Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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Everything you need in one complete HANDBOOK & DICTIONARY TELEVISION PRODUCTION by Harry Wayne McMahan of Leo Burnett Co., Inc. It's a dictionary that explains over 2,000 terms, plus a lively, informative handbook that gives the working procedures of the 16 basic television operations. Harry McMahan, member of plans board and supervisor of TV commercial creative operations for Leo Burnett Co., Inc.. has more than 20 years of experience in all phases of TV and film production. His Television Production is an invaluable reference and refresher for anyone who works in TV, or hopes to get into any phase of TV. 16 fact-packed sections . . . over 100 illustrations . . . 232 large pages x ■ ■ . dictionary indexed . . . only $7.50. DO YOU KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT THESE TEtEVISION SUBJECTS? Animation Programming Live TV Production Film TV Production The Language of Lighting The Camera Art and Scenery Sound Film Stock and Processing Film Editing Optical & Special Effects AT YOUR BOOKSELLER, OR Mail coupon for 10 days trial examination HASTINGS HOUSE, Publishers 41 East 50th Street New York 22, New York Please send me a copy of TELEVISION PRODUCTION by McMahan. I enclose $7.50. If not completely satisfied I may return the book within ten days for a full refund. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZONE .... STATE BIG and still growing • Survey after Survey of 14 counties indicates Uncontested Dominance of Northern IllinoisSouthern Wisconsin area by WREX-TV. * Combined rural and industrial following . . . ideal for test campaigns. PEOPLE CONTINUED Gayle D. Swofford, WJXN Jackson, Miss., named station manager. John M. Baldwin, vice president-business manager, KDYL and KTVT (TV), both Salt Lake City, to WTCN-AM-TV Minneapolis as operations manager, it was announced by Phil Hoffman, vice president-general manager of WTCN-AM-TV. James Schiavone, op ► erations manager, WWJTV Detroit, named station manager. Prior to joining station in 1952, Mr. Schiavone was tv writer, producer-director. Lee Roddy, salesman, KGFJ Los Angeles, named sales manager succeeding Molly Low, who resigns to enter her own business. -< Charles L. Murn, sales staff, WOKO Albany, N. Y., promoted to general sales manager, succeeding C. Russell Ehresman, who resigns. Stephen F. Temmer, head of Teldon Productions Inc., N. Y., takes on extra duties of general manager of WBAI (FM) New York. Bert Cowlan, producer, Teldon Productions, joins WBAI as program director. George E. Johnson, ► sales representative, WHAS-TV Louisville, Ky., named sales manager, succeeding Albert J. Gillen, who joins WABTTV and WAPI, both Birmingham, Ala., as vice president of sales. Richard W. Schappa, formerly with sales staff, Sunshine Biscuit Inc., Long Island City, N. Y., to WWTV-TV Cadillac, Mich., as promotion-merchandising manager. Jean Cook, account executive, WLOF Orlando, Fla., named local commercial manager. Marvin Rothschild succeeds him. Arthur Gerbel, sales manager, Frayn Printing Co., Seattle, to KOMO-AM-TV there as public relations manager. Doug Martin and George Washington, producer-directors, WCHS-TV Charleston, W. Va., named assistant production manager and assistant program manager, respectively. William Cooke, salesman, WTVR (TV) Richmond, Va., to WCHS-AM-TV as promotion director, succeeding Bruce Johns, who resigns to join Tv Guide, Cincinnati, as regional promotional director. Mort Cohn, program manager, WCHS-TV named acting head of combined news department, succeeding Bob Boaz, news director, who resigns. Ted Anthony, promotion director, WJW-TV Cleveland, Ohio, named sales promotion director. Bud Mertons, assistant advertisingpromotion manager, KRCA (TV) Los Angeles, joins station as audience promotion director. -< Lewis Dickensheets, formerly with W I B W Topeka, Kan., to KWFT Wichita Falls, Tex., as ass i s t a nt manager. Mr. Dickensheets is directortreasurer, North Texas Radio Inc., station's owner. Marjorie Kemme, ad ► ministrative assistant to president, Crosley Broadcasting Corp. (WLW and WLWT [TV] Cincinnati, W L W D [TV] Dayton, WLWC [TV] Columbus, both Ohio, WLWA [TV] Atlanta, Ga. and WLWI [TV] Indianapolis), named director of press relations for WLW and WLWT. ■< Anne Hatfield, formerly radio promotion copywriter and assistant to radio promotion manager, NBC Spot Sales, N. Y., to Crosley Broadcasting Corp., as sales development director. Arthur Forrest, with WABD (TV) New York since 1948 as stage manager, technical director, assistant director and cameraman, promoted to director. Charles B. (Pete) ► Dooley, formerly chief announcer WEOA Evansville, Ind., rejoins station as executive program director. Prior to rejoining WEOA, Mr. Dooley was with WSEE (TV) Erie, Pa. ■< Charles O'Donnell. assistant station manager, WHAT Philadelphia, to WIBG there as news director-announcer. Prior to joining WHAT, Mr. O'Donnell was with WCAU-TV Philadelphia. Neil Flanagan, senior news editor, KYWAM-TV Cleveland, Ohio, and Milton Metz, news reporter, named newsroom operations supervisor and United Nations correspondent, respectively. Dick Palmquist, announcer, WOW Omaha, Neb., named sales representative. Ken Barnes, KUSN St. Joseph, Mo., and Gene Piatt, KELO Sioux Falls, S. Dak., to WOW as announcers. John F. Burke Jr., tv salesman, joins WJZTV Baltimore as account executive. David Soister, manager, U. of New Mexico student bookstore, to KOB Albuquerque, as account executive. Harry E. Goodwin, formerly with Grindle Adv., Indianapolis, joins WFBM-TV there as account executive. Broadcasting WREX-TV sales power! WREX-TV. — "The Viewers' Choice" DELIVERS your message to the buyers in this rich industrial and agricultural market. The consistent high quality in production, promotion and merchandising of both spots and programs has earned many major awards for WREX-TV this year! For the best medium to reach this Rockford area market consult H-R for the WREX-TV story. J. M. BAISCH, General Manager REPRESENTED BY H-R TELEVISION, INC.