Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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TELEVISION TELEVISION Help Wanted — (Cont'd) Situations \S7anfp<4 ( Cnnt'rf^ Technical Production-Programming, Others Television engineer. Immediate opening for experienced engineer with first phone. Contact H. E. Barg, 1015 N. Sixth Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Production-Programming, Others Tv film editor wanted for leading Florida station. Young man with complete knowledge film operation, primary interest film. Send resume, photo and salary requirements. Box 886B, BROADCASTING. Artist needed by California network tv station at once to complete promotion department expansion. Man or woman (woman preferred) for creative artwork as well as layouts, ads, promotion pieces, etc. Would like to find someone who can "double in brass" doing some writing as well as clerical duties in promotion department. Please send all details, references, photo and samples first letter to Clarke Bradley, KSBWTV, P. O. Box 1651, Salinas, California. TELEVISION Situations Wanted Management Hard-working 40-year old sales manager wants permanent position with vhf as manager or sales manager. Fourteen years experience all phases broadcasting. Can sell and can handle men. Good family man, finest character and references. If you want sales and profits, I'm your man! Box 853B, BROADCASTING. Advertising-promotion manager. Ten years experience. Seeking position with tv station or group of stations. Consumer and market research background. Age 34, married, and a graduate of Northwestern Universitv, economics and journalism. Western U. S. preferred but not a must. Excellent references. Box 888B, BROADCASTING. Sales I have good record and can make you money. Want good sales position offering permanence and opportunity. Eleven years experience. Fine references. Box 866B, BROADCASTING. Announcers Seeking job as staff announcer radio-tv. Thoroughly trained. Live commercial experience. Pleasing voice, personality. Tape available. Box 369B, BROADCASTING. Experienced announcer, presently employed in radio, desires advancement to tv. Single, 27, veteran. Tape, resume available. Box 908B, BROADCASTING. Production-Programming, Others Talented, imaginative director-announcer-air personality seeks new opportunity. 4 years tv, all phases. Top weathercaster, children's personality, cartoonist. Solid programming-production background. Box 792B, BROADCASTING. News-public affairs director. With top network 13 years. Available first of year. Thirty-five years old. Searching for top station in Los Angeles area anxious to improve news ratings and win awards. Write Box 836B, BROADCASTING. Production manager. Live television production, film production, photo lab management, art supervision. Experience in establishing production procedures in new station. Resume available. Box 850B, BROADCASTING. Program manager. 7 years in comm. tv, 2 years general manager of ad agency. Experienced as director-producer-announcerwriter-account executive-weather-news-movie-still-SOF photography. Under thirty, married, will relocate. Box ~J, BROADCASTING. Four top promotion-merchandising awards in one year! If your tv station needs a budget wise, top-grade p-m director, write or wire Box 873B, BROADCASTING. Radio news director in 2-million market desires change to tv in southwest or California. $160 plus talent per week start. Box 881B, BROADCASTING. Newspaperman wants in tv news, could learn camera. Some radio newscasting, 6 years dailies, now $110 reporter-photographer on metro. Vet, j-grad, 31, married. Box 883B, BROADCASTING. Photographer. Experienced news and commercial, complete equipment; family; locate anywhere. Box 893B, BROADCASTING. Director-producer-writer, 4 years major market broadcasting. Creative, versatile, award winner in production and organization; yet budget conscious. Veteran, 25, single. BA with advanced work. Prefer California, especially SF bay area station or agency. Write for resume now. Box 899B, BROADCASTING. FOR SALE Stations Central Washington State: 250 watt fulltirne. network affiliate in booming county seat city. Station headed for $80,000 gross this year. Owners taking out near $30,000. Price $90,000 with $10,000 receivables to buyer. Terms 29 per cent down. Balance in 5 years. Box 905B, BROADCASTING. $1000.00 monthly net income from operating sound recording and motion picture studio. Capable staff. Owner retiring for health. Also income from aoartments in buildings. Price $130,000. Buildings and equipment worth $75,000. Full details and brochure to responsible parties. Addition of transmitter and license would also create luxurious broadcast station. Box 912B, BROADCASTING. Twin City investment groups seek selected midwestern radio and television properties for immediate investment. Substantial cash down payments assured. All inquiries handled with confidence and discretion. Herb Gross Associates, 253 Plymouth Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Norman & Norman, Inc., 510 Security Bldg., Davenport, Iowa. Sales, purchases, appraisals, handled with care and discretion. Experienced. Former radio and television owners and operators. Write now for our free bulletin of outstanding radio and tv buys throughout the United States. Jack L. Stoll & Associates, 6381 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Equipment 400 foot Blaw-Knox heavy duty DGN square guide tower, lights, weight 42,000 lbs., dismantled withdrawings $3,500. Box 891B, BROADCASTING. Complete Rust remote including 1080A, 1081A units, off air monitor receiver, relays, actuator, fine working, like new, half price, $1000. KSPR. Casper, Wyoming. For sale: 38 Pc Prodelin 635-100R 3Vb" 50 ohm Telflon transmission line. 38 Pc. Prodelin 835-302R 50 ohm anchor insulator. 30 RCA Ml 19113-33 long non-insulated 3Ve" coax spring hanger. All items used less than 60 days. Priced well below new cost. C. E. Wallace, WANE-TV, Fort Wayne, Indiana. For sale, two Fairchild 524A1 transcription tables, in good condition. Reasonable. WHRV, Box 608, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Portable battery Tapak $135. Write, phone for details. Also VM recorder. WMBS, Uniontown, Pa. Available immediately 200 foot self supporting CN Blaw Knox tower. Six years old. WWIN, Baltimore, Md. For sale: Ampex 350, 350-2, 600, 60, 601-2, and A series available from stock at Grove Enterprises, Roslyn, Pa., TUrner 7-4277. WANTED TO BUY Stations Experienced radio executives want to lease station— option to buy. Major market, never mind profits, iust have good signal and potential. Box 780B, BROADCASTING. Sportscaster wants to invest in midwest radio station. New or established. Small-medium market. Box 877B, BROADCASTING. Stations wanted! New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri. Private service. Ralph J. Erwin. Broker. The Tuloma Building, Tulsa. RADIO STATIONS FOR SALEPACIFIC NORTHWEST Exclusive. Captive market. Owner is ill and must sell. New equipment. Daytimer. Only $30,000 with $8,000 to $10,000 down for qualifying buyer. . SOUTHWEST FULLTIME Located in growing competitive market. Tight operation. Ideal family setup. New Equipment. Asking $25,000 with half down. Our NATIONAL organization has fine properties to offer you throughout the whole United States. Why not contact us today and let us know what you want? EASTERN FULLTIME Excellent property in a rich agricultural area. Well equipped. Well accepted. Gross about $50,000. Asking $65,000 with 29% down. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Full time station. Has grossed $107,000 to $109,000 year. Earned $40,000 net before taxes and management for 3 years. Asking $125,000 with 29% down. Good terms on balance. JACK L. STOLL & ASSOCIATES A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION for the sale of Radio & TV Stations 6381 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. LOS ANGELES 28, CALIF. Hollywood 4-7279 Broadcasting November 11, 1957 • Page 111