Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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Catholic Bishops Unit To Include Radio-Tv The Catholic Bishops of the U. S. have extended the scope of the Episcopal Committee on Motion Pictures to cover radio and television. It is charged with developing ways to evaluate broadcasting, in line with the Sept. 8 encyclical by Pope Pius XII. The announcement was made last week by Bishop William A. Scully of Albany, N. Y., chairman of the committee which has been renamed Episcopal Committee for Motion Pictures, Radio & Television. He said a one-year study will be made "to determine the most suitable and acceptable means of carrying out the aims and objectives" df the Pope's encyclical on motion pictures, radio and tv. The encyclical will be implemented, he promised, as it is "applicable to radio and television on the American scene." Bishop Scully noted that the bishops at their annual meeting at Catholic U., Washington, "praised this significant document of the Holy Father for its clear instructions on the moral and social responsibilities of those who are engaged in the far-reaching and influential media of motion pictures, radio and television." The bishops released a statement on "Censorship" after their meeting [Trade Assns., Nov. 11]. In its year's deliberation the enlarged committee presumably will decide whether or not to extend functions of the National Legion of Decency, which rates motion pictures for the church, or to set up a separate organization or settle on other means of evaluating the broadcast media. Members of Bishop Scully's committee are Bishop Alden J. Bell, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles, new committeeman succeeding Bishop Timothy Manning of Los Angeles, who has completed his term; Bishop John K. Mussio, Steubenville, Ohio; Bishop James A. McNulty, Paterson, N. J., and Bishop Hubert M. Newell, Cheyenne, Wyo. Am, Fm Committees Appointed By NARTB President Fellows Two committees representing am and fm members were appointed today (Monday) by Harold E. Fellows, NARTB president. Members of the am committee, which WHEN THEY SAY YOU'VE COMMITTED LIBEL — SLANDER PIRACY — PLAGIARISM INVASION OF PRIVACY COPYRIGHT VIOLATION Be ready with our unique INSURANCE Adequate protection against embarrassing loss at amazingly moderate cost. Write! meets Dec. 10 in Washington, are F. C. Sowell, WLAC Nashville, Tenn., chairman; Grover C. Cobb, KFGB Great Bend, Kan.; Mig Figi, WAUX Waukesha, Wis.; William C. Grove, KFBC Cheyenne, Wyo.; Cecil Hoskins. WWNC Asheville, N. C; Richard H. Mason, WPTF Raleigh, N. C; John F. Patt. WJR Detroit; Todd Storz, Storz stations; W. H. Summerville, WWL New Orleans; Jerome Sill, WFPG Atlantic City, N. J.; C. L. Thomas, KXOK St. Louis; Merle H. Tucker, KGAK Gallup, N. M.; Jack S. Younts, WEEB Southern Pines, N. C; Charles R. Denny, NBC Radio; Robert Eastman, ABN; Arthur Hull Hayes, CBS Radio, and Paul Roberts, MBS. Members of the fm committee, which meets Dec. 6 in Washington, are Raymond S. Green, WFLN-FM Philadelphia, chairman; Michael R. Hanna, WHCU-FM Ithaca, N. Y.; Merrill Lindsay, WSOY-FM Decatur, 111.; Fred Rabell, KSON-FM San Diego, Calif.; Ben Strouse, WWDC-FM Washington, and Edward A. Wheeler, WEAW-FM Evanston, 111. Philco's Fink New President Of Institute of Radio Engineers * Donald O. Fink, director of research for Philco Corp., Philadelphia, last week was elected president of the Institute of Radio Engineers for 1958, succeeding John T. Henderson, principal research officer of the National Research Council, Ottawa, Ont. The other newlyelected officer is Carl-Eric Granqvist, director of Svenska Aktiebolaget Gasaccumulator. Stockholm-Lidingo, Sweden. New directors for the 1958-60 term are G. S. Brown, professor and head of the department of electrical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and W. H. Doherty, assistant to the president of Bell Telephone Labs, New York. Regional directors elected for 1958-59 are Region 1, R. L. McFarlan, consultant, Chestnut Hill, Mass.; Region 5, E. H. Schulz, assistant director of the Armour Research Foundation, Chicago; Region 7, G. A. Fowler, vice president of research, Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, N. M. RAB Sets Year-End Campaign Radio Advertising Bureau over the next five weeks will go after 300 regional and national advertisers in a last-minute yearend "sales barrage." Emphasis will be placed on regional advertisers, says RAB President Kevin B. Sweeney. More than 250 individual regional presentations will be made in the following markets: Detroit, Toledo, Charlotte, Birmingham, New Orleans, Dallas, Columbus, Dayton, Louisville, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Richmond and Norfolk. Nationally, some 50 calls are planned for agencies and advertisers. MR. FINK EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATION 21 W. Tenth, Kansas City, Mo. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, 107 William 175 W. 100 Bush St. Jackson St. Give them a happy HENNESSY HOLIDAY As a flattering gift, or as a host's tribute to esteemed guests, Hennessy is always the highest compliment. HENNESSY COGNAC BRANDY 84 PROOF Schieffelin & Co., New York Broadcasting November 25, 1957 • Page 97