Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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RADIO RADIO RADIO Help Wanted Technical We have immediate opening for chief engineerannouncer at one kilowatt daytimer, Florida east coast, up to $100 for 40 if you can qualify. Send tape, fact sheet and foto to Box 757B, BROADCASTING. Production-Programming, Others News editor for NBC station in midwest. Top salary. Must report, write and air news. Send tape and background resume. Position available now. Box 614B, BROADCASTING. Director of continuity in radio-tv operation in midwest. Good salary with plus benefits in good organization and pleasant working conditions. Prefer male, but good women with experience and executive ability will do. Send sample of work immediately plus complete history and picture. Box 766B, BROADCASTING. Program director needed for new station KBBB, Borger, Texas, contact R. L. McAlister, phone Broadway 44486, Borger. News director needed for new station KBBB, Borger, Texas, contact R. L. McAlister, phone Broadway 44486, Borger. Write well? Then write right now giving reasons why you feel qualified to be publicity director for 50,000 watt station. Good opportunity and good money for the right man. Send application to Promotion Manager, KYW Radio, Cleveland, Ohio. Newsman. Radio-television, capable leg and air man with small market station experience who can gather, write, and air news; journalism education background preferred; married; veteran; stable and dependable with good references; one who wants a permanent berth in a news department which has twice received national recognition. Scale starts at $85 for 40 hours. Salary commensurate with experience and ability. Write or phone W. P. Williamson, WKBN, Youngstown, Ohio. Sterling 2-1145. CBS affiliate, central Illinois, needs local news reporter, announcer. Experience leg man preferred. Excellent working conditions, good pay. Send tape, copy samples, resume to WSOY, Decatur, 111. Continuity director, 1000 watt fulltime independent. Immediate opening for male or female experienced continuity writer. Salary commensurate with experience. Personal interview necessary. Send sample continuity and personal sketch to Joe Haas, WWCA, Gary, Indiana. Situations Wanted Management Station manager or sales manager. 19 years in business, including sales manager, station manager and owner. Now sales manager of 1000 watter. Prefer Florida, will go anywhere, 39, married, one child, let's make a deal. Box 715B, BROADCASTING. Manager and program director team with successful music and news station in major markets desire to relocate in north. Experienced, mature, with proven ability and talent. Excellent personal and business references. Box 729B, BROADCASTING. Medium market general-commercial managerprogram director desires position in or near Great Lakes states! Will consider all positions open in this area! Sales-announcing-production! Best references! Box 738B, BROADCASTING. Manager position or will consider combo. Have 1st class license, minimum salary $115. South only. Box 749B, BROADCASTING. Sales Eleven successful years in sales, three salesmanager. Family, 31, active in community affairs, one employer six years. Fine references. Box 724B, BROADCASTING. Free, from USAF to resume radio career. Five years as dj -announcer in top 125. Prefer djsalesman in top 1000. Perform and sell own show. Box 733B, BROADCASTING. Announcers Sports announcer. Football, basketball, baseball. 7 years experience. Finest references. Box 974A, BROADCASTING. Deejay, personality. Run board, restr. ticket. Likes work. Looking for spot to grow in. Go anywhere. Tape and resume, Box 468B, BROADCASTING. Negro deejay. Good board man, fast patter, smooth production. I'm the one you're looking for. Tape and resume. Box 469B, BROADCASTING. Gal deejay, run board, double as recep. if needed. Plenty of ideas to grab audience. Tape and resume. Box 470B. BROADCASTING. 2 years experience. Strong music, Basie to Beethoven. News, write continuity and copy. Tops on board. Box 525B, BROADCASTING. Top-rated country and western deejay. First phone. No maintenance. Box 575B, BROADCASTING. I'm looking ahead, are you? Desire play-by-play of basketball and baseball. Presently sports director in southwest. Box 618B, BROADCASTING. If you're looking for an experienced announcer who can operate a console, and is not "run of the mill" and can capably handle and breach in station operation when occasion demands, then write to Box 633B, BROADCASTING, for all information, resume and tape. Baseball announcer-PD, desires more minor league experience in good market. Currently employed in midwest market of 500,000. University graduate. Box 682B, BROADCASTING. Morning man top midwest regional desires better job. Top ratings. Get full story. Box 707B, BROADCASTING. DJ, 3 years experience, knows music, can sell, family. Box 709B, BROADCASTING. Children's announcer. Excellent in all announcing. Fully trained news production, commercials and writing. Remotes a specialty. Married, two children. Box 710B, BROADCASTING. Announcer-salesman. Graduate. Mature. Dignified voice. Strong on commercials. Wants experience at small station. Salary unimportant. Box 713B, BROADCASTING. Nine years, announcing, producing, directing, Radio. Television. Film. Box 720B, BROADCASTING. Homesick, that's all. Anywhere within 200 miles Philadelphia. First phone, announcer-musiciancomedian. Minimum $125.00. Box 721B, BROADCASTING. Want to go west. In Illinois for nine years as announcer in radio and tv. Deejay, radio and tv news, sports, weather. Continuity, production, merchandising, set designs, lighting. Box 723B, BROADCASTING. Wanted: Sportsminded station by sportsminded announcer. Play-by-play-color football, baseball. News, dj. 6 years experience. 23, married, vet. Write Box 737B, BROADCASTING. Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcers Have the training. Now desire opportunity for gaining experience as newscaster/copywriter. Male, 32, single. Prefer southwest. Box 740B, BROADCASTING. Tri-state free-lance radio and television personality wishes to relocate permanently in eastern metropolitan area. Highest qualifications. Proven ability can do any job in radio and tv you want done, and do it well. Sports, news, commercial, personality announcing. Photo, resume, tape, recommendations. Box 743B, BROADCASTING. Hillbilly personality with No. 1 rating, wants work in southeast. Good references. Write Box 744B, BROADCASTING. Announcer, dj, excellent newscasts, commercials, married, stable, five years experience, three years with present employer, wants position with responsibility, future at progressive station. Write Box 746B, BROADCASTING. Veratile radio-tv personality available soon. Capable commercial announcer, successful experience all phases radio and television. Top-notch pianist, strong on live audience and audience participation shows. Family man, 33, active in community affairs, good character and ability references. Beginning fourth year with eastern radio-tv network affiliate. Seeking change because this management so vacillating. Bound by commercial commitments until January 2. For more information, write Box 750B, BROADCASTING. Announcer-dj, glib, pleasant, polished, five years experience all phases, metropolitan area, $125 weekly. Box 751B, BROADCASTING. Young announcer. Has experience. Personality. Audition in person or tape on request. Will travel. Improvement and advancement, goal. Start immediately. Box 753B, BROADCASTING. Northern family man, experienced in radio, desires opening for announcing position with top flight station. Wants relocation. Graduate from top radio and television school. Box 758B, BROADCASTING. Announcer, first phone, no maintenance, experienced, married, college, veteran, employed. Box 760B, BROADCASTING. Top announcer on 1 kw independent. Desires to relocate in the south. All offers considered. Stable family man. Len Lovette, WRWJ, Selma, Alabama. Spanish-English dj personality available immediately. George Mitchell, 972 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., President 8-2807. Technical Seeking job as radio or tv engineer with first class ticket. Can handle any job plus personnel. Best of references. Box 574B, BROADCASTING. 6 years experience as engineer. No announcing. Prefers New York. Box 626B, BROADCASTING. Announcer, 1st phone, routine maintenance only, want some sales near future. $85, no car, all locations considered, available immediately. Box 708B, BROADCASTING. Engineer, 7 years experience am and fm, transmitter, studio operation, remotes, remote control, maintenance, construction. Sober, will relocate. Box 735B, BROADCASTING. 1st class engineer-announcer, available November 15, serious music station only. Box 752B, BROADCASTING. Production-Programming, Others Program director-sports director. Fully qualified with 6V2 years experience. Play-by-play three major sports. Experience in sales, news editing, all facets of radio including managerial duties. V>'z years added experience in tv— news and sports. College education, married. Seeking permanent position and residence. Preference midwest. Available immediately. Reply Box 551B, BROADCASTING. Ambitious business lady, 28. Position as assistant continuity editor, typing supervisor, or receptionist-typist. 10 years experience. Box 617B, BROADCASTING. WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Announcer ($75-$100 weekly to start), (News man, same salary), Gal Friday ($60-$75) to start . . . men must be announcers, not just disc jockeys and MUST be able to operate board. Station is new in N E Ohio in "swinging area" . . . station operates on entirely new concept of radio (30% more music) and is making money. Please, no phonies, just pluggers . . . must send tape and experience and references to our other station, Box 151, Butler, Pennsylvania. All tapes returned immediately. Gal must type and take long hand dictation. Record hop money available. Splendid community acceptance. This is a wonderful deal for the right people. Page 118 • October 28, 1957 Broadcasting