford Business School. William Grogan, manager, Columbia Basin Outdoor Adv., to KEPR-TV sales staff. Levi Jackson, labor relations expert, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich., and sportscaster, WCHB Inkster, Mich., is commentating U. of Detroit's home football games. Dick Bingham, sportscaster for Pittsburgh Pirates games, to KDKA Pittsburgh as disc jockey. Charles Michael (Mickey) Else to KSD St. Louis, Mo., as disc jockey. John Walsh, announcer, KNOX Grand Forks, to KBMB-TV Bismarck, both North Dakota, in similar capacity. Mary Kirk, hostess of Datebook and Cartoon Carnival, WSAZ Huntington, W. Va., to KBTV (TV) Denver, Colo., as hostess of Western Living, succeeding Jill Ferris, resigned to be married. Molly Jones, senior, Southern Methodist U., to WFAA-TV Dallas, as co-emcee and coordinator of Top Ten Dance Party. Arlene Stern, who recently completed series of interviews with outstanding American women for Voice of America, joins Washington Post Broadcast Div. (WTOP-AM-TV Washington and WMBR-AM-TV Jacksonville, Fla.) and will cover news and features from Paris. Del Blumenshine, formerly with WMT-TV Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to WOOD-TV Grand Rapids, Mich., as news photographer. John Burpee, recent graduate, Michigan State U., to WOOD as publicity director. Tom Hennessey, formerly in charge of music operations, WIP Philadelphia, to WERE Cleveland, Ohio, as record librarian. Richard E. Miller, formerly sales representative. Dictaphone Co., San Bernadino, Calif., to KFXM, same city, sales and public relations department. Norm Geordan, announcer, WNYC New York, to WPTR Albany, N. Y. Larry Braeme to KUIK Hillsboro, Ore.; Allan B. Chodor, KENL Areata, Calif.; Edward J. McNally Jr., KROG Sonora, Calif.; Boyd B. Arestad, KWSD Mt. Shasta, Calif.; Charles E. Heron, KWRL Riverton, Wyo.; Neil W. Sargent, KTAR Phoenix, Ariz.; Don Lyle, KBCH Ocean Lake, Ore.; Joseph Arnaldo, KCNO Alturas, Calif.; George W. Rambo, KWIN Ashland, Ore.; Weddington Couch Jr., KLEW-TV Lewiston, Idaho; Judith Worrell, WFIE-TV Evansville, Ind., and Darrell D. Lord, KGW-TV Portland, Ore. All are recent graduates of Northwest Schools. Edd Harris, formerly associated with WSOC Charlotte, N. C, died Oct. 8. Page 122 October 21, 1957 REPRESENTATIVES . ■< Clyde L. Clem, account executive, Grant Adv., Detroit, to Bomar Lowrance Assoc. (southern representatives of NBC Spot Sales), Atlanta, as vice president and assistant to president. Mr. Clem was associated with NBC Radio and Television from 1949-55. C. L. (Lud) Richards, national account executive, Radio Adv. Bureau, to Peters, Griffin, Woodward Inc. as New York director of sales development for radio. Mr. Richards formerly served as promotion manager of WBZ Boston. PGW earlier had named F. Paxson Shaffer to similar post in Chicago office. Thomas W. Corlert, sales staff, Hil F. Best Co., Detroit, named general manager, succeeding Val A. Best. Frank Webber, account executive, GillPerna Inc., N. Y., to Edward Petry & Co., same city, in similar capacity in company's radio division William Connelly Jr., salesman, WBBM Chicago, to CBS Radio Spot Sales, same city. PROGRAM SERVICES Oliver H. Crawford, programming editor, Tv Guide, N. Y., named Pacific Coast regional manager, headquartering in L. A. Lee Gottlieb, associate editor at national editorial offices, Philadelphia, succeeds him. Harold B. Clemenko, manager, southern and central California editions, L. A., succeeds Mr. Gottlieb in Philadelphia. -< Walter A. Nielson, formerly program director, W N H C AM-TV New Haven, Conn., to Commercial Recording Corp. (producers of musical Hi jingles), Dallas, Tex., as W7mB regional sales representative. He also was with WCCC Hartford, as associate manager and program director and WCNX Middletown, both Conn., as station manager. Lou Boutin, account executive, Television Programs of America, to Ad-Staff Inc. (Hollywood firm specializing in creation and production of jingles and other radio and tv spots) sales and service staff. Also joining company is Ray Montgomery, leaving acting field to become tv coordinator on Canada Dry account in West for Ad-Staff. Saul H. Bourne, 73, head of Bourne Inc. (music publishing firm) and director of ASCAP since January 1921, died Oct. 13 at Doctors Hospital, N. Y., after operation. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Travis Wells, vice president in charge of New York office of Gilbert & Tormey (Miami advertising and sales promotion consultant firm), elected director. Broadcasting