Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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RADIO RADIO Stations — (Cont'd) Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Technical Wanted, engineer-announcer with first class phone. Central Penna Network affiliate. Experience preferred, immediate opening, benefits. Write Box 999B, BROADCASTING. Wanted, first phone, with good voice, unlimited opportunities and good pay, desirable place to work, with good staff. Contact Mike Donovan, KANA, Anaconda, Mont. Combination engineer-announcer needed immediately. Good salary. Excellent working conditions. Call, wire or write Les Ryder, KCIL, Houma, Louisiana. Engineer-announcer. Combination board work and maintenance. First phone. Contact KCOW Radio, Alliance, Nebraska. Chief engineer-announcer send tape and resume to KWOW, Pomona, California. Engineer wanted with 1st class radio-telephone license. Apply WBEC, 33 Eagle Street, Pittsfield, Mass. Technical supervisor take charge well equipped am-fm operation. New Gates kilowatt am, GE fm transmitters, remote controlled. Applicants must have several years all-around maintenance experience. Excellent opportunity for engineer preferring station which maintains A-l equipment condition. Contact Ray Cheney, WMIX, Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Wanted, engineer, first class, for 5 kw directional, no announcing required. Contact Harry W. Jackson, CE, WMMN, Fairmont, W. Va. Production-Programming, Others Someone to handle traffic and some correspondence. Progressive station. Northwest North Carolina. Wonderful climate. Excellent pay to the right person. Box 882B, BROADCASTING. Want experienced local newsman. Photographic experience helpful. Pay in three figures for right man. Send pix, tape and full facts. Box 940B, BROADCASTING. Experienced and persuasive copywriter for network station in beautiful Texas resort city. Box 946B, BROADCASTING. Production-Programming, Others Immediate opening for good, experienced continuity director for pace setting radio station in major midwest market (Illinois). Salary tops. Send samples, photo, background. Box 956B, BROADCASTING. Experienced woman office and traffic manager with bookkeeping knowledge and well-rounded small station background. Salary to $85. Furnish complete resume, references, picture. Midwest. Box 962B, BROADCASTING. 5000 watt Mutual station desires ambitions program director for progressive midwest market. Terrific opportunity. Send full info to Box 971B, BROADCASTING. Immediate opening for experienced radio creative newsman. WCOJ, Coatesville, Penna. Copywriter. Experienced. Send details. WEOK, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Newsman, no experience necessary. $60 week to start. Journalism background preferred. Enthusiasm desired. No clock watchers please. Contact News Director, Ed Leonard, WICH, P. O. Box 629, Norwich, Connecticut, pronto. Newsman. Radio-television, capable leg and air man with small market r.tation experience who can gather, write, and air news; journalism education background preferred: married: veteran; stable and dependable with good references: one who wants a permanent berth in a news department which has twice received national recognition. Scale starts at $85 for 40 hours. Salary commensurate with experience and ability. Write or phone W. P. Williamson. WKBN, Youngstown, Ohio. Sterling 2-1145. News director needed for local news operation which covers suburbs north of New York City. Good news background, voice necessary. Modern air-conditioned studios, happy people, good salary and future. Present news editor leaving after eight mutually happy years. Send resume, tape at once. WLNA, Peekskill, New York. RADIO Situations Wanted Management Permanent location, with opportunity of part ownership. Experienced all phases. Box 807B, BROADCASTING. Seeking first opportunity as manager. Ten years radio-tv-theatre. 30, married, mature. Box 862B, BROADCASTING. Seeking job manager small station southern states working interest or salary. Experienced announcing, sales programming. Not a super radio man, just plain common sense. Ambitious. References. Available immediately. Box 884B, BROADCASTING. Mountain states; manager, assistant manager, program director, announcer, or combo thereof. Will consider all openings in this area. Ten years radio experience all departments and some television. Box 933B, BROADCASTING. Seven years experience public relations, newspaper and all phases station operation, except engineering. Now managing two stations. Love to sell, B.A. Degree Radio Station Administration. Married, 31. Box 951B, BROADCASTING. Desire to manage good music station. Twenty plus years experience in radio. Married, sober and economical. Professional musician. Box 992B, BROADCASTING. Experienced manager, thirteen years radiotelevision. Looking for opportunity to manage station, become part-owner. Degree, family, sales-minded, economical operator. Good references. Box 993B, BROADCASTING. Top man now in northeast major market will relocate as operations manager for top money. Ten years experience. If you can afford a good operation, I'll send resume. Box 100C, BROADCASTING. General manager for small market station desires similar position with medium or large market station. Proven record and best references from nation's most respected multiple-station owner. Current station sold after increase in income. Available after December 15th. Will accept salary-override arrangement or will work out management contract. Must have minimum $9,000 plus. Write to R. C, 1750 39th Ave., San Francisco. Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Sales Sales, aggressive, intelligence, fine appearance. Veteran, young, college graduate, scholarship student. Locate N. Y. area. Box 938B, BROADCASTING. Announcers DJ beginner, capable, eager to please, salary second to opportunity. Grad N. Y. radio school. Tape and resume immediately on request. Box 785B, BROADCASTING. Girl personality, dj, run own board, eager to please. Free to travel, gimmicks and sales. Box 786B, BROADCASTING. Personality-dj. Strong commercials, gimmicks, etc., run own board. Steady, eager to please, go anywhere. Box 787B, BROADCASTING. Highly experienced deejay now in top market. Negro. Great voice. Hipster. First phone. Box 887B, BROADCASTING. Basketball announcer, 7 years experience. Finest of references. Excellent voice. Box 898B, BROADCASTING. Topnotch personality who x-sells; for station with showmanship; no top fortier; state salary. Box 928B, BROADCASTING. Attention! Large markets! Searching for a topflight personality deejay, who does a terrific "on the air" selling job? Look no further. I'm your man. 6 years experience, excellent voice, refreshing delivery, versatile, production minded, good references. Present salary $130.00. Box 930B, BROADCASTING. Announcer: Radio-tv. Aggressive, enthusiastic. Strong, convincing "sell" appeal. Pleasant voice. Production-minded, capable writer. Interested in permanency and future. Box 931B, BROADCASTING. Announcer with six years experience in news, records, and play-by-play sports would like to relocate in N. C. or Virginia. Presently with 50 kw. Box 935B, BROADCASTING. Got it? — Get it! Production-minded dj with fine music show. 3 years experience; selling voice; 4 years college; married. Box 936B, BROADCASTING. Exceptionally talented newcomer wants position announcing news, sports, dj. Married, college grad. TV acting background. Box 942B, BROADCASTING. Sinus trouble is forcing me to leave central Illinois. If you are located in a favorable climate, need a 35-year-old, married, local news man or fast moving disc jockey, can pay 450-500 dollars per month to start, write Box 948B, BROADCASTING. Attractive girl personality desires disc jockey position. Experience, college graduate. Box 950B, BROADCASTING. Professional broadcaster, married, veteran, college graduate, eleven years broadcasting, known in the industry, desires program directorship, 5 to 50 kilowatts. Box 953B, BROADCASTING. Announcer possessing warm, friendly dj banter, good news, looking for immediate opening. 4 years experience. Box 960B, BROADCASTING. Experienced announcer-salesman. Young, ambitious, family man. Veteran, college, employed. Box 963B, BROADCASTING. Rarity, deejay with talent, also first phone. No Storzman he, he a showman be. $140.00. Box 964B, BROADCASTING. Top deejay in midwestern city of 50,000 desires better working conditions in the midwest. Married; college education; two years experience; capabilities unlimited. Box 965B, BROADCASTING. Former network sportscaster and sports director wishes to relocate. Excellent play-by-play. Tape, picture and resume on request. Box 966B, BROADCASTING. Experienced staff announcer. Prefer midwest. Will consider all. Top references. Box 978B, BROADCASTING. DJ, three years experience, good commercial delivery, know music, family. Box 981B, BROADCASTING. Experience, versatility, stability. 12 years radio and tv. Announcer-salesman. Play-by-play. Combo. Strong news, music, writing. Sober, mature family man. Show me opportunity to advance according to what I produce, and I'll show you real professional ability. Top references. Don't answer this if you're looking for amateur or cheap help. Box 983B, BROADCASTING. The BIG MONEY goes to F. C. C. LICENSED MEN! F.C.C. License — the Key to Better Jobs An FCC commercial (not amateur) license is your ticket to higher pay and more interesting employment. This license is Federal Government evidence of your qualification. Employers are eager to hire licensed technicians. Grantham Training Does the Job Grantham School of Electronics specializes in preparing students to pass FCC examinations. We train you quickly and well. All courses begin with basic fundamentals— NO previous training required. Beginners get 1st class license in 12 weeks. Learn by Mail or in Residence You can train either by correspondence or in residence at either division of Grantham School of Electronics — Hollywood, Calif., or Washington, D. C. Our free booklet gives details of both types of courses. Send for your free copy today. MAIL TO SCHOOL NEAREST YOU. ^ Grantham Schools, Desk 14-F \ 821 19th Street N. W. fin 1505 N. Western Ave. Washington 6, D. C. UK Hollywood 27, Calif. Please send me your free booklet, telling how I can get my commercial FCC license quickly. I understand there is no obligation and no salesman will call. Name Address City State I am interested in: rj Home Study, [J Resident Classes Page 132 • November 18, 1957 Broadcasting