Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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I. A Collins phasor (left) alongside Collins transmitter. Phasor can be furnished to match most makes of transmitters. 2. Antenna tuning unit. 3. Interior view of 5 kw phasor, illustrates compactness and convenience of Collins design. GET ON THE AIR FASTER . STAY ON WITH STABILITY . . . specify Collins directional antenna equipment Establishing pattern control is often a major delaying factor in getting a station on the air. Causes loss of potential revenue, adds to engineering crew expenses. The correct initial design and ease of tuning and adjustment of Collins directional antenna equipment eliminates this problem. You get on the air faster because it takes less time to establish pattern control. And once you're on the air, you're there to stay. Collins antenna tuning units and phasors have conservatively rated oversize components which easily maintain high stability of signal pattern. This Collins equipment meets critical operating parameters with a minimum of maintenance and adjustment. Your coverage requirements, as speci fied by your consulting engineer, are strictly adhered to. Designs are submitted for approval before construction is started. Whether your plans call for a new or modified directional antenna system, contact your nearest Collins representative for a detailed equipment quotation. There is no obligation. CREATIVE LEADER IN COMMUNICATION COLLINS RADIO COMPANY, 315 2nd Ave. S. E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa • 1900 N. Akard St., Dallas • 2700 W. Olive Ave.. Burbank • 261 Madison Ave., New York 16 • 1200 18th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. • 4471 N.W. 36th St., Miami 48 • 1318 4th Ave., Seattle • Dogwood Road, Fountain City, Knoxville • COLLINS RADIO COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD., 11 Bermondsey Road, Toronto 16, Ontario