Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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FILM CONTINUED FILM CLIPS RANDOM SHOTS Association Films Inc., N. Y., is offering half-hour "Space and Time" package for free public service programming, consisting of two films concerned with rockets, space travel and future. Films, which may be run separately or "back-to-back," are "The Corporal Story," concerning the principles, potential and test-firing of Army rocketpowered missile, and "Your Safety First," animated cartoon conception of travel in year 2000. Ziv Television Programs, N. Y., reports study made by company in 30 key markets indicates that potential source of new syndication sponsors is tv spot advertiser. Company said that in two years, 27% of its current program sponsors had "traded up" from ranks of spot tv advertisers. FILM DISTRIBUTION AAP announces four motion pictures for Christmas-season viewing are being offered to tv stations and advertisers. They are "Star in the Night," Warner Bros.' featurette and Academy Award winner; "Silent Night" (available to one station per market during holiday season, except in 22 markets in which movie is being sponsored by Rheingold beer); "A Christmas Carol" <stars Alistair Sim as Scrooge) and "The Emperor's Nightingale." Bob Rich, AAP's general sales manager, noted that requests should be made early to assure availability of prints. National Telefilm Assoc., N. Y., has announced availability of three programs designed for showing during Christmas season. They are Christmas Carol, narrated by Vincent Price and featuring Taylor Holmes as Scrooge; Man's Heritage, telling story of Bible and presenting Raymond Massey as host, and The Lamb in the Man LIBRARIAN of Congress L. Quincy Mumford and Charles R. Sligh Jr., executive vice president of the National Assn. of Manufacturers, look over one of the NAM Industry on Parade series of films before they are catalogued at the library. The NAM gift consists of more than 350 prints widely used on tv since 1950 to tell the story of some 1,500 U. S. companies. During its run on television the series was given a total of 14 national awards. ger, recounting story of birth of Christ Child, with Maureen O'Sullivan as story-teller. Company also announces that it is releasing to tv stations new package of 75 feature films, produced by 20th Century-Fox Film Corp., Stanley Kramer and several independent producers. Package includes such films as "The Bells of St. Mary," "High Noon," "Claudia and David," "My Friend Flicka," "Uncle Harry" and "To the Shores of Tripoli." FILM PRODUCTION Screen Gems Inc., N. Y., announces new half-hour comedy tv film series based on exploits of Howe and Hummel, famous New York criminal attorneys in 18th century. Series, to be produced in association with Diana Green, Monty Shaff and Eddie Joy, will go into production at SG's studios on West Coast in February for showing to prospective sponsors in the spring. FILM SALES Ziv Television Programs, N. Y., reports sale of new half-hour tv film series Sea Hunt in 100 markets, with sales in eight markets last week: New York, Birmingham, Rochester, Syracuse, Charlotte, Tampa, Duluth and Greenville, N. C. Screen Gems Inc., N. Y., reports sale of its half-hour package of cartoon programs to NBC-TV, including new "Ruff and Reddy" serial that deals with cat and dog space travelers. Also announced is "Shock!" package of horror feature films sold in 15 additional markets, raising total markets on series to 65. Latest stations to sign: WBAL TV Baltimore, WTOP-TV Washington, WROC-TV Rochester, WISH-TV Indianapolis, KGUL-TV Galveston, KOTV (TV) Tulsa, WMCT-TV Memphis, WBRZ (TV) Baton Rouge, WTBS-TV Shreveport, La., WGAN-TV Portland, Me.; WBKB (TV) Chicago; KPTV (TV) Portland, Ore.; WSIX-TV Nashville; WSJV (TV) Elkhart Ind., and KELP-TV El Paso, Tex. Company also reports its sale of Casey Jones to Associated Television Ltd. for telecasting in United Kingdom and reports renewal pacts with Granada Tv Network in Britain for The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin and with BBC for Circus Boy. Company also reports sale of its half-hour tv film series, Circus Boy, to Anderson, Clayton & Co. (tv subsidiary of Columbia Pictures). Also announced is sale of Jungle Jim and Circus Boy to Cuban stations, CMBF-TV and CMQ-TV, both Havana. Guild Films, N. Y., announces sale of its Kingdom of the Sea in four markets: WHDH-TV Boston; WLW (TV) Cincinnati, WFGA-TV Jacksonville, and WCKT (TV) Miami. Official Films reports sale of its weekly halfhour film series Big Story to Pacific Gas & Electric Co., S. F., for use in eight northern and middle California markets during 1958. PG&E sponsors Gross-Krasne's O. Henry Playhouse in same markets: San Francisco, Eureka, Chico, Sacramento, Salinas, San Luis Obispo, Fresno and Bakersfield. Victor & Richards, N. Y., reports sale of its hour-long audience participation program, Top Ten Dance Party, to WFIE-TV Evansville, Ind. Ziv Television Programs, N. Y., issues report that international sales of company over past two months were "highest in history," involving 13 program series sold in United Kingdom, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, San Salvador, Cuba, Germany and Spain. Series included in sales were Highway Patrol, Harbor Command, Sea Hunt, Tombstone Territory, Harbourmaster, Cisco Kid, Mr. District Attorney, Science Fiction Theatre, The New Adventures of Martin Kane, Dr. Christian, Favorite Story and A Man Called X. FILM SHORTS Gross-Krasne Inc., producer-syndicator of tv films has moved to 5420 Melrose Ave., Hollywood 38, Calif. Telephone: Hollywood 7-5151. Walt Disney Productions, Burbank, Calif., announces regular quarterly cash dividend of 10 cents per share, payable Jan. 1, 1958, to stockholders of record Dec. 13, 1957. Fred A. Niles Productions Inc., Chicago, plans to launch half-hour tv film series in January via its Cross Country Network. Aimed at 30 million rural viewers in key farm markets, series will contain four spot availabilities with national clients being able to take minimum of one. CARAVEL FILMS, New York, held opening day ceremonies last month for its film production center (above). More than 1,000 agency and advertiser executives and other guests were invited to ceremonies at the studio, which covers four stories and was built at a cost of about $1 million. Tv film commercials and industrial and documentary films will be produced there. Page 62 • November 18, 1957 Broadcasting