Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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CHOOSE GATES BC-5P STATISTICAL EVIDENCE INDICATES THAT THE GATES BC-5P IS THE NUMBER ONE 5 KW TRANSMITTER IN THE INDUSTRY! REASON: GATES BC-5P ACCOUNTED FOR 61% OF ALL NEW 5 KW TRANSMITTERS SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1, 1957* B5m ZJke M-ark 0/ Quality. According to statistical information, the BC-5P is the transmitter that more U. S. stations are purchasing this year than that of all other makes combined! WHY? Because without a doubt, this is the finest 5 kilowatt transmitter on the market today, and station managers and engineers throughout the nation recognize its leadership. They know that this is a quality product ... a transmitter superior to all others. If sixty-one percent of all U. S. stations installing a new five kilowatt transmitter purchase the Gates BC-5P, you know that its reputation for dependability and outstanding performance are not just claims made by Gates, but are facts substantiated by an overwhelming customer preference! Why don't you get all the information on this industry leader? Contact the Gates Radio company today for complete details on the BC-5P 5kw transmitter. "Statistics compiled through October 1, 1957, from 5 KW sales records maintained by Gates, which are assumed to be accurate. Stations purchasing Gates BC-5P in 1957 include: WUK KPIK WYZE WFST KLPM WML WTIC WHGR WTAL WCAS WLBZ WOKJ KVBC KDMS KWYR KPRC WCBG WMSJ WQIC WPVA KATZ KELA WACt KBHS WRFC WCPC KSTR WMMA WNAE WHIY GATES RADIO COMPANY, Quincy, ill., U.S.A. MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS OFFICES — NEW YORK WASHINGTON D. C. INTERNATIONAL DIV., 13 East 40th St., New York City — SINCE 1922 LOS ANGELES HOUSTON ATLANTA In Canada, CANADIAN MARCONI COMPANY Broadcasting November 18, 1957 • Page 101