Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES continued tion" quiz programs but lost out on RevIon's proposed ABC-TV Guy Mitchell Show on which it was to have been the agency of record. Mogul was assured several new Revlon products, some still being tested. Mogul gained some new broadcast accounts, Dr. Pierce's Proprietaries, Barracini candies and Bakers Franchise (Lite Diet Bread). Ronzoni went in for syndicated tv film properties, Rayco enlarged its spot buys and Knomark Mfg. Co. (Esquire) returned to NBC-TV on the Perry Como Show. Park & Tilford bought into the network's Queen for a Day. P&T expanded into toiletries but assigned the new products to Grant Adv. because of possible product conflict with Revlon at Mogul. DONAHUE & COE: Combined tv-radio billing $7.7 million; $5.9 million in television (all spot); $1.8 million in radio (all spot); tvradio share of overall billing: 25 % . Making its debut among the top 50 agencies for first time with a total tv-radio billing of $7.7 million, Donahue & Co. gained several new accounts during the year. Among them: $2 million worth of B. T. Babbitt Co. billing (Bab-O, Acme, Am-O, Cameo copper cleaner) from Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample and Cohen & Aleshire, Pearson Pharmacal Co.'s Eye-Gene from Al Paul Lefton Co. and Chemway Corp.'s Lady Esther face creams and powders from D-F-S, Chicago. (D&C already serviced Chemway's Dunbar Labs and Pearson's Ennds and Sakrin when the new products were assigned.) No D&C advertiser spent money in network, but spot activity was considerable; it included Corn Products Refining Co.'s Bosco, which hit the western trail in 57 markets with CBS Tv Film Sales' Annie Oakley; CPRC's Kasco dog food, spot announcements; E. F. Drew & Co.'s Tri-Nut margarine, tv spot; Loew's Inc. and Columbia Pictures Corp., radio-tv spot; Scholl Mfg. Co., radio spot, and Scripto Inc., tv spot. MACMANUS, JOHN & ADAMS: Combined tv-radio billing $7.7 million; $5.6 million in television ($3.8 million in network, $1.8 million in spot); $2.1 million in radio ($0.7 million in network, $1.4 million in spot); tv-radio share of overall billing: 19% . Counting a $0.7 million gain over 1956 tv-radio billing, MI&A this year placed more radio business, primarily for Pontiac; Dow Chemical Co. (Saran Wrap), and the "New York accounts," such as S. B. Thomas bread, Medaglia d'Oro coffee, Good Humor Corp. and White Rock Corp. MJ&A inherited from Kudner Agency $5.5 million worth of General Motors institutional tv billing for Wide Wide World (NBC-TV). Other network advertisers: Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. (new Scotchard stain repellent), using eight NBC-TV daytime shows next month for Christmas promotion; Pontiac Motors Div. of GM re-entered network tv with "specials" such as this week's "Annie Get Your Gun" and radio sports coverage; Noxzema in Perry Como Show as well as NBC Radio's Red Foley Show; Dow Chemical Co., in CBS-TV's Garry Moore Show, and Cadillac Motor Car Div., GM, which stepped up its radio network BIG NIGHT The Television Bureau of Advertising last week announced that a TvBNielsen cumulative report covering the evening of Oct. 13 (Sunday) showed that between "6:30-10:30 p.m. on that date, 85% of all tv homes in the U. S. had their tv sets on. The report stated that these 34.8 million homes spent more than two hours and 47 minutes watching tv during the fourhour period. TvB sent a message to sponsors, advertising agencies and networks involved in the programming, hailing "one of television's greatest entertainment nights." schedule. Big spot buyers: Good Humor, S. S. Kresge, Squirt Bottling Co., Minnesota Mining, White Rock and Pontiac. KEYES, MADDEN & JONES: Combined tv-radio billing $7.4 million; $6.6 million in television ($4.5 million in network tv, $2.1 million in spot); $0.8 million in radio (all spot); tv-radio share of overall billing: 49%. Known until early fall as Russel M. Seeds Co., KM&J was formed by International Latex and former NBC executive Ed Madden, Grant Adv.'s Howard Jones and Seeds President Freeman Keyes. The Seeds account structure was retained intact, except for the loss earlier in the year of the Lanolin Plus account to Kastor, Farrell, Chesley & Clifford. It gained several small broadcast accounts from Joseph Katz Co., New York-Baltimore, along with that agency's Vice President-General Manager David Hale Halpern. W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. this fall signed for the Lucy re-runs on CBS-TV, and Brown & Wiliamson Tobacco Co., in addition to spot, bought participations for Raleigh cigarettes on NBC-TV's // Could Be You and Queen for a Day. Spot buyers included Pinex Co. and TasteeFreez Corp. of America. GORDON BEST: Combined tv-radio billing $7.3 million; $6 million in tv ($3.5 million in network, $2.5 million in spot); $1.3 million in radio ($0.8 million in network, $0.5 million in spot); tv-radio share of overall billing: 60%. This is the first year Gordon Best has appeared among the top 50 agencies. New accounts include Comstock Foods, Lentheric Lines, Curtis Pharmacal and Mystic Foam and Mystic Clean. The agency's network shows include Dick and the Duchess on NBC-TV for Helene Curtis and special events for Maybelline on both NBC-TV and CBS-TV. GUILD, BASCOM & BONFIGLI: Combined tv-radio billing $6.9 million; $5.3 million in television ($3.8 million in network, $1.5 million in spot), $1.6 million in radio ($0.4 million in network, $1.2 million in spot); tv-radio share of overall billing: 70%. GB&B pushed into recognition with an imposing roster of acquisitions. New products include: Breast O' Chicken tuna, Best Foods' Nucoa, Heidelberg beer, Mary Ellen's jams and jelly and Max Factor cosmetics. The agency gave up one regional account, Regal Pale beer. The firm places You Asked for It for Best Foods and Bold Journey for Skippy peanut butter, both on ABC-TV. In addition GB&B has placed spot campaigns for Nucoa and Breast O' Chicken tuna, among others. COHEN & ALESHIRE: Combined tv-radio billing $6.6 million; $5.1 million in television ($0.5 million in network, $4.6 million in spot); $1.5 million in radio ($0.5 million in network, $1 million in spot); tvradio share of overall billing: 80% . During the year, C&A lost Babbitt Co. and Doeskin Products accounts but picked up Dormin Inc. and Edro Products, among others, while handling a new Grove Labs product — 4-Way liquid. The agency during the year changed its name from Harry B. Cohen Adv. to Cohen & Aleshire Inc. and also gained $1.1 million over last year. Grove Labs is the primary network sponsor at C&A, although it also is heavy in spot. Among shows: CBS Radio's "Impact" package and NBC Radio's Monitor, in tv, Panorama Pacific on CBS-TV and Today on NBC-TV. DOYLE DANE BERNBACH: Combined tvradio billing $6.5 million; $6.1 million in television ($3.9 million in network, $2.2 million in spot); $0.4 million in radio (all spot); tv-radio share of overall billing: 32%. DDB enters the ranks of top broadcast agencies for the first time this year with several network placements. Chemstrand Corp. made its first network buys with NBC-TV's Sally and segments of that network's Steve Allen Show; Polaroid Land cameras continued participations in NBCTV's Tonight and Max Factor of Hollywood dropped co-sponsorship of NBC-TV's Panic and continued on Polly Bergen and Dean Martin programs. E. & I. Gallo Winery, heretofore spot tv only, entered tv film syndication sponsorship nationally. Dreyfus & Co. made its tv debut as an investment banking house. This past summer DDB picked up the Glim portion of the B. T. Babbitt account, began heavy radio spot and presently plans tv spot. DDB also picked up American Export Lines from Cunningham & Walsh, retaining it on local radio and entering AEL in local tv via WBAL-TV Baltimore and WTTG (TV) Washington. McCall Corp. began using more spot radio. Among other spot radio users: A. Goodman & Sons, Barton's, Henry S. Levy Sons and Fairmont Foods; tv spot: Venus Pen & Pencil and Gallo. OGILVY, BENSON & MATHER: Combined tv-radio billing $6.4 million; $4 million in television ($2.1 million in spot, $1.9 million in network); $2.4 million in radio (all spot); tv-radio share of overall billing: 38%. OB&M experienced a "growth year" in 1956 as more of its advertisers expanded broadcast use and as Philip Morris' new menthol Spud cigarettes and Lever Bros. Co.'s Dove soap made their debuts. Network-wise, ODM shared billboard space and commissions for Lever on CBS-TV's Art Linkletter's House Party (Good Luck Page 44 • November 25, 1957 Broadcasting