Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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BREAKDOWN OF PULSE-BROADCASTING PAY TV SURVEY Table 1 KNOWLEDGE OF SUBSCRIPTION TV Question: Have you heard of a toll or subscription tv service which will allow you to see special programs on tv (in addition to those you now get free) by paying a fee? Number Per Cent 983 69.8 426 30.2 Yes No Total respondents Table 2 1,409 100. INTEREST IN SUBSCRIPTION TV SERVICE Question: This subscription tv service might include first-run movies, major sports events, Broadway shows, operas, ballets, etc. Would you be interested in having this service in your home? Yes 470 33.4 No 939 66.6 1,409 100. Total respondents Table 3a METHOD OF PAYING FOR SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Question: If you took such a subscription tv service would you rather pay by the program, or pay a set monthly fee? Pay by program 312 66.4 Pay by set monthly fee 141 30.0 Don't know 17 3.6 Total respondents 470 100. Table 3b AMOUNT WILLING TO PAY BY PROGRAM Question: (If by program) how much would you be willing to spend for a special program? Under 25 cents 2 .6 25-49 cents 25 8.0 50-74 cents 53 17.0 75-99 cents 19 6.1 $1.00-1.24 99 31.8 1.25 1.49 2 .6 1.50 1.99 11 3.5 2.00 2.49 20 6.4 2.50 2.99 1 .3 3.00 4.99 1 .3 5.00 & over 2 .6 Don't know 77 24.8 Total respondents 312 100. Table 3c AMOUNT WILLING TO PAY FOR SET MONTHLY FEE Question: (If set monthly fee) how much would you be willing to spend each month? i $1 00-$ 1.49 7 5.0 i 1.50 1.99 1 2.00 2.49 13 9.2 i 2.50 2.99 8 5.7 1 3.00 3.99 12 8.5 i 4.00 4.99 7 5.0 5.00 5.99 43 30.5 i 6.00 6.99 1 .7 i 7.00 7.99 1 .7 i 8.00 8.99 1 .7 i 9.00 9.99 1 .7 i 10.00-10.99 7 5.0 i 11.00-12.99 1 .7 i 13-16.99 2 1.4 i 17-19.99 2 1.4 1 20-25.00 1 .7 igi Don't know 34 24.1 H Total respondents 141 100. P Table 4a !| WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR PRESENT TV PROGRAMS Question: Would you be willing to pay for television programs similar to those now on the air if there were no other way of getting them? Number Per Cent Yes 510 36.2 No 899 64.8 Total respondents 1,409 100. Table 4b Question: If yes, what programs now on the air would you be willing to pay for if they were not distributed free? Drama Playhouse 90 a o DO 13.3 Climax 4U H O I.O Studio One 1 A 1 Q 3.9 Kraft I heatre 19 3.7 Crossroads 0 l.Z G. E. Theatre 4 8 Jane Wyman 4 .8 Loretta Young 3 .6 Armstrong — Circle Hour 3 .6 Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal 3 .6 Unspecified 7 1.4 Misc. 18 3.5 Comedy & Situation Comedy P nthpr K nsvw c Rpvt 1 HI 1 Id l\ f US rVj is Ci) l 21 4.1 ii77i/> & l-fnrript Ks K,-^t t CX. 1 1 Hi l ict 15 2.9 / / n\yp T I Lil/KC JL^/H c y 12 9 A Bob Cummings 10 2.0 Rpd Skpltnn IVCu <3 rvc tits ft 7 1 A 1 .*T It P/i¥"OP It ft hp I \J Cist gt \J IslsC t j 1 0 Jack Benny 5 1.0 Danny Thomas 4 is Bob Hope 4 .8 Private Secretary A 4 VJ I \S UKI 1 IS 1 VJ. t ' I . 4 .8 Unspecified 8 L6 Misc. 33 6.5 Varieties & Musicals Perry Como 53 10.4 Lawrence Welk 47 9.2 Steve Allen 44 8.6 Ed Sullivan 37 7.3 Nat King Cole 18 3.5 Tennessee Ernie 9 1.8 A mpvienn Ft find stand 9 1.8 Pat Boone 8 L6 Voice of Firestone 7 1.4 Eddie Fisher 6 1.2 TVio Rio Domr/i ± lit L> Act Ulii 5 1.0 L-iU&t I J/tUrV 4 .8 nil i ai a at 4 .8 T Tn^nf^pififH L 1 1 a \ '\~ V 1 1 1 K, VI 25 4.9 Misc. 25 4^9 Quiz & Audience Participation What's My Line 20 3.9 Twenty One 17 3.3 This Is Your Life 15 2 9 $64,000 Question 14 2.7 You Bet Your Life 13 2.5 The Price is Right 11 2.2 Queen For A Day 6 1.2 Tic Tac Dough ' 5 1.0 Art Linkletter 5 1.0 Name That Tune 5 1.0 I've Got A Secret 4 .8 Unspecified 13 2.5 Misc 13 2.5 Sports Boxing 41 8.0 Football 37 7.3 Baseball 35 6.9 World Series 9 1.8 Wrestling 8 1.6 Bowling 5 1.0 Sports events (unspecified) 117 22.9 Misc. 6 1.2 Westerns Cheyenne 53 10.4 Gunsmoke 23 4.5 Wyatt Earp 18 3.5 Wagon Train 15 2.9 Maverick 10 2.0 Broken Arrow 9 1.8 Sugarfoot 6 1.6 Unspecified 23 4.5 Misc. 17 3.3 Mystery & Adventure Alfred Hitchcock 10 2.0 Highway Patrol 9 1.8 Dragnet 8 1.6 Bold Journey 5 1 n I.U Man Behind the Badge 4 Q .0 Navy Log 4 .8 I Search for Adventure 3 .6 Lassie 3 .6 Unspecified 4 .8 Misc. 21 4.1 News & Weather 43 8.4 Documentary, Educational, Forums, Interviews Wide Wide World 8 1.6 Meet the Press 5 1.0 Person to Person 3 .6 Press Conference 2 .4 Omnibus 2 4 Night Beat 2 .4 Mike Wallace 2 .4 The Big Picture 3 .6 Unspecified 7 1.4 Misc. 5 1.0 Movies 70 13.7 Misc. Disneyland 22 4.3 Mickey Mouse 18 3.5 Spectaculars & special shows 14 2.7 Plays 13 2.5 Continued Stories 9 1.8 Cartoons 5 1.0 Children's Stories 5 1.0 Verdict Is Yours 4 .8 Captain Kangaroo 3 .6 Broadway shows 3 .6 Misc. 28 5.5 Total programs mentioned 1,553 305.1* Total respondents 510 *Total over 100% because of multiple responses Table 5 OPINION OF PRESENT TV PROGRAMS Question: What is your opinion of the program service you are now getting on free television? Number 254 623 441 75 16 1409 Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No opinion Total respondents Per Cent 18.0 44.2 31.3 5.3 1.1 100 Table 6 VALUE OF PRESENT TV PROGRAMS Question: If you had to place a monetary value on the entertainment, news, special events and other programs you now see at no cost on your television set, how much would you consider these are worth to you on a weekly basis? 1 I 1 I i II 11 Number Per Cent 1 Less than $1.00 11 .8 1 $1.00 705 50.0 $2.00-$4.00 22 1.6 il $5.00 319 22.6 $10.00 46 3.3 More than $10.00 22 1.6 i Don't know 284 20.2 Total respondents 1409 100 Page 32 • November 18, 1957 Broadcasting