Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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RESEARCH THAT WON A MEDAL This year, for the first time, The Franklin Institute's coveted George R. Henderson Medal— awarded for achievements in research in railroad technology — was not given to an individual inventor or engineer. It was awarded to an association— the Association of American Railroads. This award honors the contributions made by the Association's Mechanical and Engineering Divisions to the advancement of railroad safety, progress and efficiency. These contributions are reflected in 92 patents which have resulted from the Association's research. Currently, the Association has some 96 projects under way at its research center on the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. And it is planning additional facilities to expand this research. The railroad industry will continue its scientific research to provide transportation service that is constantly increasing in efficiency and economy. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS Washington, D. C. Broadcasting November 18, 1957 • Page 71