Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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TELEVISION FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Technical Engineer, 1st phone, experienced all phases of studio operation, presently employed. Desires to relocate on west coast. Box 995B, BROADCASTING. Production-Programming, Others Photographer. Experienced news and commercial, complete equipment; family: locate anywhere. Box 893B, BROADCASTING. Copywriter-fresh, new production ideas, oncamera and writing experience. Box 920B, BROADCASTING. Young man, 25, college degree, Masters in music and tv production and direction. Three years experience as tv-music director and cameraman. Experienced singer, actor. Seeks position with a future. Box 937B, BROADCASTING. Versatile television announcer. Two years oncamera. News, weather, commercials. Two years radio-television sales. Seven years radio. Announcing, programming. Married, stable. Will announce, sell or consider radio management. Box 998B, BROADCASTING. FOR SALE Stations For sale, fulltime station located in midwest, doing nice business. No broker. Box 924B, BROADCASTING. For sale: North Alabama small station, new equipment, excellent market, good gross. $75,000 with $25,000 cash down. No brokers. Box 943B, BROADCASTING. Wanted, operating partner. Owner of two single station market properties in northeast seeks aggressive, competent operator who will buy 50% interest in both and operate them. Other commitments prevent me from doing the right kind of a job myself. Cash necessary, but ability more important. Write fully in confidence. Box 997B, BROADCASTING. California fulltime. Good frequency. Excellent growth possibilities. Now grossing $12,000 monthly and increasing. Asking $185,000 with $65,000 down. Box 103C, BROADCASTING. Quality broadcast property now available on exclusive basis. Ralph Erwin, Broker. Tuloma Building, Tulsa. Ozark wonderland. A thriving medium city market. A pioneer station. Priced at $90,000. Written inquiries invited. Ralph Erwin, Broker. Tuloma Building, Tulsa. Mid-continent station. Now available. A fulltime operation. City of more than 30,000. Less than 300 miles from Kansas City. Substantial down payment required. Written inquiries invited. Ralph Erwin, Broker. Tuloma Building, Tulsa. Twin City investment groups seek selected midwestern radio and television properties for immediate investment. Substantial cash down payments assured. All inquiries handled with confidence and discretion. Herb Gross Associates, 253 Plymouth Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Stations — ( Cont'd ) Norman & Norman, Inc., 510 Security Bldg., Davenport, Iowa. Sales, purchases, appraisals, handled with care and discretion. Experienced. Former radio and television owners and operators. Write now for our free bulletin of outstanding radio and tv buys throughout the United States. Jack L. Stoll & Associates, 6381 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Equipment 16mm professional motion picture production equipment, complete, like new. Free descriptive list. Box 927B, BROADCASTING. For immediate sale. Two (2) Adler model VST 150H tv transmitters, 150 watts visual, 75 watts aural, channel 13. One (1) Alford 4 bay gain of 4 transmitting antenna, channel 13. One (1) beacon for above. One (1) dummy load. KSHOTV, El Rancho Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada. Phone Dudley 2-8010. 740 feet 6% inch coax transmission line in perfect condition. Crated and ready for shipment, $7,400 cash. Contact W. L. Shackelford, KSWSTV, Roswell, New Mexico. Mobile broadcast studio. Converted air line bus. With or without equipment. Range 20 miles. Money maker. WEOK, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Two Dage 300C vidicon camera chains with latest modifications, including two cameras, two camera controls, two power supplies, two 1-inch lenses, two 3-inch lenses, two tripods and friction heads. George Wilson, WWTV, Cadillac, Mich. Prospect 5-3478. Tower, 200' guyed Windcharger, new type lighting, perfect condition, presently erected, will accept best offer received before November 30, must be moved promptly, Phillip G. Back, Arkansas Gazette Building, Little Rock, Arkansas. WANTED TO BUY Stations Stations wanted! New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri. Private service. Ralph J. Erwin. Broker. The Tuloma Building, Tulsa. Equipment Wanted to buy, 10 kw fm transmitter, other fm accessories. Reply Box 467B, BROADCASTING. Wanted: 250 watt fm transmitter, frequency and modulation monitor. State make and condition. Quick cash sale. Box 947B, BROADCASTING. Television studio in New York state wants used lighting equipment. Box 101C, BROADCASTING. Used Gates remote control units, complete. Contact Ken Duke, KDDD, Dumas, Texas. Phone Webster 5-4141. Interested in purchasing a 3 kw or a 5 kw fm transmitter or a 5 kw fm amplifier which can be driven by a 1 kw RCA fm transmitter. E. Sonderling, WOPA, Oak Park, Illinois, Village 8-5760. We need 5 to 10 kw fm transmitter and accessories-monitor-studio equipment. Any unit or full set up. Write Missionary Foundation, Box 254, Pasadena, California. Equipment — (Cont'd) FM transmitter 6 to 10 kw and accessories including monitor and studio equipment. Contact George Voron & Co., 835 N. 19th St., Philadelphia 30, Pa. INSTRUCTIONS FCC first phone preparation by correspondence or in resident classes. Our schools are located in' Hollywood, California and Washington, D. C. For free booklet, write Grantham School, Desk B2, 821-19th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. FCC first phone license in six weeks. Guaranteed instruction by master teacher. Phone FLeetwood 2-2733. Elkins Radio License School, 3605 Regent Drive, Dallas, Texas. F.C.C. license residence or correspondence. The Pathfinder method-short-thorough-inexpensive. For bonus offer write Pathfinder Radio Services, 737 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. RADIO Help Wanted Announcers PERSONALITY DJ If you are a dj who is a personality on a minimum of talk and who can follow sound music policy, WSBA, York, Pennsylvania has an attractive position for you. Salary open. Send tape and complete information to Program Director. »•»•»•»•»•»•»• »•»•»•»•»• »•»•»•»•»•»•»•»•»• »• »•»•»•»•».»• j> »• % FLORIDA OPENING Z « Steady announcer-disc jockey <? 2 wanted by new, live-wire music and % « news daytimer. (Not top 40) . Good « <? salary for good man. Pleasant work <? % ing conditions. Excellent fishing and % » swimming. Average temperature « ? 74°. Rush tape, photo and resume. ■? % WBIL, Box 638, Leesburg, Florida % •3 -3 •(! •(? •« -<S -S ■($ •« -3 •« •« •« •<! •« •« •« •« •« -3 -3 -3 -8 -3 -8 -8 -3 -8 -3 « Situations Wanted I PAY-TV OPPORTUNITY I Television station in prosperous and growing city of I 210,000 population. Ideal opportunity for early en1 try into prosperous Pay-TV. includes 60,000 square I feet of valuable land well located, 5,260 square feet I tile and cement block building fully equipped and air 1 conditioned, 450 foot tower, RCA transmitter and | Channel 17 radiator. Will sell for less than replaceI ment cost on favorable terms. I Box 820B, BROADCASTING ONE OF AMERICA'S LEADING INDEPENDENTS in top 20 market soon moves out into other major areas. We're now recruiting talented, experienced jocks and newsmen ready to join young, aggressive, dynamic group operation. Solid, mature, non-frantic success-proved broadcasters invite your tape and resume. Send to Bill Burns, Pgm. Dir. Gordon Broadcasting Co. HOTEL SINTON • CINCINNATI 2, OHIO Announcers AT LIBERTY Clyde Caswell, also known professionally as Jim Christie. Over 20 years radio experience. Knows all facets. Voted in "Top Ten" D.J.'s in c/w field last three years. Interested in Management, Programming or what have you? Would like Midwest or Chicago area but will consider all others. Excellent references of past performances. 1428 Jefferson St.. Des Plaines, 111. Page 134 • November 18, 1957 Broadcasting