Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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Robert M. Wagoner, 53, newsman-assistant news director, KHJ Los Angeles, died Oct. 27 following heart attack. George C. Biggar, president and manager of WLBK DeKalb, 111., appointed to executive committee of Chief Shabbona Council, Boy Scouts of America. Cliff Gill, vice president, KBIG Avalon, Calif., elected to board of directors of Hollywood Ad Club to fill vacancy left by resignation of Lawrence Nolte. Henry Untermeyer, general manager, KCBS San Francisco, elected to S. F. Chapter of American National Red Cross board of directors. Van Beuren W. DeVries, station manager, WGR-TV Buffalo, N. Y., elected to Buffalo Better Business Bureau of Western New York board of directors. Rodger Woodruff, assistant chief engineer, KRON-TV San Francisco, elected 1958 secretary-treasurer, for S.F. section, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. Bill Kenneally, newsman at KNXV Los Angeles, elected member of board of directors of Greater Los Angeles Press Club. REPRESENTATIVES v"v Gerard J. Kelly Jr., Devney Inc., N. Y., to Chicago office, as midwest manager. John L. McGuire, joins Clarke Brown Co. as Denver manager. Co. (national contest and merchandise consultant organization), Garden City, N. Y. MANUFACTURING • Theodore A. Smith, executive vice president for industrial electronics, RCA, elected to RCA Communications Inc. board of directors. Robert F. Bender, executive vice president for finance and director of International Telephone & Telegraph Corp., named director of American Cable and Radio Corp., associate of IT&T. Lee Gunter Jr. appointed chief development engineer and Robert Troxel chief products engineer at Shure Bros, (microphones, electronic components), Evanston, 111. Mr. Gunter has been serving as manager of phonograph development and Mr. Troxel as manager of test department and product engineering. C. M. Mooney, director of product planning for military products division, International Business Machines, New York, to director of government relations in U. S., Interna-, tional Telephone & Telegraph Corp. Donald W. Collins, formerly director of marketing for Charles L. Rumrill & Co., Rochester, N. Y., to Sylvania Electric Products as hi-fi sales representative. Christian J. Goodman Jr., New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania district sales manager, General Electric Co., named semiconductor products department sales manager. Arling Woolaver, tube department district sales manager, succeeds him. C. R. Bower, former Kansas City district sales manager for radio-tv division, Sylvania Electric products, rejoins Sylvania in same capacity, replacing Richard G. Evans, who is being transferred to Dallas. Norval H. Green, formerly manager, semiconductor production, RCA, to manager, general quality control, RCA semiconductor division. Robert A. Jewett, sales representative for chemical and metallurgical division, Sylvania Electric Products, named product sales manager of chemicals, phosphors and semiconductors. EDUCATION : " v " ^ Clinton H. Fowler, manager, KGER Long Beach, Calif., to John Brown Schools Foundation of California as vice president. Robert M. Petranoff, program manager, WTTV (TV) Bloomington, Ind., to Indiana U., radio-tv services, as producer-writer. He also will lecture in radio-tv department. Barton L. Griffith, distribution director, National Educational Tv & Radio Center, Ann Arbor, Mich., to U. of Missouri speech and dramatic arts department. Donald L. Sandberg, production director, Indianapolis Public Schools, succeeds him. INTERNATIONAL "••.,•■•>... John Dunn, television network co-ordination officer, Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Toronto national program headquarters, to CBC representative at United Nations, succeeding Vincent Tovell who has been moved to Toronto to CBC's public affairs department after four years at UN. Mr. Dunn joined CBC as tv producer in 1952 at CBLT Toronto. Kyoshi Nagata, 54, president, Japan Broadcasting Corp., Tokyo, died following heart attack Nov. 3. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ••• Del Porter, creative director of Song Ads Inc., Hollywood, has resigned as officer of firm. He has not announced future plans. M Michael Ames, senior account supervisor, D.M.S. Hegarty Assoc. (financial and stockholder relations), to Ursula Halloran Assoc. (public relations), N. Y., as executive vice president. Melvin N. Poretz, formerly sales promotion manager, Ideal Toy Corp., to head of radiotv client relations department, S. Jay Reiner PAUL HEINECKE, PRESIDENT LICENSING THE PERFORMANCE, MECHANICAL OR SYNCHRONIZATION RIGHTS IN "THE BEST MUSIC IN AMERICA" TO THE ENTIRE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, RADIO', TELEVISION, MOTION PICTURE, TRANSCRIPTION AND PHONOGRAPH RECORD COMPANIES, THEATRES, CONCERT HALLS, HOTELS, ETC., WITH A REPERTORY OF DISTINCTION PRODUCERS OF THE FAMOUS SESAC TRANSCRIBED LIBRARY THE COLISEUM TOWER 10 COLUMBUS CIRCLE NEW YORK 19, N. Y. Broadcasting November 11, 1957 • Page 93