Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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How to Wrap Up a Region Rich Upstate New York is yours with only 4 Leading Radio Stations NEW POLITZ STUDY SHOWS POWER and IMPACT of THE BIG FOUR Wrapping up an entire region with a population of better than 3>4 million adults is probably not new in marketing and advertising circles. But prudent choice of media— economy and convenience can be great problems. How can you be sure your choice is right? For example, how would you saturate Upper New York State at the lowest possible cost? A recently completed Politz study of this great, rich composite market has produced evidence that you can literally capture Upper New York State with just four radio stations— stations that command the respect and trust of their listeners. THE BIG FOUR— W BEN (Buffalo), WHAM (Rochester), WGY (Schenectady), and WSYR (Syracuse) will do it. The BIG FOUR stations cover 88% of this composite market consisting of 52 counties. Considering the low cost factor, that makes it a tremendously big buy for numbers alone. And when you add to that the trusted character of these great stations, which makes people heed as well as hear— you have such a big buy you can t afford to overlook it. Previous Politz studies have shown the power of great radio stations in individual markets. But, not until now, with this new regional study, could you definitely know what a big buy the BIG FOUR is in combination. I f you would be interested in seeing the complete facts based on this latest Polit? study, call any Christal office for a date. The Big Four is the Big Buy WBEN • WHAM • WGY • WSYR BUFFALO Represented Nationally by ROCHESTER SCHENECTADY SYRACUSE HENRY I. CHRISTAL CO. INC. NEW YORK • CHICAGO • DETROIT • BOSTON • SAN FRANCISCO • ATLANTA Page 116 • November 4, 1957 S HERE'S WHAT TYPICAL BUDGETS WILL BUY ON THE BIG FOUR STATIONS $18,000 is one-minute selling messages weekly for 10 weeks. $38,000 . . . 15 one-minute and 10 twenty-second announcements weekly for IS weeks. $54,000 . . . 30 one-minute announcements weekly for 20 weeks. $85,000 . . . 5 quarter-hour newscasts weekly, including all costs, for 52 weeks. Broadcasting