Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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SPECIAL REPORT ON ETV continued tion of Dade County, Dept. of Radio & Television Education. Contributions to financing and programming supplied by 25 organizations; $300,000 capital investment; WTVJ (TV) Miami provides staff assistance. Dade County provides housing, services and operating expenses. Wolfson-Meyer Foundation provides operational supplies for transmitter and pays transmitter rent. U. of Miami prepares teaching program and news analyses. ILLINOIS Chicago WTTW (TV) Ch. 11; 9-19-55; Chicago ETV Foundation. Chicago Educational Television Assn. raised over $1 million to build and underwrite project for two years; budget $418,000; currently $570,000 due to new production contracts for kinescopes and in-school telecasting. Urbana WILL-TV Ch. 12; 8-1-55; U. of Illinois. Capital exceeds $300,000; annual budget exceeds $100,000. One of first educational institutions to operate a radio station. LOUISIANA Monroe KLSE (TV) Ch. 13; 3-9-57; Louisiana Dept. of Education. Legislature appropriated $150,000 to buy facilities of KFAZ (TV), former commercial station. New Orleans WYES-TV Ch. 8; 4-8-57; Greater New Orleans ETV Foundation. Local groups raised $500,000 in cash and equipment to build station. Fund for Adult Education granted $100,000. MASSACHUSETTS Boston WGBH-TV Ch. 2; 5-2-55; WGBH Educational Foundation. Over $750,000 raised to build and start station; annual budget around $300,000. Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Lowell Institute cooperate in programming. Several foundations and public subscription provide funds. Many WGBH-TV series have been recorded for general ETV use. MICHIGAN Detroit WTVS (TV) Ch. 56; 10-3-55; Detroit ETV Foundation. Capital investment exceeds $300,000; $200,000 annual budget. Funds raised from public subscription and money from civic and educational groups. Member colleges pay costs of administration, transmitter operation and presentation of programs. Wayne State U., U. of Detroit and Detroit public schools operate studios. E. Lansing WKAR-TV Ch. 60; 1-15-54; Michigan State Board of Agriculture. Capital investment exceeds $500,000; annual budget $300,000. Has initial FCC grant for ch. 10, operating jointly with commercial group and sharing in profits. Station operates on Michigan State U. campus. MINNESOTA St. Paul-Minneapolis KTCA-TV Ch. 2; 10-16-27; Twin City Area Educational Television Corp. Financed by $300,000 in donations and pledges from local groups, including broadcasting stations. U. of Minnesota donated land and housing facilities. Fund for Adult Education (Ford) granted $100,000. Equipment valued at $400,000. Annual budget $205,000. MISSOURI St. Louis KETC (TV) Ch. 9; 9-20-54; St. Louis ETV Commission. Commission comprises civic leaders; capitalization over $500,000; annual budget over $250,000 (schools provide $150,000, corporations $60,000 and individuals over $14,000). NEBRASKA Lincoln KUON-TV Ch. 12; 11-1-54; U. of Nebraska. Capital investment includes $225,000 worth of equipment donated by Fetzer Broadcasting Co., $100,000 in university property and pledge of $100,000 from Fund for Adult Education (Ford). Professional services are contributed by KOLNTV Lincoln, Fetzer station. Experimental program combining tv and correspondence courses under way. NORTH CAROLINA Chapel Hill WUNC-TV Ch. 4; 1-8-55; Consolidated U. of North Carolina. Capital investment totals $1.5 million, raised from private donors in form of cash and equipment. Annual budget $148,000, with $108,000 coming from state appropriation and $40,000 from private sources. Remote studios at Women's College, Greensboro, and N. C. State, Raleigh. OHIO Cincinnati WCET (TV) Ch. 48; 7-26-54; Greater Cincinnati Television Educational Foundation. Fifty-two educational organizations and school systems are members of foundation; $400,000 contributed since 1953 by schools, civic and other groups. Crosley Broadcasting Corp. and Conservatory of Music facilities and equipment are available without cost. Columbus WOSU-TV Ch. 34; 2-20-56; Ohio State U. Owned and operated by university. Capital $500,000; annual budget $250,000. STAND-BY ANTENNAS for TV TRANSMITTING channels 7-13 No jbtpl&x&i Needed A simple, versatile, and economical standby system consisting of two separate bays of the AMCI Type 1020 Antenna can be mounted on the legs of an existing tower. Shown here is the Station WXYZTV installation in Detroit, Michigan, being used with a 50 kw transmitter. They may also be mounted on FM antennas (Station WBKB-TV, Chicago, Illinois) and on masts, one above the other. The aural and visual transmission lines need not be of equal length. Write for Bulletin B-957 ^AMClN ANTENNA SYSTEMS COMPONENTS AIR NAVIGATION AIDS INSTRUMENTS Manufacturing Co., Inc. J99 ATLANTIC AVE., BOSTON, MASS. Page 102 • November 11, 1957 Broadcasting