Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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FIRST 4 CITIES REPORTING!! ^mmmmm mrtn-tmnnir --r , ■ — — \ ATLANTA WAGA-TV | RATING* CASEY +% JONES mmmmm£m IF YOU HAD A MILLION 11.1 1 ASSIGNMENT ATLANTA and 1 JOHN DALY and the NEWS 4.4 J .,-'1 SACRAMENTO KCRA-TV RATING* CASEY <J< ^ JONES aliV i EVE ARDEN 19.4 | J SUGARFOOT 9.9 Here's the train you can't afford to miss! American Dairy Association, Ronson, Esskay Quality Meats (5 Markets), Dr. Pepper Beverages, Holsum Bakery, Central Power and Heat, and Hammond Organ are just a few of the many happy passengers riding to new high ratings with "Casey Jones"! . . . And Casey and his famous Cannonball Express are now delivering the mail in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Boston, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and 52 other leading cities too! It's time for you to climb aboard . . . make your reservation today! BALTIMORE WJZ-TV RATING* CASEY JONES ROBIN HOOD 17.3 CORRALING the COLTS 15.3 OTHERS 0.8 DETROIT WWJ-TV RATING* CASEY JONES STATE TROOPER 15.7 MEN of ANNAPOLIS 9.3 SPORT FOCUS and JOHN DALY and the NEWS 8.5 DON'T MISS THIS TRAIN! CALL OR WIRE! •TREND SCREEN GEMS, INC. TELEVISION SUBSIDIARY OF COLUMBIA PICTURES CORP. NEW YORK DETROIT CHICAGO HOLLYWOOD NEW ORLEANS TORONTO 71 1 Fifth Ave. 709 Fox Bldg. 230 N. Michigan Ave. 1334 N. Beechwood Dr. 1032 Royal St. 102-108 Peter St. Plaza 1-4432 Woodward 1-3979 Franklyn 2-3696 Holly wood 2-3 1 1 1 Express 3913 Empire 3-4096