Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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at deadline MR. McHUGH McHugh Resigns at Katz, Joins Keyes, Madden & Jones John T. McHugh has resigned as president of Joseph Katz Co., New York-Baltimore agency, and is joining Keyes, Madden & Jones, New York, on Jan. 2 as executive vice president administration. He also will be partner, director and member of plans board. Mr. McHugh, who now joins Vice President-General Manager David Hale Halpern, former associate at Katz, acquires substantial stock in KM&J, which was formed early this fall by Ed Madden, International Latex and former NBC executive; Grant Adv.'s Howard Jones and Seeds President Freeman Keyes. Agency formerly had been known as Russel M. Seeds Co. Mr. McHugh, who had been with Katz for 24 years, supervised all phases of advertising for the American Oil Co. for some 20 years. (It is reported that American Oil will continue with Katz.) KM&J billed about $7.4 million in radio-tv this year, most of this in television. Among its broadcast accounts: W. A. Scheaffer Pen Co., Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co., Pinex Co. and Tastee-Freez Corp. of America. With Katz Mr. McHugh served successively as media director, outdoor director, account executive, vice president-account supervisor, executive vice president and president. In announcing his move today (Mon.), Mr. McHugh notes that KM&J offers "expanded services in depth for clients" and has integrated national operation with offices in New York, Chicago and Hollywood. FCC Modifies Multiplex Date FCC Friday announced fm stations engaged in special service broadcasting have until March 1 to switch to multiplex operation. Deadline for switchover is Jan. 1. Commission reaffirmed view that fm stations must multiplex if they want to continue functional music operations (storecasting, background music, etc.), but recognized that some stations are having difficulty in converting from simplex to multiplex. Commission, therefore, agreed to accept requests for waivers of multiplex requirement beyond March 1 — but asked that such applications be filed before Jan. 15 with "full information concerning the steps they have taken to convert to multiplexing and the reasons why they are unable to operate on a multiplex basis by March 1, 1958." Action was taken by six commissioners with Comr. Craven absent. Broadcasting FCC Approves Conelrad Use To Meet Weather Emergencies Use of Conelrad facilities to alert key public and private officials and institutions to hazardous weather has been approved by FCC. Plan, announced Friday, has blessing of Air Force and Weather Bureau, and was suggested by KMOX St. Louis, WOAI San Antonio, Civil Defense Administration and FCC Comr. Robert E. Lee. Scheme permits Weather Bureau to "trigger" Conelrad receivers at all other broadcast stations, particularly sky-wave (24-four operations) outlets, police and fire headquarters, hospitals, schools and industrial plants when emergency advisories forecast heavy weather. Standard broadcast stations then would transmit warning on regular assigned frequencies. Conelrad is system of deception-broadcasting which denies guidance to enemy planes or missiles through potential "homing" on radio beams. Standard broadcast stations, on Air Force alert, change over to 640 kc and 1240 kc to broadcast civil defense instructions on intermittent-cluster basis. ' Under new procedure, Weather Bureau will activate all Conelrad receivers in storm area by means of two, 5-second carrier breaks, plus special tone. This will trigger speaker circuit of all Conelrad receivers. These sets are normally on, with speakers muted. Some Conelrad receivers also ring bells or flash special lights when activated. Broadcast stations in Conelrad network then will be able to immediately broadcast this information to general public. BPA Names Pierson, Trieger Appointment of William E. Pierson, accountant, WBKB (TV) Chicago, as secretary-treasurer of Broadcasters' Promotion Assn. announced Friday by Ell Henry, of ABC's central division and BPA's president. Ralph Trieger, sales promotion manager, WBBM-TV Chicago, named BPA publicity chairman. • BUSINESS BRIEFLY NEW YORKERS APPEAL Appeal made Friday for Christmas For Kids Committee in New York by originator-chairman Jay Jackson, CBS radio newscaster, who reports $15,000 raised last season, with this year's level expected at $40-50,000. Backed by agency, radio, tv and film executives, committee draws from broadcast advertising field, individuals sending checks in amount of gift ordinarily sent to associates or friends. All proceeds from fund go to children's charities. Fund headquarters: 480 Lexington Ave. Late-breaking items about broadcast business; for earlier news, see Advertisers & Agencies, page 31. BEECHNUT BUYING • Beechnut Life Savers, Port Chester, N. Y., planning oneminute, 20-second radio spot announcement campaign in more than 60 markets effective Dec. 30 for 52 weeks. Young & Rubicam, N. Y., is agency. TAKES KEGLER TAB • American Machine & Foundry Co., N. Y., will sponsor finals of 17th annual All-Star Bowling Tournament on ABC-TV 9-10 p.m. EST, Jan. 19. Agency is Fletcher D. Richards Inc., N. Y. NEXT SALVO IN JANUARY • Avon Products Inc. (cosmetics), N. Y., will take seasonal breather after its current tv spot campaign ends (at end of this week in most markets). In mid-January, Avon will break with new 13-14-week tv spot drive in about 105 markets. Agency is Monroe F. Dreher Inc., N. Y. P & G USING 'AMAHL' • Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, will sponsor NBC-TV production of "Amahl And The Night Visitors" as presentation of Matinee Theatre on Christmas Day by NBC Opera Company. Agency is Benton & Bowles. K&E's Mills Expected to Retire Dwight M. Mills, chairman of executive committee, Kenyon & Eckhardt, N. Y., expects to retire soon, although no specific date has been set. Now 56, Mr. Mills joined K&E as vice president in 1934, subsequently served as executive vice president and president before becoming executive committee chairman. Skiatron, Rediffusion in Pact Rediffusion Inc., Montreal, and Skiatron International Corp., New York, were to announce yesterday (Sun.) that they have entered into 21 -year agreement to work together in subscription tv field. Rediffusion Inc., which operates wired music and closed-circuit tv systems, will provide Skiatron with technical services, surveying, installing and supervising closed-circuit systems, while Skiatron will concentrate on program development and acquisition for subscription tv and establishing franchises with local operators. As part of this agreement, announcement stated Skiatron acquired 50% interest in Rediffusion Inc. December 9, 1957 Page 9