Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES continued LATEST RATINGS PULSE TOP NETWORK SHOWS Tv Report for October Once-A-Week Rating Rank uct. Sept. 1. Perry Comq 38.4 ' 2. Gunsmoke 32.8 28.4 3. Playhouse 90 31.1 26.9 4. $64,000 Question 30.3 23.7 5. What's My Line? 29.4 21.3 6. . Groucho Marx 29.0 21.3 7. Lineup 28.1 8. Climax 27.0 26.7 9. Twenty-One 25.6 23.7 10. Red Skelton 25.3 11. Burns & Allen 25.2 20.4 12. Danny Thomas Show 25.1 13. I've Got A Secret 25.1 22.2 14. Playhouse of Stars 24.8 15. Studio One 24.8 25.1 16. Person To Person 24.5 17. December Bride 24.1 -18. Godfrey's Talent Scouts 24.1 20.9 .19. , Mr,;, Adams & Eve 23.8 20. Jhis Is Your Life 23.7 Special Attractions , Edsel Show '•■Standard Oil Show ■'iPiiiddchio 1 Multi-Weekly Rank' ...... 1. Mickey M^guse Club 1, Queen, For A Day 3. CBS News— Edwards 4. Guiding Light 5. Art Linkletter 6. Search For Tomorrow 7. Captain Kangaroo 8. Love of Life ■ 9. Arthur Godfrey 10. Big Payoff 47.0 37.7 30.0 Rating Oct. Sept. 13.8 9.9 9.8 9.3 9.1 9.1 8.3 8.2 7.8 7.8 11.6 9.6 8.9 8.4 8.2 8.3 7.7 7.5 7.6 Copyright The Pulse Inc. TOP 10 NETWORK PROGRAMS Tv Report for Nov. 1-7 Rank % Homes 1. Gunsmoke 30.4 2. Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz 29.5 3. Perry Como 29.2 4. Dragnet 28.0 5. Dinah Shore 27.6 6. Climax 27.2 7. Jerry Lewis 27.1 8. Playhouse 90 26.5 9. Wednesday Night Fights 25.5 10. Playhouse of Stars 25.2 Rank No. Homes (000) 1. Gunsmoke 10,809 2. Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz 10,549 3. Perry Como 10,137 4. Dragnet ■ 10,023 5. Climax 9,777 6. Dinah Shore 9,704 7. Jerry Lewis 9,163 8. Playhouse 90 9,077 9. $64,000 Question 9,009 10. Playhouse of Stars 8,703 Copyright Videodex Inc. BACKGROUND: The following programs, in alphabetical order, appear in this week's Broadcasting tv ratings roundup. Information is in following order: program name, network, number of stations, sponsor, agency, day and time. Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show (CBS-no figures available): Ford (JWT), Tues. 9-10 p.m. once-a-month. Big Payoff (CBS-132): Colgate-Palmolive (Bryan Houston), Mon.-Fri. 3-3:30 p.m. Burns & Allen (CBS-114): Carnation Co. (Erwin, Wasey, Ruthrauff & Ryan), B. F. Goodrich (BBDO), Mon. 8-8:30 p.m. Captain Kangaroo ( CBSvarious ) : Participating sponsors, Mon.-Fri. 8-9 a.m. Climax (CBS-162): Chrysler (M-E), Thurs. 8:30-9:30 p.m. CBS News (CBS-154): participating sponsors. Mon.-Fri. 7:30-7:45 p.m. Perry Como Show (NBC-163): participating sponsors, Sat. 8-9 p.m. December Bride (CBS-178): General Foods (B&B), Mon. 9:30-10 p.m. Dragnet (NBC-167): Schick (B&B), Liggett & Myers (D-F-S) alternating, Thurs. 8:30-9 p.m. Edsel Show (CBS-no figures available): Edsel (F.C&B), Sun. Oct. 13 8-9 p.m. Arthur Godfrey (CBS-121): participating sponsors, Mon. -Thurs. 10-11:30 a.m. Godfrey's Scouts (CBS-165) : Lipton (Y&R), Toni (North), Mon. 8:30-9 p.m. Guiding Light (CBS-118): Procter & Gamble (Compton), Mon.-Fri. 12:45-1 p.m. Gunsmoke (CBS-162): Liggett & Myers (D-F-S), Remington Rand (Y&R), alternating, Sat. 10-10:30 p.m. I've Got A Secret (CBS-198): R. J. Reynolds Tobacco (Esty), Wed. 9:30-10 p.m. Jerry Lewis Show (NBC-165) : Oldsmobile (Brother), Tues. Nov. 5, 9-10 p.m. Lineup (CBS-162): Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. (Bates), Procter & Gamble (Y&R) alternating, Fri. 10-10:30 p.m. Art Linkletter (CBS-114): participating sponsors, Mon.-Fri. 2:30-3 p.m. Love of Life (CBS-160) : American Home Products (Bates), Mon.-Fri. 12:15-12:30 p.m. Mickey Mouse Club (ABC-94): participating sponsors, Mon.-Fri. 5-6 p.m. Mr. Adams & Eve (CBS-138): R. J. Reynolds Tobacco (Esty). Colgate-Palmolive (L&N), Fri. 9-9:30 p.m. Person to Person (CBS-179): Amoco Gas (Katz), Hamm Brewing ( Campbell Mithun), Time Inc. (Y&R), Fri. 10:30-11 p.m. Pinocchio (NBC-182) : Rexall (BBDO), Sun. Oct. 13, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Playhouse 90 (CBS134): participating sponsors, Thurs. 9:30-10 p.m. Playhouse of Stars (CBS-144): Schlitz (JWT), Fri. 9:30-10 p.m. Queen for a Day (NBC-152): participating sponsors, Mon.-Fri. 4:30-5 p.m. Search for Tomorrow (CBS-129) : Procter & Gamble (Burnett), Mon.-Fri. 12:30 12:45 p.m. Dinah Shore Chevy Show (NBC-160): Chevrolet (C-E), Sun. 9-10 p.m. $64,000 Question (CBS-180): Revlon (BBDO), Tues. 10-10:30 p.m. Red Skelton (CBS-190): Pet Milk (Gardner), S. C. Johnson & Son (F.C&B) alternating, Tues. 9:30-10 p.m. Standard Oil 75th Anniversary Program (NBC-162) : Standard Oil of New Jersey (M-E), Sun, Oct. 13, 9-10:30 p.m. Studio One (CBS-99) : Westinghouse Electric Corp. (M-E), Mon. 10-11 p.m. This Is Your Life (NBC-138): Procter & Gamble (B&B), Wed. 10-10:30 p.m. Danny Thomas Show (CBS-158) : General Foods (B&B), Mon. 9-9:30 p.m. Twenty-One (NBC-444) : Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Kletter), Mon. 9-9:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Fights (ABC-132) : Miles Labs (Wade), Mennen Co. (M-E), Wed. 10 p.m. -conclusion. V/hat's My Line (CBS-157): Helene Curtis (M-E), Remington Rand (Y&R), Sun. 10:30-11 p.m. You Bet Your Life (NBC-177): DeSoto (BBDO), Toni (North) alternating, Thurs. 8-8:30 p.m. Page 42 December 9, 1957 NETWORKS Circuit Demand Is Key To NBC-TV DST Plan NBC-TV eastern-time affiliates were assured last week that AT&T would provide the facilities they need to capitalize on NBC's videotape-repeat plan for the daylightsaving-time months next year [Closed Circuit, Dec. 2; Stations, Nov. 25]. But from AT&T came signs that some stations in some other areas might not be so fortunate. An NBC affiliates subcommittee, which had been negotiating with AT&T for additional circuits to permit them to take advantage of NBC's taped repeat plan, reported after meeting Wednesday that telephone company officials said they would employ "new microwave techniques" to provide the necessary service. The stations facing disruption of uniform repeat service, if facilities are not available, included a number of affiliates who remain on Eastern Standard Time during the DST periods, including those in Cincinnati, Detroit, Dayton, Columbus, and Huntington and Charleston, W. Va. Lawrence H. (Bud) Rogers II of WSAZTV Huntington, chairman of the committee, reported after the session that television viewers throughout the U. S. will be able to count on getting their programs at the same time year-round, despite the annual DST complication. But AT&T officials were more cautious. On this point they said only that they couldn't tell yet what the demand for facilities would be, but that they were trying to anticipate possible trouble areas and were "shaping plans to overcome these problems as early as practicable." They also noted that plans have been made to add 15,000 miles of channels to AT&T tv facilities and that some of these will be ready during the 1958 DST period. They did point out that the use of repeat feeds of videotaped programs — a device which all three networks plan to use during next year's DST months — will require duplicate facilities in some areas. James E. Dingman, director of operations, AT&T Long Lines Dept., stated: "The proposal [videotaped repeats to standard-time stations] means . . . that the networks must transmit two programs at the same time — one 'live' and one recorded — and in some sections of the country to the same general area. This makes it necessary for the telephone company to furnish duplicate facilities along backbone routes in some parts of the country. "No one can say now, positively, just what the situation will be next summer with respect to availability of channels as the networks and other customers have until Jan. 27, 1958, to give us their firm requirements. Once we're sure of the needs of all our customers and process and analyze them, we'll know where we stand." In addition to plans to add 15,000 miles to current video facilities, he said, "we have been making an intensive study of our facilities to determine: (1) what the capacity of our facilities would be under the maxi BROADC ASTING