Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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RADIO Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Technical Chief engineer for Pennsylvania operation. Maintenance and repair experience essential. Construction experience an advantage. Prefer married man seeking permanency. Up to $125 weekly to start. Car necessary. Send resume and photo. Box 275B, BROADCASTING. Engineer-announcer, with first class. Midwest daytimer in city over 35,000. Programs accent local news and gentle music. $110 for 42-hour week. Box 554B, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer for major midwestern market, 5,000 watt daytime station, RCA equipped, beautiful facilities. Must be excellent on maintenance and run meticulous operation. $100.00 plus. Box 584B, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer-announcer for fulltime single market network station. $100.00 weekly for right man with fair engineering ability and strong announcing. Contact KRTN, Raton, New Mexico. 1st class engineer, WARF, Jasper, Ala. Engineer — First class man who can either write copy, sell or announce. Top salary commensurate with ability. WBRV Boonville, N. Y. Phone 11. Combination 1st class engineer-announcer. Maintenance experience, good pay, references, photo required. WKIN, Box 227, Kingsport, Tennessee. Immediate opening, first phone operator. WSYB, Rutland, Vermont. Production-Programming, Others Expanding and growing radio-tv news operation needs two new staff members . . . must be strong on reporting and news knowhow, ability to do air work preferred, but not essential. Speed in filling these positions is of primary importance. Send complete and full information with picture in first letter. Include salary requirements. Box 589B, BROADCASTING. Instructor radio-television, northeast liberal arts college. M.S. Send credentials. Box 613B, BROADCASTING. News editor for NBC station in midwest. Top salary. Must report, write and air news. Send tape and background resume. Position available now. Box 614B, BROADCASTING. Women's director-continuity chief. 'Capable of handling air work, with balance of time in continuity. Top pay for professional at daytime one kw station in central Illinois. Box 638B, BROADCASTING. Leading independent in southeast has immediate opening for top-flight news director. Must be adept in local news coverage, air work and newscasting. Excellent salary. Send photo, tape and background to Box 645B, BROADCASTING. Continuity man or woman who can write good selling copy and be in charge of continuity department. Send complete qualifications 1st letter. Box 659B, BROADCASTING. Middle U.S. 5 kw radio station interested in securing topnotch sharp idea man as radio program director. Unusual opportunity. Top salary. Send audition tape and info to Box 675B, BROADCASTING. Newsman. Radio-television, capable leg and air man with small market station experience who can gather, write, and air news; journalism education background preferred; married; veteran; stable and dependable with good references; one who wants a permanent berth in a news department which has twice received national recognition. Scale starts at $85 for 40 hours. Salary commensurate with experience and ability. Write or phone W. P. Williamson, WKBN, Youngstown, Ohio. Sterling 2-1145. RADIO Situations Wanted Management Station manager— Thirty years in all phases of radio and television. Strong on sales, economical operation and ratings. Solid, dependable. Personal, business and financial references available. Prefer medium sized market. Box 610B, BROADCASTING. Sales manager — Twenty years radio, three years television both regional and national. Good organizer, hard worker. Dependable. Full references. Available for interview. Box 611B, BROADCASTING. Manager — college degree, first phone license, age 32, desires larger market in south. Box 615B, BROADCASTING. RADIO Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Management Manager, sales, program, announce. 36. Prefer Michigan, Wisconsin, northern Minnesota. Box 644B, BROADCASTING. Eleven years sales, including three sales manager. 31, family, stable, active in community affairs. Good references will stand close check. Fine record. Want sales, general manager. Box 658B, BROADCASTING. Announcers Sports announcer. Football, basketball, baseball. 7 years experience. Finest references. Box 974A, BROADCASTING. Young, blind street musician, born in Vermont 24 years ago, seeks position with radio station as disc jockey. Two years high school education in addition to Perking School for the Blind and Cambridge School of Radio and Television. American Foundation for the Blind has supplied reading glasses which give sufficient independence to stand at mike. Interested mainly in doing country disc jockey show. Box 359B, BROADCASTING. Seeking job as staff announcer radio-tv. Thoroughly trained. Live commercial experience. Pleasing voice, personality. Tape available. Box 369B, BROADCASTING. Deejay, personality. Run board, restr. ticket. Likes work. Looking for spot to grow in. Go anywhere. Tape and resume, Box 468B, BROADCASTING. Negro deejay. Good board man, fast patter, smooth production. I'm the one you're looking for. Tape and resume. Box 469B, BROADCASTING. Gal deejay, run board, double as recep. if needed. Plenty of ideas to grab audience. Tape and resume. Box 470B, BROADCASTING. Attention Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, and California stations. Versatile dj -salesman, married, sober, reliable, experienced, employed, seeks change for more change. Box 510B, BROADCASTING. 2 years experience. Strong music, Basie to Beethoven. News, write continuity and copy. Tops on board. Box 525B, BROADCASTING. Newscaster-announcer. 15 years experience with 50 kw o&o stations, plus live tv. 35, pleasing appearance. Record proves top news audience builder. Now in NYC, but wants permanent location in west. Box 556B, BROADCASTING. Top-rated country and western deejay. First phone. No maintenance. Box 575B, BROADCASTING. I'm looking ahead, are you? Desire play-by-play of basketball and baseball. Presently sports director in southwest. Box 618B, BROADCASTING. Excellent announcer, honest, conscientious, 10 years experience all phases. Desires permanent position with good, well-liked station southeast. Good salary required. Box 621B, BROADCASTING. If you're looking for an experienced announcer who can operate a console, and is not "run of the mill" and can capably handle and breach in station operation when occasion demands, then write to Box 633B, BROADCASTING, for all information, resume and tape. Announcer: Versatile, pleasing appearance, good voice. Valuable experience tv. 2 years radio. College degree in radio-tv. Married. 26. Tape, photo available. Box 636B, BROADCASTING. Experienced combo announcer-dj, all phases including tv, play-by-play all sports, flexible style. Two years with fop flight independent, proven ability to build audience, reached saturation point present market, ready to move up. 3rd phone, good commercial delivery, prefer northeast, will consider other offers, vet, 29, married. Box 648B, BROADCAST. Girl dj -announcer, willing to learn all phases radio, part-time or week-end work near Chicago, car. Box 650B, BROADCASTING. DJ have tape, will travel. N. Y. state, eastern seaboard area. Box 666B, BROADCASTING. Announcer-sportscaster, experienced, prefers east coast; good tape and references. Box 669B, BROADCASTING. Versatile announcer. 2 years staff experience, run board. Car, travel. Box 671B, BROADCASTING. RADIO Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcers Overseas situation required. Engineer, announcer, writer, musician. Steady, reliable. Box 672B, BROADCASTING. Announcer. First phone. Three years experience. Box 681B. BROADCASTING. Baseball announcer-PD, desires more minor league experience in good market. Currently employed in midwest market of 500,000. University graduate. Box 682B, BROADCASTING. Attention fast-moving station. Sports announcer, play-by-play, recaps, dj work, and news. College graduate. Beginner; willing to work hard; willing to learn. Radio and tv work in college. Draft deferred, available immediately. Will travel. Box 686B. BROADCASTING. Sports and staff announcer, emphasis on playby-play, want opportunity in tv-radio operation. College graduate, age 23, 5 years experience, want permanence. Presently employed. Box 689B, BROADCASTING. Experienced staff announcer. 2\'z years experience. Family man. Position must be steady. Prefer east. Peter J. Ward, WRIC, Richlands, Virginia. Like work, love good radio. Experienced dj desires permanent job in eastern metropolitan market. Wife and Sputnik II. Minimum $100. Have great potential, many PD's agree. Wish one would hire me! Ted Eldredge, Garden 8-2715, Osterville, Mass. Combination man, all staff duties. 1st ticket. Married. Have car. Kirby, 503 71st Street, Seat Pleasant, Maryland. Redwood 6-8368. Experienced in play-by-play, also music, news. 26 single, veteran. Travel anywhere. Peter Kohler. Box 403, New Canaan, Connecticut. Graduate. Hardworking, college. Know music. Tape, photo on request. Will travel. Si Mitchell 1511 N. Bell, Chicago. Announcer with over 10 years experience looking for a change of climate. News, play-by-play hot and smooth disc shows experience. Sales experience also. Reply to B. Stamper, WKDN, Camden 4, N. J. Adaptable, versatile announcer with restricted license. Has excellent potential. I repeat, has excellent potential. A. J. Waran, 1628 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, California. Hemlock 7-9292. Chief-combo five years experience, well qualified fine voice and first phone. Dale Woodbine, Newton, Iowa, phone 971 W. Technical Seeking job as radio or tv engineer with first class ticket. Can handle any job plus personnel. Best of references. Box 574B, BROADCASTING 6 years experience as engineer. No announcing. Prefers New York. Box 626B, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer-announcer. Lots of experience both fields. Family man. Locate in south. $500 month. Box 641B, BROADCASTING. Young, sober, married, reliable combination man desires change to northeastern U. S. Two years experience. Can you use me? Box 642B, BROADCASTING. Southwest only. Engineer— experienced radio-tv Some announcing and selling, with references Jack F. Sims, Breckenridge, Texas. Production-Programming, Others Announcer-salesman; can write copy, program do sports play-by-play, dj all types of music! 4 years experience, married, responsible, sober, 29, employed, seeking position with future. Box 509B, BROADCASTING. Ambitious business lady, 28. Position as assistant continuity editor, typing supervisor, or receptionist-typist. 10 years experience. Box 617B, BROADCASTING. Trained, experienced male copywriter will go anywhere for reasonable wage. Have car, best references. Good knowledge of radio. Can record either straight or production spots. Available immediately. Small town station preferred. Written samples on request. Box 628B, BROADCASTING. Page 130 • October 21, 1957 Broadcasting