Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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wkrg-tv Ratings are up 5th straight time on Channel 5 in Mobile With Nielsen and A.R.B. already showing WKRG-TV leading by a country-mile in Mobile, the new TELEPULSE (Sept. '57) shows Channel 5 out in front even more. WKRG-TV Leads 372 to 89 TELEPULSE (Sept. '57) reports WKRG-TV leading Station X in 372 quarter hours to 89 (one tie). WKRG-TV has 15 of "Top 15 Once-a-Week Shows" ... 7 out of 10 "Top Ten Multi-Weekly Shows". Sunday through Saturday (6 P.M. to Midnight) WKRG-TV leads in 155 quarter hours to 12 for Station X. Monday through Friday (7 A.M. to 6 P.M.) WKRG-TV leads in 165 quarter hours to 55 for Station X. WKRG's Saturday daytime lead is 4-to-l. WKRG-TV's Sunday daytime lead is 5-to-l. How else can we say any time is better time on WKRG-TV! For availabilities, call your Avery-Knodel office or C. P. Persons, Jr., Vice-President and General Manager. NIELSEN GIVES US THIS BONUS WKRG-TV Station "X" Population 1,258,000 1,087,000 . C.S.I. $1,467,000,000 1,316,000,000 T.R.S. $1,060,000,000 954,000,000 WKRG-TV Bonus 161,000 46,000 $ 151,000,000 $ 106,000,000 Channel wkrg-tv AVERY KNODEL Page 16 November 25, 1957 OPEN MIKE CONTINUED the population than regularly goes out to see new movies, operas, etc. It is also a much larger percentage than the audience for the overwhelming majority of sponsored tv programs. . . . Actually, the only people who really know about pay tv are those who have experienced it. In our 1951 Phonevision test, 300 families . . . spent an average of $1.73 per week to watch paid features about 2Vz hours a week. The rest of the tv time was devoted to sponsored shows. At the end of the test every family urged that the service be continued. Two years ago we surveyed the same group; more than 90% said they would like to have pay tv available again so they could purchase features that sponsors could not provide. Ted Leitzell Director of Public Relations Zenith Radio Corp. Chicago Yankee Approval editor: Congratulations on your article on educational tv [Education, Nov. 11]. It is one the most comprehensive and objective articles about this that I have seen. E. J. Kingsbury Jr. Chairman State of New Hampshire Commission on Educational Television Keene, N. H. Notre Dame's on Ch. 16 editor: Congratulations on the very comprehensive report on educational television [Education, Nov. 11]. We are pleased you listed WNDU-TV as one of four commercial stations owned by a university which benefit education in a very substantial way. To correct a misconception, WNDU-TV is no longer ch. 46. Since Sept. 30 we have been on ch. 16 with doubled power and coverage area. A fifth station should be added to the list: WB AY-TV Green Bay, Wis. It is owned and operated by the Norbertine Fathers who conduct St. Norbert's College. They are helping television in an important way. Wm. Thomas Hamilton Sales Manager WNDU-TV South Bend, lnd. Three Letters to Marjorie editor: We note Marjorie Marquardt of Fetzer Broadcasting Co. asks if there is another station in the U. S. with more than a third of its employes 10-year or more veterans with their respective stations [Open Mike. Nov. 11]. KOIN has 34 employes who have been with the station more than 10 years. In fact. 18 of these persons have been with the station from 20 to 29 years. Total experience Broadcasting