Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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PEOPLE at deadline Levitt Resigns as President Of California Natl. Productions Robert D. Levitt, president of California National Productions, NBC subsidiary, resigned Friday. Resignation, offered that day, was accepted by CNP board. It was understood his move stemmed from "disagreement over policy." Mr. Levitt reported to Charles R. Denny, CNP board chairman and NBC executive vice president for operations. Mr. Levitt could not be reached for comment late Friday, but it was understood he had not yet made a decision on his future plans. Mr. Levitt, formerly Screen Gems director of national sales, moved to CNP as general manager in July 1956. Later he became vice president and, by January 1957, president and director. CNP operations include film syndication (NBC Television Films), NBC Opera Company tours, NBC financing of Broadway shows and merchandising and licensing for NBC programs and film syndication shows. H. Weller (Jake) Keever, NBC Television Films Division vice president, is acting head of CNP until successor is appointed. According to NBC spokesman, successor to Mr. Levitt will be appointed "within the near future." ABN Reports Half Million In New Business, Renewals More than $500,000 in billings represented in four new and five renewal contracts reported by ABN Friday, officials said. Buitoni Foods Corp. (spaghetti) and Magla Products (ironing board covers) signed for one weekly segment each on Breakfast Club, through Albert FrankGuenther Law and Edward Lieb Adv., respectively, while Kitchen Art Foods signed for three Breakfast Club segments per week through Wright, Campbell & Suitt. Sterling Drug (Fizrin) signed for five weekly segments of Herb (Oscar) Anderson Show through Compton Adv. Renewals came from Bristol-Myers, Campana Sales Co., Food Specialties Inc. and Sleep-Eze Co., all for segments of Breakfast Club, and R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. for co-sponsorship of 1 8 weekend news programs and Monday-Friday five-minute late news shows. Five More for MBS Stations Mutual announcing today (Mon.) that five additional shows in "station service" category (stations keep all revenue from sales of such programs) will be made available to affiliates between now and Jan. 6. Network currently broadcasts 31 station service shows. Added programs will include Lots O' Music (Mon-Fri., 1:15-2 p.m. EST), The Big Decision nusical program (Mon.-Fri., 6:05-6:30 p.m. EST). Maggi's Page 10 • December 9, 1957 Magazine (Sat., 5:35-6 p.m. EST), Doorway to Travel (Sat., 6:35-7 p.m. EST) and Wall Street Final (Mon.-Fri., 4:05-4:15 p. m. EST). NBC Radio Business Last Week Near $900,000 in Net Billings New and renewed business representing almost $900,000 in net billings signed by NBC Radio last week, network reported Friday. New business included Standard Brands (Royal desserts) for 20 announcements per week, effective immediately through Dec. 17 (through Ted Bates & Co.); Pepsodent Div., Lever Bros., 100 six-second announcements starting Jan. 27 for two weeks (Foote, Cone & Belding); Doan's Pills, one minute participation weekly on One Man's Family, Dec. 1 1 through Aug. 20 (Street & Finney); Irish Linen Guild, participation campaign Dec. 14-15 (Donahue & Coe); Sterling Drug (Fizrin Seltzer), seven one-minute and five 30-second announcements through Dec. 28 (Compton Adv.); Esso Standard Oil, Shrine East-West Football Game Dec. 28 (McCann-Erickson); Dodge Div., Chrysler Corp., 13 fiveminute sports segments on Monitor during past weekend (Grant Adv.); Munson G. Shawco. (Duff Gordon sherry),, daytime participations Dec. 16-20 (Fuller & Smith & Ross). In addition, Ralston Purina Co. renewed five-minute Monday-Friday Washington Farm Report for 52 weeks effective Dec. 30, through Gardner Adv., and Ex-Lax Inc. renewed participation schedule for 52 weeks, effective Jan. 6, through Warwick & Legler. Two Am Outlets Being Sold Radio station sales announced Friday: • KHUM Eureka, Calif., by Carroll R. Hauser to Wendell Adams and Jock Fearnhead for $184,000. Mr. Adams is with William Esty Co., New York; Mr. Fearnhead is vice president-general manager of WINS New York. KHUM operates on 980 kc with 5 kw day, 500 w night, and is affiliated with CBS. Mr. Hauser retains his interest in KVEN Ventura, Calif. Broker in KHUM transaction was Allen Kander & Co. • KTOO Henderson, Nev., by Tom Magowan and Fred Jones to group of Hollywood radio-tv announcers and others for $63,600. Among buying group are George Fenneman (Groucho Marx Show), Art Gilmore (Climax, Shower of Stars); Dick Joy (news editor, KFAC Los Angeles, and announcer on December Bride and Playhouse 90), John Jacobs, Roy Rowan and David Vaile (CBS-Hollywood staffers). Messrs. Magowan and Jones retain ownership of KONE Reno, Nev. KTOO operates on assigned frequency of 1280 kc with 5 kw daytime only. JAMES P. DAVIS and WALTER W. BULLOCK elected vice presidents of record operations department and record albums department, respectively, of RCA Victor Record Div. Mr. Davis, manager of his department since August 1956, joined RCA in 1945. Mr. Bullock, with RCA since 1927, has been manager of record albums since last April. JAMES S. McMURRY, operations manager of WVUE-TV Wilmington-Philadelphia, promoted to station manager by J. Robert Kerns, managing director of WVUE-TV and vice president of Storer Broadcasting Co. NARTB Fm Committee Urges Fm Tuners Be Included in Tv Sets Tv set manufacturers were asked Friday by NARTB Fm Committee to include fm tuners in receivers, citing increase in number of fm stations, fm set sales and public interest in medium. Committee met Friday at NARTB Washington headquarters. Committee noted adapters are now available to receive fm band on tv sets and increased interest among manufacturers in designing of new fm transmitters. Publicity campaign proposed to stimulate sale of fm auto receivers. Plans for fm program during NARTB convention reviewed. Attending were Raymond S. Green. WFLN-FM Philadelphia, chairman; Michael R. Hanna, WHCU-FM Ithaca, N. Y.; Merrill Lindsay, WSOY-FM Decatur, 111.; Ben Strouse, WWDC-FM Washington; Edward A. Wheeler, WEAW-FM Evanston, 111., and George J. Volger, KWPC-FM Muscatine, Iowa. WABC Starts SSB Transmission Tests of compatible single sideband transmission, new technique designed to increase radio signal quality while minimizing interference and fading, were to start yesterday (Sun.) by ABN's WABC New York. Station is inviting listeners to compare signals and send in comment. During first week of tests WABC will use system from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.; during second week, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and thereafter on alternating schedule. Network Engineering Vice President Frank Marx said principal advantages expected from new technique — which in past has been tested at length by WMGM New York — are signal improvement equivalent to doubling of WABC's 50 kw; higher fidelity and volume, and less distortion in signal fading in fringe areas. RCA Declares Dividends Extra dividend of 50<f and regular quarterly dividend of 25 <f per share of common announced Friday by Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, RCA board chairman, after regular board meeting. They are payable Jan. 27. 1958, to holders of record at close of business Dec. 20. Also declared: dividend of 87.5^ per share on first preferred stock for period Jan. 1, 1958, to March 31, 1958. payable next April 1 to stockholders of record at close of business next March 10. Broadcasting