Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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STATIONS CONTINUED Nilson to Katz Tv Sales Head; Rep Promotes 5 Others, Adds 3 The Katz Agency, New York station representative, has a new tv sales manager — Walter E. Nilson, formerly assistant tv sales manager. The firm also promoted five others and added three to its sales staff. The changes at Katz are in line with an expansion project announced in mid-November [Stations, Nov. 18]. At that time, a spokesman noted the firm's office space had been increased 50% and that 20 more people would be added to its sales force by next March 15. According to an announcement being made today (Monday) by Scott Donahue Jr., vice president in charge of tv sales, the changes include: Mr. Nilson, promoted to tv sales manager. He joined Katz in Chicago in 1947, moving to New York in 1953. Before joining Katz, he had been midwest manager for J. P. McKinney, also a representative firm. William W. Joyce,' who joined the company in 1945, moved up to Chicago tv sales manager. He was with World Broadcasting Co. in Chicago before his Katz association. Oliver T. Blackwell, former timebuyer at Compton Adv. and with Katz since 1951, Alfred I. Miranda, at one time salesman for Conde Nast Publications and with Katz since 1952, and Michael T. Membrado, once timebuyer for Cunningham & Walsh and with Katz since 1954, all promoted to MR. NILSON MR. JOYCE MR. BLACKWELL MR. MIRANDA MR. MEMBRADO assistant television managers in New York. Also in New York, Robert Tatum, formerly assistant manager, radio and tv media, BBDO, and John D. Amey Jr., member of Katz' Detroit office since 1952, have been added to the tv sales staff. In Chicago, Robert C. Rohde, former salesman for Peters, Griffin, Woodward, station representative, and Harold Abrams, former salesman for The Chicago Tribune, have been appointed to the tv sales staff in Chicago. WMGM to Base Music Choice On Weekly Trendex Findings WMGM New York will implement formally today (Monday) a plan which is designed to select for use on the station the popular records of the week in the New York area and which is expected to have application for other music-and-news stations throughout the country. Raymond Katz, associate director of DOC LEMON — 6 to noon l ART ROBERTS — noon to 6 Double wham my! New, stronger programming, personalities 1 always the best buy in this market! Wenc Akron, Ohio WCUE j WICE Providence. R. I. National Representatives The John E. Pearson Co. Page 84 • December 9, 1957 WMGM in charge of programming, said last Thursday that the station has commissioned Trendex to make a weekly survey measuring popular record sales in the greater New York area. Trendex's compilations of the top 40 songs will be used on the station's most highly-rated disc program, Your Hit of the Week, featuring Peter Tripp (Mon.Fri. 5-8 p.m.) and will serve as a guide for selections on the other record shows, according to Mr. Katz. He voiced the belief that Trendex will be able to provide "the first authentic list" of the top 40 songs, pointing out that in the past WMGM, like many other stations throughout the country, chose its songs largely on the basis of surveys made by national trade publications. Edward G. Hynes, president of Trendex, and Eugene L. Reilly, director of sales, explained their role in the plan, noting that this is Trendex's first venture in the record field. Each Monday, Trendex asks 100 retail record shops in WMGM's coverage area for a list of the 40 top-selling records, and from this information compiles the roster of songs to be played on Your Hit of the Week. Mr. Katz said this new development was in the planning stages for several months and has been used on the station for two weeks in advance of the official announcement. He termed it a "highly successful" plan which has the "complete cooperation" of record retailers. To facilitate cooperation by retailers, he said, mentions of the record shops are carried on the program, and stores also are provided with a listing of the station's top 40 tunes for display use. Mr. Hynes said that Trendex plans to make this service available to other stations throughout the country. WBC Establishes 'Project 62' As Tv Programming Laboratory A television laboratory project designed to develop new performing, writing and production talent was approved Thursday during a weeklong meeting of Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. executives, held at Savannah, Ga. Donald H. McGannon, WBC president, said the plan will be known as Project 62. He described it as a long-range, extensive venture into programming development by WBC stations. Each of the five WBC tv stations will devote one hour a week to experimental on-the-air programming under direction of Richard M. Pack, WBC program vice president, and William J. Kaland, national program manager. "Local television must begin right now Broadcasting