Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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PROFESSIONAL CARD JANSKY & BAILEY INC. Executive Offices 1735 De Sales St., N. W. ME. 8-5411 Offices and Laboratories 1339 Wisconsin Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. FEderal 3-4800 Member AFOCE * Commercial Radio Equip. Co. Everett L. Dillard, Gen. Mgr. INTERNATIONAL BIDG. Dl. 7-1319 WASHINGTON, D. C. P. O. BOX 7037 JACKSON 5302 KANSAS CITY, MO. Member AFOCE * RUSSELL P. MAY 711 14th St., N. W. Sheraton Bldg. Washington 5, D. C. REpublic 7-3984 Member AFCCE * A. EARL CULLUM, JR. CONSULTING RADIO ENGINEERS INWOOD POST OFFICE DALLAS 9, TEXAS LAKESIDE 8-6108 Member AFCCE * GEO. P. ADAIR ENG. CO. Consulting Engineers Radio-Television Communications-Electronics 1610 Eye St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Executive 3-1230 Executive 3-5851 Member AFOCE* JOHN B. HEFFELFINGER 8401 Cherry St. Hiland 4-7010 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VIR N. JAMES SPECIALTY Directional Antenna Proofs Mountain and Plain Terrain 1316 S. Kearney Skyline 6-1603 Denver 22, Colorado COMMERCIAL RADIO MONITORING COMPANY PRECISION FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS A FULL TIME SERVICE FOR AM-FM-TV P. O. Box 7037 Kansas City, Mo. Phone Jackson 3-5302 JAMES C. MeNARY Consulting Engineer National Press Bldg., Wash. 4, D. C. Telephone District 7-1205 Member AFCCE * A. D. RING & ASSOCIATES 30 Years' Experience in Radio Engineering Pennsylvania Bldg. Republic 7-2347 WASHINGTON 4, D. C. Member AFCCE* L. H. CARR & ASSOCIATES Consulting Radio & Television Engineers Washington 6, D. C. Fort Evans 1001 Conn. Ave. Leesburg, Va. Member AFCCE* GUY C. HUTCHESON P. O. Box 32 CRestview 4-8721 1100 W. Abram ARLINGTON, TEXAS WALTER F. KEAN CONSULTING RADIO ENGINEERS Associates George M. Sklom, Robert A. Jones 1 Riverside Road — Riverside 7-2153 Riverside, III. (A Chicago suburb) Vandivere, Cohen & Wectrn Consulting Electronic Engineers 612 Evans Bldg. NA. 8-2698 1420 New York Ave., N. W. Washington 5, D. C. JOHN H. MULLANEY Consulting Radio Engineers 2000 P St., N. W. Washington 6, D. C. Columbia 5-4666 CAPITOL RADIO ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Accredited Technical Institute Curricula 3224 16th St., N.W., Wash. 10, D. C. Practical Broadcast, TV Electronics engineering home study and residence courses. Write For Free Catalog, specify course. — Established 1926 — PAUL GODLEY CO. Upper Montclair, N. J. Pilgrim 6-3000 Laboratories, Great Notch, N. J. Member AFCCE * GAUTNEY & JONES CONSULTING RADIO ENGINEERS 1052 Warner Bldg. National 8-7757 Washington 4, D. C. Member AFOGE* PAGE, CREUTZ, STEEL & WALDSCHMITT, INC. Communications Bldg. 710 14th St., N. W. Executive 3-5670 Washington 5, 0. C. 303 White Henry Stuart Bldg. Mutual 3280 Seattle 1, Washington Member AFCCE * ROBERT M. SILLIMAN John A. Moffet — Associate 1405 G St., N. W. Republic 7-6646 Washington 5, D. C. Member AFCCE* WILLIAM E. BENNS, JR. Consulting Radio Engineer 3802 Military Rd., N. W., Wash., D. C. Phone EMerson 2-8071 Box 2468, Birmingham, Ala. Phone STote 7-2601 Member AFCCE * CARL E. SMITH CONSULTING RADIO ENGINEERS 4900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland 3, Ohio HEnderson 2-3177 Member AFCCE* A. E. TOWNE ASSOCS., INC. TELEVISION and RADIO ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 420 Taylor St. San Francisco 2, Calif. PR. 5-3100 PETE JOHNSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS KANAWHA HOTEL BLDG PHONE: CHARLESTON, W. VA. D I. 3-7503 SPOT YOUR FIRM'S NAME HERE, To Be Seen by 77,440* Readers — among them, the decision-making station owners and managers, chief engineers and technicians — applicants for am, fm, tv and facsimile facilities. *1956 ARB Continuing Readership Study GEORGE C. DAVIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS RADIO & TELEVISION 501-514 Munsey Bldg. STerling 3-011 Washington 4, D. C. Member AFCCE* — j Lohnes & Culver MUNSEY BUILDING DISTRICT 7-821 WASHINGTON 4, D. C. Member AFCCE * KEAR & KENNEDY 1302 18th St., N. W. Hudson 3-900 WASHINGTON 6, D. C. Member AFCCE * LYNNE C. SMEBY Consulting Engineer AM-FM-TV 7615 LYNN DRIVE WASHINGTON 15, D. C. OLiver 2-8520 ROBERT L. HAMMETT CONSULTING RADIO ENGINEER 821 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 3, CALIFORNIA SUTTER 1-754* J. G. ROUNTREE, JR. 5622 Dyer Street EMerson 3-3266 Dallas 6, Texas RALPH J. BITZER, Consulting Engines Suite 298, Arcade Bldg., St. Louis 1, Mo. Garfield 1-4954 "For Results in Broadcast Engineering" AM-FM-TV Allocations • Applications Petitions • Licensing Field Service Member AFCCE * SERVICE DIRECTORY Page 124 • October 21, 1957 Broadcasting