Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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JAXIE" GIVES THANKS For His Many New Friends In National and Local Agencies. Basic NBC Affiliation Represented by Peters, Griffin, Woodward, Inc. WFGA-TV Channel 12 if rUfl I f Jacksonville. Florida ' P ■ ■ ■ W Jacksonville, Florida FLORIDA'S COLORFUL STATION TWO VALUABLE RADIO STATIONS OWNER'S INCREASING INTERESTS COMPEL SALE 1. Rich growth major Southwestern city. 1,000 Watts. Down Payment $25,000 ★ ★★★★★ 2. Earning record to $200,000. Leading far west metropolis. Vast profit potentials substantially indicated. Down payment $150,000 3. Other Western radio and television opportunities. CALL FRANK OXARART THE ALBERT ZCGSMITH CORPORATION 1050 Montecito Drive Los Angeles 31, Calif. CAPITOL 5-4116 PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONS CONTINUED try in Lexington and central Kentucky, according to the station's promotion department. Merchandising aids include window streamers, bus cards, newspaper and viewer magazine ads, air announcements, direct mail and other supplements to the WKXPlan GESO. It is copyrighted and created by Community Broadcasting Co., which also owns WLAP-AM-FM Lexington. Standing Room Only at WKRS WKRS Waukegan, 111., took a full-page ad in the Oct. 29 Waukegan News-Sun to announce, "in the interests of good programming, our facilities for advertising have been sold out until Jan. 1, 1958." WKRS reported it is not accepting any new contracts except those effective after that date. Lhe ad was captioned, "We've reached our limit . . . at least for the present," and added that WKRS' acceptance of more business would mean interfering with listeners' enjoyment of musical programs and its refusal means the station is "literally turning away thousands of dollars in revenue." Parents Tuning In to Teeners Parent-listeners to KSFO San Francisco who wonder what their teenage children talk about when alone are interested in its new "eavesdropping" program, KSFO reports. Each Friday and Saturday night disc jockey Kay Winfield airs his Nightcap show from the sponsor's drive-in restaurant and turns over the first hour to the teenagers gathered there. Between selections of records to be played, the young people chat about whatever they choose, while the drive-in sees they're well supplied with hamburgers and milkshakes. WHK Gets 'Party line' Answers WHK Cleveland is airing a listenerparticipation program, Party Line (Mon.Fri. 1:05-2 p.m.), with listeners phoning in "I've got a problem" questions to m.c. Bruce Charles, who invites others in the radio audience to call in suggested solutions. LATEST entry in the mobile broadcasting field is this Vespa scooter van now used by KIMA Yakima, Wash. Chief Engineer Dovel De Von looks over the completely battery-powered unit, which includes two-way shortwave broadcast and tape machine equipment. KIMA, a CBS affiliate, is owned Dy Cascade Broadcasting Co. Page 114 • November 18, 1957 Broadcasting