Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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THE WEEK IN BRIEF LEAD STORY TRADE ASSNS. The Top 50 Radio-Tv Agencies in '57 — McCann-Erickson, with a $26.6 million increase over last year, becomes No. 1 with $103 in combined billings this year. Annual Broadcasting survey shows 1956 leader, Young & Rubicam, increased $18 million, but winds up as runner-up with $100 million. Kingpin in spot: Ted Bates with $43.5 million. Page 27. The Tv Picture — Television Bureau of Advertising at Chicago membership meeting girds for 'storms' ahead. Page 95. Catholic Bishops to Study Radio-Tv — Yearlong evaluation to be made prior to any decision on extension of Legion of Decency. Page 97. ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES Radio-Tv in AAAA Spotlight — Broadcast media get heavy share of "allocations" for mythical cigarette in media-buying workshop at AAAA Eastern Conference. Tv and radio commercial production techniques explored in another session. Page 50. The Morning After in Baltimore — Now that taxes totaling 6% against advertising media have been adopted, opposition moves to take battle to courts. Though pared from originally proposed 9V2%, levies still represent a nearly $2.7 million annual bite. Page 48. STATIONS Living-Room Labs — On-the-air subliminal tests are emerging from antennas. WLWO (TV) Bangor, Me., is sending invisible messages. Two radio stations are tinkering with low-level sound transmissions. And government people are adding a nice tint of reddish tape to electronic emanations. Page 72. PROGRAM SERVICES Another Snub for Toll Tv — Subscription tv in any form opposed by 96.6% of nearly 45,000 respondents to Tv Guide poll. Page 66. GOVERNMENT Greenlight to NTA — FCC approves National Telefilm Assoc. purchase of KMGM-TV Minneapolis, with only Comr. Bartley dissenting. Page 80. Keep Tv's Status Intact — Assn. of Maximum Service Telecasters, filing in 25-890 mc inquiry, urges FCC to wait for TASO findings. Page 80. FILM Lots of Takers — NTA, United Artists and Paramount said to be contenders to purchase AAP; but NTA says it has contract signed. Meanwhile, word from AAP: nothing about a purchase, but many sales to stations to report. Page 88. More Tv Filmaking — Desilu Productions reportedly paying more than $6 million to acquire California studio facilities from RKO Teleradio. Page 88. NETWORKS MANUFACTURING GE's New Color Camera — Pre-production model of smaller live color tv camera demonstrated at opening of WGYWRGB (TV) broadcast center in Schenectady. Page 92. The Clever Commercial Doesn't Always Sell — Too much of an effort towards ultrasophistication, artiness or too much imitation of other sales messages, can make your commercial ineffective. These and other writing errors are cited by Myron Mahler, Emil Mogul Co., in this week's Monday memo. Page 121. MR. MAHLER What Tv Is Meaning to Exhibitors — Eric Johnston, MPAA head, speaking to theatre men meeting in Miami Beach, outlines the facts of life insofar as television's effects are concerned. Page 70. ABC-TV's Nighttime Goals — Network outlines plans to primary affiliates in Chicago meeting. Audience leadership by next April is objective. Page 56. Salant Slams Barrow Report — CBS executive defends tv network practices, criticizes pay tv. He notes, however, that CBS will actively participate in toll system, if approved. Page 64. The Impact of CBS-Owned Radio Outlets — Network releases findings of its survey that cites appeal and preference for CBS Radio stations. Page 60. PROGRAM SERVICES Movie Exhibitors Hit Pay Tv — Theatre Owners of America vote unanimously against both off-air and wired pay tv. Pledge to work for legislation to ban pay tv. Action taken at convention in Miami Beach. Page 66. DEPARTMENTS ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES... 27 AT DEADLINE 9 BUSINESS BRIEFLY 36 CHANGING HANDS 76 CLOSED CIRCUIT 5 COLORCASTING 32 EDITORIAL 122 FILM 88 FOR THE RECORD 107 GOVERNMENT 80 IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST 22 LEAD STORY 27 MANUFACTURING 92 MONDAY MEMO 121 NETWORKS 56 OPEN MIKE 14 OUR RESPECTS 24 PEOPLE 103 PLAYBACK 118 PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONS.. 99 PROGRAM SERVICES 66 STATIONS 72 TRADE ASSNS 95 UPCOMING 99 ffll Broadcasting November 25, 1957 • Page 7