Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Payable in advance. Checks and money orders only. • DEADLINE: Undisplayed — Monday preceding publication date. Display — Tuesday preceding publication date. • SITUATIONS WANTED 200 per word — $2.00 minimum • HELP WANTED 25* per word — $2.00 minimum. • AH other classifications 304 per word — $4.00 minimum. • DISPLAY ads #20.00 per inch. • No charge for blind box number. Send replies to Broadcasting, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Applicants: If transcriptions or bulk packages submitted, $1.00 charge for mailing (Forward remittance separately, please). All transcriptions, photos, etc., sent to box numbers are sent at owner's risk. Bboadcasting expressly repudiates any liability or responsibility for their custody or return. RADIO Help Wanted New station requires almost entire staff. Must be experienced. Need news man, disc jockeys, salesmen and continuity writer. News-men and disc jockeys send tape with first letter. All tapes returned. All replies confidential. Write Box 214B, BROADCASTING. Management Young, experienced manager for well-equipped eastern seaboard daytimer in rural market. Good pay and percentage of profits. Box 605B, BROADCASTING. Manager wanted immediately for radio station in metropolitan Canadian city. The right man should be strong on sales and promotion and willing to accept real challenge to build up station. Excellent opportunity for man not afraid of plenty of work at least for the first year. Excellent salary and incentive. Rush full details and previous experience to Box 718B, BROADCASTING. Commercial manager needed for new station KBBB, Borger, Texas. Contact R. L. McAlister, phone Broadway 44486, Borger. Commercial manager. Good Salary plus commission for go-getter. Must be able to produce. Enterprising station in Tidewater area. WDDY, Gloucester, Va. Manager-salesman-promoter for solid, excellent home-town station. Contact Bevins, WMLF, Pineville, Kentucky. Sales Needed. Well experienced salesman or sales manager for eastern North Carolina regional. Salary plus commission. Good opportunity for alert salesman. Send information including photo and references to Box 533B, BROADCASTING. New owners in expanding midwest single station market need complete new sales staff. Fast paced, contemporary programming. Guarantee against liberal commissions, protected account lists, no ceiling on earnings. Chance for advancement in fast growing organization. Full resume and references first letter. Box 649B, BROADCASTING. Good opportunity in Wilmington, Delaware for experienced man who can sell radio. Guaranteed $125 per week against 15%. Personal interview necessary. List age, education, experience, present billing. Box 685B, BROADCASTING. Good, steady salesman for one of the best markets in the country. A real deal for the right man. Contact Clyde Wilson, KWFC, Hot Springs, Arkansas. We want a hungry young fellow to take over our sales department. Guarantee plus 15% commission. No limit to sales opportunity in this market. Call or write WIRO, Ironton, Ohio. Announcers Pennsylvania chain needs experienced announcers. Good working conditions, 40-hour week, paid vacation, time and half, $85 a week. Minimum one-year experience necessary. Excellent opportunities for advancement to executive position. Send tape, with news, commercials, and sample music program, plus resume and photograph. Box 274B, BROADCASTING. Florida top-notch pop DJ. $100 week to start. Additional income by selling. Send tape, resume, references first letter. Box 441B, BROADCASTING. Combination man for morning duty eastern North Carolina network affiliate. Please send full particulars and tape. Box 531B, BROADCASTING. Good combo strong on announcing needed soon. No maintenance. Audition tape and references should be sent immediately. Box 532B, BROADCASTING. Disc jockeys: Know your music? Station with more listeners than all competitors wants two men. Outstanding Storz style dj, also combo man. Openings in sixty to ninety days. Move up fast and make more money in expanding Illinois operation. Send tape and pic with complete resume. Box 555B, BROADCASTING. RADIO Help Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcers Pennsylvania independent wants man with some experience for straight announcing. $70. Permanent position. Box 660B, BROADCASTING. Announcer, first phone, no maintenance. Must have good voice, experience. Good pay and fringe benefits. Eastern seaboard. Box 661B, BROADCASTING. Effective announcer familiar with continuity, ready for sales. Wages match ability. Box 663B, BROADCASTING. Need immediately: Top production announcer for southern Alabama outstanding CBS affiliate. Music — news. 30,000 population. Excellent pay for right man. Must have good voice, be quality and production conscious, collect and write news. Need man full of enthusiasm for new radio conceptions. Send full resume, tape of production work and salary requirements to Box 702B, BROADCASTING. Announcers-engineers, and announcer-salesmen wanted by upper northeast most listened to station. Excellent money if you're willing to work. Box 719B, BROADCASTING. New music and news station going on the air in 30 days. Need 4 dj's, one newsman. Send tape, resume, etc. Box 741B, BROADCASTING. Alert, experienced dj announcer. Wanted by midwest indie, multiple station operation. Send tape, resume and picture first letter. Box 748B, BROADCASTING. Experienced announcer with first class license for progressive 5 kilowatt station in booming southwestern market. Start $90 for 44 hour week, regular increases to better than average salary, paid insurance, vacations, good growth opportunities. Also need good announcer without license. Send tape, complete information. Box 754B, BROADCASTING. Need tape, resume, photo from versatile announcer. 50 kw central New York station. Box 762B, BROADCASTING. Pleasant experienced morning dj for 5000 watt independent eastern station. Good salary. Send tape, references, photo. Box 767B, BROADCASTING. $150 wk to rhyming dj who can intro records in rhyme "singing rage, Patti Page," etc. Experienced. Bright voice. Call Akron, Ohio, Blackstone 3-6171. Announcer for early morning shift. Must be sharp on reading weather, markets, news and sports. At least 2 years station experience. First application by letter only. Do not send tape. Radio KCOL, Fort Collins, Colorado. KFOR, Lincoln, Nebraska needs announcer right away. Strong on records and commercials. Rush tape and particulars to Program Director. Opportunity for married staff announcer. Send resume. ABN Network. KFRO, Longview, Texas. Announcer who knows concert music wanted by am station in metropolitan market. Must have first phone. West Coast applicant preferred. Send complete details, audition tapes via air mail. KGMS, Hotel Senator, Sacramento. Deejay. Good voice, bright delivery. We want a man who can think new! Starting salary $500.00 per month, excellent advancement opportunity. Send tape and resume to Bob Stevens, KILT, Houston, Texas. Top money to top men! Number one music and news indie has immediate openings for personality dee-jays-grow with Kansas' fastest growing station, must have first phone, but no maintenance work required. Write, wire or phone collect, Ed Schulz, KJAY, Topeka, Kansas. RADIO Help Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcers DJ for popular music, local news stStion. Possible sales, good salary. KLEX, Lexington, Missouri. Ajinouncer with first phone, no maintenance, contact G. C. Packard, KTRC, Santa Fe, N. M. Dnmediate opening for experienced announcer with first class ticket. Northeastern Arizona network station. Air mail tape, photo, complete resume. KVNC, Winslow, Arizona. New Texas daytimer needs stable staff. Live wire dj's that can write production copy. Experienced newsman. Good pay with growing group. Send resume and tape. KZEY, Tyler, Texas. Immediate opening. Experienced combo man with some sales experience. Established 250 watter in major market. Send resume and tape to Manager, WABY, Albany, New York. Announcer: Up to $110.00 week for announcer with first phone who can do good dj job on pop show and news. All new Gates equipment, new modern studios. Can advance with growing chain. Selling not required but will pay 15% to men interested in working towards managers job. Call or write Hudson Miller, WARF, Jasper, Alabama. Announcer with approximately one year experience looking for permanency and a real future, for morning show. Send tape, resume and pictures to WARK, Hagerstown, Maryland. Bright friendly morning man. Phone 30592. WATG, Ashland, Ohio. $100.00 per week at fulltime network kilowatt for experienced announcer to assume some PD responsibilities. You'll like station facilities, coworkers, glowing town of 18,000. Contact Howell Ashford, WCRK, Morristown, Tennessee. Announcer opportunity: 1 kw daytime ABC Network station. Resort community ideal living and working conditions. Send resume. Experience not necessary. Apply Jack Younts, WEEB, Southern Pines, N. C. Florida station with 5000 watts needs experienced announcer. Southern man preferred. Send short tape, picture and complete history to S. O. Ward, WLAK, Lakeland, Florida. If you have a first phone ticket, enjoy reading hourly newscasts with a station policy that features sweet music with minimum use of voice, these newspaper owned am and hi-fi fm stations would like to hear from you. Call collect, Fred Gresso, WRSW, Warsaw, Indiana. Will pay good bucks to bright announcer who can make dj show really move. No screamer, but lots of punch. Some news, added opportunities in tv. Send photo, tape and resume to Program Director, WVET, Rochester 4, New York. Technical Chief engineer for Pennsylvania operation. Maintenance and repair experience essential. Construction experience an advantage. Prefer married man seeking permanency. Up to $125 weekly to start. Car necessary. Send resume and photo. Box 275B, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer-announcer for fulltime single market network station. $100.00 weekly for right man with fair engineering ability and strong announcing. Contact KRTN, Raton, New Mexico. Engineer, first phone operator for immediate opening. Top salary commensurate with ability, WBRV, Boonville, N. Y. Phone 11. Wanted: Engineer, radio. Young man, holder of first phone. Can be beginner, technical school or equivalent background preferred. Some maintenance work, no announcing. Write or phone Chief Engineer, Radio Station WIMA, Lima, Ohio. Immediate opening, first phone operator. WSYB, Rutland, Vermont. Broadcasting October 28, 1957 • Page 117