Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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TELEVISION FOR THE RECORD continued Help Wanted OPPORTUNITY. Experienced young woman to do live TV commercials on across-the-board show in Philadelphia. Must be personable and sell convincingly. Young housewife type preferred. Firm contract to right gal. Send full resume and photograph to Box 923B, BROADCASTING. ASSISTANT PROMOTION MANAGER Network owned TV station in East needs an assistant promotion-publicity manager immediately. Good future for experienced go getter with some writing ability. Send resume and samples to Box 105C, BROADCASTING FOR SALE J Transmitter, VHF Dumont 25 I ! kw for any low band VHF i i needing maximum power. Like ! i new but has had one year's ! i shakedown operation. No bugs, i | (Now on Channel 5) j j Transmitter, console, terminal j j equipment — Dumont. Console j | includes audio and video j j switching and monitoring. Pre j | wired audio racks. | ] Box 688B, BROADCASTING f TAPE RECORDERS All Professional Makes New — Used — Trades Supplies — Parts — Accessories STEFFEN ELECTRO ART CO. 4405 W. North Avenue Milwaukee 8, Wise. Hilltop 4-2715 America's Tape Recorder Specialists EMPLOYMENT SERVICE BROADCASTERS EXECUTIVE PLACEMENT SERVICE CONFIDENTIAL CONTACT NATIONWIDE SERVICE HOWARD S. FRAZIER, INC. 1736 Wisconsin Ave.. N. W. WASHINGTON 7, D. C. Continued from page 130 WNOW. Ella Nelson has retail fur shop. Announced Nov. 7. WPCC Clinton, S. C— Seeks assignment of cp from Clinton Bcstg. Co. to Radio Station WPCC Inc. Corporate change. No control change. Announced Nov. 12. KMIL Cameron, Tex. — Seeks assignment of license from Milam County Bcstg. Service Ltd., to Milam Bcstrs. Ltd. Corporate change. No control change. Announced Nov. 6. Hearing Cases FINAL DECISIONS Commission announced its order of Nov. 6 dismissing petition by Sangamon Valley Television Corp., unsuccessful applicant for ch. 2 in Springfield, HI., comparative proceeding for reconsideration or clarification of Aug. 27 action (announcing approval of specifications submitted by WMAY-TV Inc., for operation of station WMAY-TV Springfield, on ch. 36 pursuant to memorandum opinion and order which substituted ch. 36 for ch. 2 and modified WMAY-TV authorization accordingly, which action was without prejudice to whatever action Commission may be required to take as result of decisions by Court of Appeals in Sangamon Valley Television Corp. v. United States and FCC) to reflect the fact that, under the specific terms of grant which it voluntarily accepted, WMAY-TV Inc., has surrendered all asserted rights with respect to ch. 2. Comrs. Mack and Craven abstained from voting. By memorandum opinion and order of Nov. 13, Commission denied petition by Radio Cincinnati inc. (WKRC-TV ch. 12), Cincinnati, Ohio, intervener, for enlargement of issues and motion to strike certain language in opposition thereto filed by WHAS Inc. (WHAS-TV ch. 11), Louisville. Ky., in proceeding on application of WHAS-TV to move trans, toward Lexington, Ky., increase ant. height to 1,818 ft., and make other changes. By memorandum opinion and order of Nov. 13, Commission denied motion by Nevada Telecasting Corp. (KAKJ ch. 4), Reno, Nev., for discovery and inspection of certain statements in connection with proceeding on revocation of cp of KAKJ. Comr. Ford abstained from voting. By memorandum opinion and order of Nov. 13, Commission denied motion by Booth Radio & Television Stations Inc. (WJVA), South Bend, Ind., to enlarge issues in am proceeding on its application and that of Allegan County Bcstrs., Allegan, Mich., both involving 1580 kc. Commission announced its decision of Nov. 13 which (1) dismissed pleading by American Southern Bcstrs. entitled "Further Reply to and Explanations of Questions Directed to Carrol F. Jackson at Oral Hearing"; (2) granted protests of Southland Bcstg. Co. (WLAU) and New Laurel Radio Station Inc. (WAML), both Laurel, Miss.; (3) reversed Commission's action of Nov. 24, 1954, granting application of Carroll F. and D. N. Jackson, d/b as American Southern Bcstrs. for new am station (WPWR) to operate on 1430 kc, 1 kw D, in Laurel, Miss., and denied said application, and (4) terminated proceedings in Docket 11262. Comrs. Craven and Ford abstained from voting. INITIAL DECISIONS Hearing Examiner H. Gifford Irion issued initial decision looking toward grant of aptest by Mid-Florida Radio Corp. (am station WLOF), Orlando, Fla., and (2) confirming Feb. 6 grant of application of Telrad Inc., for mod. of cp of station WESH-TV (ch. 2) Daytona Beach, Fla., to move trans, to a site about 25 miles from Daytona Beach in direction of Orlando and increase ERP to 100 kw vis. and 60.3 kw aur. and ant. height to 940 ft. Announced Nov. 7. Hearing Examiner Jay A. Kyle issued initial decision looking toward grant of application of Gold Coast Bcstrs. for new am station to operate on 1470 kc, 5 kw DA, D, in Pompano Beach, Fla. Announced Nov. 8. Hearing Examiner Annie Neal Huntting issued an initial decision looking toward grant of application of Robert H. Sauber for new am station to operate on 1430 kc, 500 w D, in Franklin, Pa. Announced Nov. 8. Hearing Examiner Thomas H. Donahue issued initial decision looking toward grant of application of Beehive Telecasting Corp. for new tv station to operate on ch. 11 in Provo, Utah. Announced Nov. 13. OTHER ACTIONS . Commission Instructions in Docket Cases Commission on Nov. 13 directed preparation of documents looking toward: Denying petition by Community Telecasting Co. (WXTV ch. 73), Youngstown, Ohio, for rehearing and reconsideration of Sept. 5 memorandum opinion and order which dismissed its protest to Commission's Feb. 20 grant of application of WKST Inc., to change trans, site of WKST-TV (ch. 45) and make equipment changes, and Denying petition by Interstate Bcstg. Co. Inc. (WQXR), New York City, for rehearing and stay of Feb. 13 decision which granted application of E. Weaks McKinneySmith for new am station to operate on 1560 kc, 1 kw unl., employing a three-element directional ant., in Paducah, Ky. ORAL ARGUMENTS SCHEDULED Commission on Nov. 13 scheduled following am proceedings for oral argument on Dec. 10: Hocking Valley Bcstg. Corp. (WHOK) Lancaster, Ohio. Valley Bcstg. Co. and Cherokee Bcstg. Co., both Murphy, N. C. Star of the Plains Bcstg. Co., Slaton, Texas, and Plainview Radio, Plainview, Tex., rescheduled from Nov. 25 to Dec. 10. By order, Commission designated for hearing on specified issues application of Sacramento Telecasters Inc., for mod. of cp to change trans, and studio site of KBET-TV (ch. 10) Sacramento, Calif., change type ant. and make other equipment changes; denied requests by McClatchy Bcstg. Co. for stay of Dec. 9, 1954, grant of KBETTV application and for oral argument on McClatchy's petition for inclusion of issues; granted McClatchy petition for inclusion of certain issues insofar as they relate to application for mod. of cp and denied petition in all other respects; granted KBET-TV motion to strike McClatchy's petition for inclusion of issues from ch. 10 comparative proceeding; made McClatchy party to proceeding. Routine Roundup ACTIONS BY FCC PETITIONS FOR RULE MAKING FILED Star Broadcasting Co. Inc., WCBF-TV Rochester, N. Y. — Petition requesting amendment of Sec. 3.606 of rules to allocate ch. 13 to Rochester. Petitioner also requests issuance of order to show cause why its authorization for ch. 15 Rochester should not be modified to specify operation on ch. 13. ACTIONS ON MOTIONS On petition by ch. 16 of Rhode Island Inc. (WNET ch. 16), Providence, R. I., Commission on Nov. 8 granted in part request for extension of time for filing reply comments in tv rulemaking proceeding involving Providence; New Haven, Conn., and Portland and Orono, Me.; time extended from Nov. 12 to Nov. 27. By Hearing Examiner Basil P. Cooper on Nov. 7 Ordered that prehearing conference will be held on Nov. 19 in re fm applications of Hall Bcstg. Co. Inc., Los Angeles; Hogan Bcstg. Corp., Long Beach, and Richard C. Symonton, Los Angeles, all Calif. By Hearing Examiner James D. Cunningham on Nov. 8 Ordered that hearing presently scheduled for Nov. 13 on application of Chinook Television Co., Yakima, Wash., for cp to replace expired permit (ch. 23), is continued indefinitely pending action on applicant's petition for dismissal of his application without prejudice. By Chief Hearing Examiner James D. Cunningham on Nov. 6 Granted petition of Jack A. Burnett for dismissal without prejudice of his application and retained in hearing status application of United Telecasting and Radio Co., for new tv stations to operate on ch. 9 in Ogden, Utah. By Hearing Examiner Annie Neal Huntting on dates shown Granted motion of Public Service Bcstg., Riviera Beach, Fla., and continued from Nov. 8 to Nov. 15 for exchange of applicants' direct cases, from Nov. 13 to Nov. 20 for giving notice as to witnesses desired for cross-examination, and hearing is continued from Nov. 20 to Nov. 27, in proceeding on Public's am application and that of Gold Coast Bcstg. Co., Lake Worth, Fla. By Hearing Examiner Elizabeth C. Smith on Nov. 5 Granted petition of Cleveland County Bcstg. Co., Shelby, N. C, for leave to amend its am application to show engineering changes which will result in reducing interference it will receive from the proposal of Mountain View Bcstg. Co., Jonesboro, Tenn., and application, as amended, is retained in hearing status. BROADCAST ACTIONS By the Broadcast Bureau Actions of November 8 WAHR Miami Beach, Fla. — Granted assignment of licenses to Alan H. Rosenson and Yvette Rosenson, d/b as Mercantile Bcstg. Co. KLEA Lovington, N. Mex. — Granted assignment of license to Lea County Bcstg. Co. (stock transaction). KFYR-TV KMOT, KUMV-TV, KFYR— Granted acquisition of positive control by Marietta Meyer Ekberg through sale of stock by Etta Hoskins Meyer to licensee (stock to be retired). WOV New York, N. Y. — Granted relinquishment of positive control by Morris S. Novik through Broadcasting November 18, 1957 • Page 135