Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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TRADE ASSNS. continued THE THIRD annual membership meeting of Television Bureau of Advertising [At Deadline, Trade Assns., Nov. 25] saw these men elected as board officers. L to r: W. D. Rogers, KDUB-TV Lubbock, Tex., outgoing chairman; Norman Cash. TvB president; Lawrence H. Rogers II, WSAZ-TV Huntington, W. Va„ new chairman; Roger W. Clipp, WFIL-TV Philadelphia, re-elected secretary, and George B. Storer Jr., Storer Broadcasting Co., new treasurer. Other new board members elected: Campbell Arnoux, WTAR-TV Norfolk, Va.; Glenn Marshall Jr., WMBR-TV Jacksonville, Fla.; Richard A. Moore, KTTV (TV) Los Angeles, Calif.; A. W. Dannenbaum Jr., Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.; Payson Hall, Meredith Engineering Co.; Joseph S. Weed, Weed Television Corp., and John Blair. John Blair & Co. Joseph Herold, KBTV (TV) Denver; Daniel W. Kops, WAVZ New Haven, Conn. H. William Koster, WEAN Providence, R. I.; Robert T. Mason, WMRN Marion, Ohio; Robert L. Pratt, KGGF Coffeyville, Kan.; Lawrence H. Rogers II, WSAZ-AMTV Huntington, W. Va.; Victor A. Sholis, WHAS-TV Louisville, Ky.; P. A. Sugg, WTVT (TV) Tampa, Fla.; John Daly, ABC; Sig Mickelson, CBS; William McAndrew, NBC; Robert Hurleigh, MBS; Theodore F. Koop, CBS, representing Radio Television News Directors Assn. as observer. Anderson to Address Ad Council Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury, will deliver a major address at the annual dinner of the Advertising Council this evening (Monday) at the Biltmore Hotel, New York. At the same event, Sidney J. Weinberg, partner in Goldman, Sacks & Co., will be awarded the council's public service award. McDonald Heads Copyright Unit Joseph A. McDonald, NBC, has been named chairman of the new NARTB Copyright Committee by President Harold E. Fellows. Other members are Cy N. Bahakel, Bahakel Stations; Ian A. Elliot, KATL Miles City, Mont.; Leonard H. Higgins, KTNT-TV Tacoma, Wash.; Philip G. Lasky, KPIX (TV) San Francisco; Lee Little, KTUC Tucson, Ariz.; Nathan Lord, WAVE-TV Louisville; James H. Moore, WSLS Roanoke, Va.; Robert R. Tincher, WHTN Huntington, W. Va.; J. Pattison Williams, WING Dayton, Ohio, and Gunnar O. Wiig, WROC-TV Rochester, N. Y. NARTB, WRVA-TV Issue Booklet A new booklet, "So You're Going on Tv," has been published by NARTB in cooperation with WRVA-TV Richmond, Va. The Page 78 • December 2, 1957 booklet, designed to serve as a guide to nonprofessionals, will be made available at cost to NARTB members. NRDGA to Hear Radio-Tv Data The 47th annual convention of the National Retail Dry Goods Assn. will be held at the Hotel Statler in New York Jan. 6-9. A panel session on sales promotion on Jan. 9 will include a report by Joe Feller, president, Joe Feller Ltd., Ottawa, Canada, on the use of television by retail outlets, and one by Dick Edwards, chairman of the board, Bright Stores Inc., Lansford, Pa., on the use of radio. AMST Sets Meeting at KVOO-TV The 20-member board of the Assn. of Maximum Service Telecasters will hold a meeting Wednesday in the new broadcast facilities of KVOO-TV Tulsa, according to Jack Harris, AMST president and vice president-general manager of KPRC-TV Houston. Host director for the meeting will be Harold Stuart, KVOO-TV president. Prior to the board meeting, the AMST technical committee under chairman Joe Epperson, engineering vice president of WEWS (TV) Cleveland, Ohio, will convene at the same site tomorrow (Tuesday). FCBA to Hear NARTB's Fellows The Federal Communications Bar Assn. will hear Harold E. Fellows, president of the NARTB, at its luncheon meeting Dec. 10 at the Willard Hotel, Washington. Ga. Institute Invites Students Potential radio-tv careerists from high school student bodies are being invited to attend the 13th annual Radio & Television Institute at the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism, U. of Georgia, Jan. 30-31. The Georgia Assn. of Broadcasters, cosponsors of the meeting with the Grady School, is asking each station manager to bring a student, selected by station and school, according to John W. Jacobs of WDUN Gainesville, president of GAB, and George W. Patton of WBML Macon, chairman of the GAB education committee. N. J. Assn. Elects Struckell The New Jersey Broadcasters' Assn. elected John Struckell of WFPG Atlantic City president of the organization at its 11th annual meeting and radio institute last month in Atlantic City. He succeeds Jerome P. McCarthy, general manager of WTOA Trenton. Robert B. Macdougall, director of educational activities, WAATWATV (TV) Newark, was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Principal speaker at the meeting, held in cooperation with Rutgers U., was James L. Howe, one of the founders of NJBA and now president of WIRA Fort Pierce, Fla. TRADE ASSOCIATION SHORTS Southern California Broadcasters Assn. reports it has accepted KMLA (FM) Los Angeles into full membership following a unanimous vote by the SCBA board to upset precedent and admit fm stations into organization, which now lists 63 radio stations and networks as members. Reader's Digest; Great Wall Adv., Manila, Philippines; Bill Simpson Jr. Adv. Inc., Tampa, Fla, and V. Kirk Wiles Adv., Huntington, W. Va., elected to membership of Advertising Federation of America, N. Y. UPCOMING December Dec. 6: NARTB Fm Committee, NARTB Hdqrs., Washington. Dee. 6 Board of Governors, Canadian Broadcasting Corp., House of Commons, Ottawa. Dec. 9: UP newspaper editors of New York State, Hotel Syracuse, Syracuse. Dec. 10: NARTB Am Committee, NARTB Hdqrs., Washington. Dec. 18: "Resurgent New England," state broadcaster group organization meeting, Vendome Hotel, Boston. January Jan. 17-19: Advertising Assn. of the West, midwinter conference, Hotel del Coronado, San Diego. Jan. 24-26: American Women in Radio & Tv, annual Sight and Sound Seminar, Hotel Biltmore, Palm Beach, Fla. Jan. 30-31: 13th annual Radio & Television Institute, School of Journalism, U. of Georgia. February Feb. 1: Farm Broadcasting Day, celebration to be planned by NARTB and Dept. of Agriculture. Feb. 3-7: American Institute of Electrical Engineers, general meeting, Statler and SheratonMcAlpin Hotels, New York. Feb. 13-15: 11th annual Western Radio and Tv Conference, Bellevue Hotel, San Francisco. April April 22-24: Electronic Components Conference, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles. April 24-26: Advertising Federation of America, fourth district convention, Floridan Hotel, Tampa, Fla. April 27-May 1 : NARTB 36th Annual Convention, Statler and Biltmore Hotels, Los Angeles. April 28-May 1: 36th annual Broadcast Engineering Conference, Statler Hotel, Los Angeles. June June 3-6: 36th annual conference, National Industrial Advertisers Assn., Chase and Park Plaza Hotels, St. Louis. Broadcasting