Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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KWKW carries more* SPANISH LANGUAGE programming THAN ANY OTHER STATION in the UNITED STATES join these current BLUE CHIP advertisers Cheer Fritos Eastside Beer Foremost Milk La Pina Flour Safeway Stores Bank of America Capitol Milling Langendorf Bread Salem Cigarettes Quaker Masa Harina Thrifty Drug Stores Wrigley's Chewing Gum Italian Swiss Colony Wines Lucky Strike Cigarettes Robert Hall Clothes Barbara Ann Bread Feenamint & Chooz Camel Cigarettes Desmond's Stores White King Soap Carnation Milk Folgers Coffee Black Draught Weber's Bread Cal Mex Foods 7-Up 'SPONSOR'S BUYERS GUIDE PASADENA* LOS ANGELES \ Spanish Language V Stalion y L. A.— RYan 1-6744 S. F. — Theo B. Hall Eastern Rep. — National Time Sales OPEN MIKE Viceroy's 'Biggest Laugh' editor: I have been following cartoons in business and trade papers for years. Definitely, my biggest laugh came from the Sherwin L. Tobias sketch [Editorial page, Oct. 21]. If available, I would like the original art for permanent display in my Louisville office. I'll finish the count — more than 20,000! Always looking forward to your next issue . . . E. M. Lewis President Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. Louisville, Ky. ••12,321 12,322 12,323 [EDITOR'S NOTE— Original of the above has been sent to Mr. Lewis.] Fetier's Veterans: 395 Years EDITOR I Several weeks ago, Fetzer Broadcasting Co. held its annual Ten Year Club party at which six new members were admitted. This makes 28 employes who have been with the company for 10 years or more. Total service in broadcasting by club membership is 395 years experience. If there is any other radio and tv station in the U. S. with more than a third of its employes who have been with the company 10 or more years, we'd like to hear about it. Marjorie Marquardt Promotion Dept. Fetzer Broadcasting Co. Kalamazoo, Mich. Separation Might Go Further editor: I noted an item [Closed Circuit, Oct. 21] that the broadcasting industry is a little bit upset because it has been allowed only 30 minutes to tell the story of radio and television [at Public Relations Society of America convention this month] while other media such as magazines, newspapers, etc., have each been given approximately 30 minutes. The broadcasters feel that radio and television are separate media and should each have 30 minutes. I agree that they are separate media and Broadcasting Publications lae. Sol TaishofT President H. H. Tash Secretary Maury Long Vice President B. T. Taishoff Treasurer Edwin H. James Vice President Irving C. Miller Comptroller BROADCASTING* TELECASTING THE BUSINESSWEEK LY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO Published every Monday by Broadcasting Publications Inc. Executive and Publication Headquarters Broadcasting • Telecasting Bldg. 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Telephone: MEtropolitan 8-1022 EDITOR & PUBLISHER: Sol Taishoff MANAGING EDITOR: Edwin H. James SENIOR EDITORS: Rufus Crater (New York), J. Frank Beatty, Bruce Robertson (Hollywood), Fred Fitzgerald NEWS EDITOR: Donald V. West SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR: David Glickman ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Earl B. Abrams, Harold Hopkins ASSISTANT EDITOR: Dawson Nail STAFF WRITERS: Wm. R. Curtis, Jacqueline Eagle, Myron Scholnick, Ann Tasseff, Jim Thomas EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Rita Cournoyer, Frances Pelzman, Benjamin Seff LIBRARIAN: Catherine Davis SECRETARY TO THE PUBLISHER: Gladys L. Hall BUSINESS VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER: Maury Long SALES MANAGER: Winfield R. Levi (New York) SOUTHERN SALES MANAGER: Ed Sellers PRODUCTION MANAGER: George L. Dant TRAFFIC MANAGER: Harry Stevens CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: Doris Kelly ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS: Stan Hall, Ada Michael, Jessie Young COMPTROLLER: Irving C. Miller ASSISTANT AUDITOR: Eunice Weston SECRETARY TO GENERAL MANAGER: Eleanor Schadi CIRCULATION & READER'S SERVICE MANAGER: John P. Cosgrove SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER: Frank N. Gentile CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS: Gerry Cleary, Christine Harageones, Charles Harpold, Marilyn Peizer BUREAUS NEW YORK 444 Madison Ave., Zone 22, PLaza 5-8355 Editorial SENIOR EDITOR: Rufus Crater BUREAU NEWS MANAGER: Lawrence Christopher AGENCY EDITOR: Florence Small ASST. NEW YORK EDITOR: David W. Berlyn NEW YORK FEATURES EDITOR: Rocco Famighetti STAFF WRITERS: Ruth L. Kagen, Frank P. Model, Diane Schwartz Business SALES MANAGER: Winfield R. Levi SALES SERVICE MANAGER: Eleanor R. Manning EASTERN SALES MANAGER: Kenneth Cowan ADVERTISING ASSISTANT: Donna Trolinger CHICAGO 360 N. Michigan Ave., Zone 1, CEntral 6-4115 MIDWEST NEWS EDITOR: John Osbon MIDWEST SALES MANAGER: Warren W. Middleton, Barbara Kolar HOLLYWOOD 6253 Hollywood Blvd., Zone 28, Hollywood 3-3148 SENIOR EDITOR: Bruce Robertson WESTERN SALES MANAGER: Bill Merritt, Virginia Strieker Toronto, 32 Colin Ave., HUdson 9-2694 James Montagnes SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: Annual subscription for 52 weekly issues $7.00. Annual subscription including Yearbook Number $11.00. Add $1.00 per year for Canadian and foreign postage. Subscriber's occupation required. Regular issues 35^ per copy; Yearbook Number $4.00 per copy. SUBSCRIPTION ORDERS AND ADDRESS CHANGES: Send to BROADCASTING Circulation Dept., 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. On changes, please include both old and new addresses. BROADCASTING* Magazine was founded in 1931 by Broadcasting Publications Inc., using the title: BROADCASTING*— The News Magazine of the Fifth Estate. Broadcast Advertising* was acquired in 1932, Broadcast Reporter in 1933 and Telecast* in 1953. *Reg. U. S. Patent Offlc* Copyright 1957 by Broadcasting Publications Inc. Page 20 November 11, 1957 Broadcasting