Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Payable in advance. Checks and money orders only. • DEADLINE: Undisplayed — Monday preceding publication date. Display — Tuesday preceding publication date. • SITUATIONS WANTED 20$ per word — $2.00 minimum • HELP WANTED 25f per word— $2.00 minimum. • All other classifications 30^ per word — $4.00 minimum. • DISPLAY ads #20.00 per inch. • No charge for blind box number. Send replies to Broadcasting, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Applicants: If transcriptions or bulk packages submitted, $1.00 charge for mailing (Forward remittance separately, please). All transcriptions, photos, etc., sent to box numbers are sent at owner's risk. Broadcasting expressly repudiates any liability or responsibility for their custody or return. RADIO Help Wanted Management Manager wanted immediately for radio station in metropolitan Canadian city. The right man should be strong on sales and promotion and willing to accept real challenge to build up station. Excellent opportunity for man not afraid of plenty of work at least for the first year. Excellent salary and incentive. Also wanted, three salesmen. Rush full details and previous experience to Box 718B, BROADCASTING. Need a combo manager-salesman for small southwest single market. Must be capable of personal sales, as well as organizational ability to train others in competitive market. Must have knowledge of agency and regional accounts. Box 802B, BROADCASTING. Station manager or commercial manager. Independent in market of 30,000 with 11 years experience, local, network, small and metropolitan markets with excellent references. Thorough knowledge of music-news operation. Promotionminded. Can sell against best salesman in town. Available January first 1958. For salary requirements, references, and resume write Box 926B, BROADCASTING. General manager-aggressive sales. Take charge of excellent well-equipped daytime station in rural eastern seaboard market. Want honest, hard worker who likes small towns and selling. Excellent salary and commission. Box 952B, BROADCASTING. Strong selling manager wanted for midwest radio and tv station. Wonderful deal for right man. Send full details to Box 969B, BROADCASTING. Expanding central U. S. station desires manager with proven record. Exceptional opportunity. Good salary. Excellent working conditions. Good salary plus override. Send complete info to Box 970B, BROADCASTING. Sales Good opportunity in Wilmington, Delaware for experienced man who can sell radio. Guaranteed $125 per week against 15%. Personal interview necessary. List age, education, experience, present billing. Box 685B, BROADCASTING. If you are a top radio salesman and ready for management or sales manager of a progressive, fast moving radio station, send full info to Box 972B, BROADCASTING. Live like a millionaire, and start making your million while you're doing it. Come to California! . . . not .-just for the winter . . . but for a permanent sales position with a young, aggressive, expanding organization. We'll meet your terms if you're an experienced salesman with a proven production record ... so no matter how well you're doing now, this is your big chance to make the break to California . . . to start striking it rich without any cut-back from your present income. Apply Radio Station KJOY, Hotel Stockton, Stockton. You'll be glad you did! Wonderful opportunity for experienced salesman, who wants permanent position. Rich market, plenty of business. Most ideal spot in California to live. One hour to trout fishing and hunting. All new RCA equipment. We want a high type man who will become part of the community. Radio Station KONG, P. O. Box 1429, Visalia, California. Immediate opening for experienced local sales manager. Excellent opportunity for qualified man with top, fulltime station in flourishing market. Send full particulars in first letter to General Manager, WCLI, Corning, New York. Salesman-announcer-engineers-continuity writer. WCLW, 791 McPherson St., Mansfield, Ohio. We are looking for a saleslady to assist in radio time sales. We would like one with either agency or station experience. A guaranteed salary plus commissions to handle specialty accounts. Some air time if desired. Send photo and full information. WFRO, Fremont, Ohio. Immediate opening for experienced salesman. Established accounts and market. Guarantee against commission. This Is a well paying position for the ambitious salesman. Send full information, experience and photo. You will be called by phone for personal interview if your qualifications meet requirements. Contact Robert F. Wolfe, WFRO, Fremont, Ohio. RADIO Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Sales Write your own ticket! Sales opening at WLOB, Portland's top station and key Lobster Network outlet, means opportunity for top man. Grow with us! Contact Mel Stone, WLOB, Portland, Maine. Announcers Pennsylvania chain needs experienced announcers. Good working conditions, 40-hour week, paid vacation, time and half, $85 a week. Minimum one-year experience necessary. Excellent opportunities for advancement to executive position. Send tape, with news, commercials, and sample music program, plus resume and photograph. Box 274B, BROADCASTING. Florida top-notch pop DJ. $100 week to start. Additional income by selling. Send tape, resume, references first letter. Box 441B, BROADCASTING. 2 years experience. Strong music, Basie to Beethoven. News, write continuity and copy. Tops on board. Box 525B, BROADCASTING. Need tape, resume, photo from versatile announcer. 50 kw central New York station. Box 762B, BROADCASTING. Immediate opening for staff announcer qualified also as newsman. 1,000 watt independent near Chicago. Personal interview necessary, detail age, education, experience in resume. Box 821B, BROADCASTING. TV affiliated first station in five-station midwest medium market desires capable board-operating morning man with sound staff qualifications and television potential. No eccentrics considered. Address tape, resume, snapshot and requirements to Box 863B, BROADCASTING. In and around Dallas, Texas, we need good announcers, no dj's please. Must know good music, send tape and resume to Box 875B, BROADCASTING. Will have opening around January first for chief announcer. Excellent proposition for man capable assistance on sales and copy or play-by-play sports. Single station market Rocky Mountain west. Box 925B, BROADCASTING. Two openings. Needed immediately. Top-notch dj and good experienced announcer for outstanding Illinois radio station. Salary tops in major market. Send resume, photo and tape to Box 956B, BROADCASTING. If you can come into a major market, take over four hours of 5 kw music and news station, and build an audience in three months on your personality, then you're the man we want. Send audition tape and resume. Box 957B, BROADCASTING. Disc jockey and special events man for toprated show on top-rated news and music indie. Sunny Florida living in booming market. Send tape, resume, etc., to Box 958B, BROADCASTING. Immediate opening — dj midwest. Peppy. Experienced. Introduce records in rhyme. $150 week. Box 102C, BROADCASTING. Want experienced dj for morning show. Strong on commercials. $350 to $375 month. Good future. Growing area. Mild climate. Good beaches. Send tape, resume to Manager, KBRZ, Freeport, Texas. Need good combination disc jockey. Play-byplay man or play-by-play salesman. First class helpful but not necessary. Salary, talent and commission. KFJI, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Experienced announcer. Can also sell at high percentage, to later become commercial manager. Contact Dr. F. P. Cerniglia, Radio Station KLIC, Monroe, Louisiana, Fairfax 3-4617. Snappy announcer-salesman. If you have "zoom" for music and news phone KPRK, Livingston, Montana. Paying eighty-five dollars week plus fifteen percent commission to start. RADIO Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Announcers Sports announcer for year-around play-by-play. Apply E. C. Pieplow, KSDN, Aberdeen, South Dakota. Announcer with first phone, no maintenance, contact G. C. Packard, KTRC, Santa Fe, N. M. Announcer experienced all phases needed immediately by 5,000 watt NBC station, city of 17,000. Our man should hail from Kansas or adjacent states. This is permanent position with good station and floaters need not apply. Send audition, references, marital and draft status, and salary requirements to Jim Heaton, KVGB, Great Bend, Kansas. Announcer with approximately one year experience looking for permanency and a real future, for morning show. Send tape, resume and pictures to WARK, Hagerstown, Maryland. Announcer-newsman who would like to take over complete news department. Must be able to gather, write and broadcast. Good opportunity in a good news station. WBYS, Canton, Illinois. Experienced staff dj. All-round man. WKLZ, Kalamazoo, Michigan. WPAZ Pottstown, Pa. needs personality disc jockey. Salary open, profit sharing. Fulltime 5 kw, independent, wants pop dj who can do news, and who wants to become a member of growing organization. Start at $75.00 per week. Send tape, resume and photo to T. C. Hooper, Radio Station WQOK, P. O. Box 298, Greenville, S. C. Wanted, announcer with sports experience. Joe Phillips, WSSO, Starkville, Mississippi, home of Mississippi State College. Ohio, immediate— dj, fast paced, experienced. Call Akron, Blackstone 3-6171. Big small town market of 70,000 (general vicinity of Atlanta) wants combo man with 1st phone ticket for night shift — never more than 4 or 5 hours per night on board, only 5 nights a week. Must have good voice. Send tape, resume and desired starting salary immediately to Don Mitchell, 230 Lakeview Ave., NE, Atlanta 5, Georgia. Technical Need an engineer-announcer for small southwest single market. Prefer man from the southwest. Box 801B, BROADCASTING. Wanted engineer for 5000 watt network affiliate, south, must stay sober, be cooperative, energetic with good character. Full information photo, references required first letter. Box 804B, BROADCASTING. Florida east coast daytimer needs combo-man. Would be chief engineer. Good base. Can sell if desired. Box 922B, BROADCASTING. Engineer-announcer with first class ticket for combo work in major market. Good voice and experience required. Send audition tape and resume. Box 957B, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer-announcer or chief engineersalesman with solid experience either combination, salary to $125 depending. Midwest preferred. Require complete resume, tape, picture. Box 961B, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer-announcer or sales. California indie. Must be responsible, sober, strong on experience and ability. Top remuneration. Can buy share. Send resume, photo, tape first mail. Box 984B, BROADCASTING. Eastern Kentucky daytimer needs first class engineer immediately. Send complete resume. Box 991B, BROADCASTING. Broadcasting November 18, 1957 • Page 131