Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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V iBcjcctjtJk, CHANNEL I Channel 7 rolls up its sleeves behind solid programming and digs in on merchandising and product promotion that really pays off. Give your marketing or distribution problems the Channel 7 solutionenthusiastic cooperation from folks who know firsthand just what makes this unique Miami market tick. WCKT's plus services deliver a promotional punch that gets you greater returns per TV dollar day after day. Try WCKT now and discover why Channel 7 makes TV a better buy than meets the eye! WCKT CHANNELS A M I AM I, FLO Rl DA Page 90 • December 9, 1957 STATIONS CONTINUED MR. MACHCINSKI JR. Young Inc. Names Machcinski To Head Radio Station Sales Advancement of Stephen A. Machcinski Jr. from general sales manager of radio and television sales for Adam Young representative companies to executive vice president of Adam Young Inc., radio station representative, was announced last week in New York. In his new post Mr. Machcinski will devote his entire time to supervising radio station sales. He joined Adam Young 13 years ago after earlier sales experience with the Katz Agency, Headley-Reed representatives, the New York Dailv News and the J. Walter Thompson Co. He was appointed general manager of radio and tv sales for the Young organization three years ago. Boiling Names Murphy in Dallas Tom Murphy, formerly an account executive with Grant Adv., and salesman at KRLD, both Dallas, has been appointed sales manager of newly opened Dallas office of Boiling Co., national radio-tv representative, according to George W. Boiling, president. The new Dallas office, located in Gulf States Bldg., is the sixth regional office of Boiling Co. Others are located in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Boston. KTRX (TV) Has Christmas Target KTRX (TV) Kennewick, Wash., ch. 25, expects to be on the air for Christmas to serve the Tri-Cities area of Kennewick, Pasco and Richmond, according to Lawrence B. Krasner, vice president and west coast manager of Forjoe-Tv Inc., the station's national representative. KTRX' present plans call for feature films to occupy 90% of the on-air time. The station has purchased 1,900 films according to Mr. Krasner, from the libraries of major film makers. WKTF Goes on Air in Virginia WKTF Warrenton, Va., was scheduled for special ceremonies to mark its first day of operation last Saturday, according to an announcement by Ray Curry, general manager. WKTF is owned by Martha Rountree and Ruth Montgomery and will operate on 1420 kc with 5 kw. WPEG Broadcasting in Florida Tom Carr, advertising agency owner and broadcaster, has announced WPEG Arlington, Fla., now is on the air, broadcasting on 1220 kc with 250 w, daytime. Ed Zegarske, formerly in a managerial capacity at WHUB Cookville, Tenn., is station manager. WPEG is programming good music exclusively, according to Mr. Carr, who also owns WDAT South Daytona, Fla., and has agency offices in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., and Atlanta. HEALTHY SITUATION WIRE Indianapolis reports that its entire nighttime schedule from 8:30 p.m. to sign-off is sold out. The station has placed emphasis on an hour of classical and semi-classical music, followed by slow-tempo popular music. Note Beat, starting at 10 p.m., was described as having a waiting list of sponsors. 'Quality Stations' Rep Firm Formed by WOR-TV's Ted Steele The formation of Ted Steele Radio & Television Station Representatives, New York, to serve as sales representative for a small group of "quality radio and tv stations throughout the nation," was announced last week by Ted Steele, WOR-TV New York personality. Mr. Steele, who said he will continue his daily two-hour daytime show on WOR-TV, heads the new organization. Leonard H. Levitt, sales director of The Ted Steele Show, is vice president and general manager. Offices are at 510 Madison Ave. Negotiations with a number of prospective clients are in progress according to officials. Spokesmen said the move stemmed from Mr. Steele's success in sales, management, programming and production in the New York area over the past 20 years. Billing on his own tv-radio activities in New York is estimated at more than $500,000 a year. REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENTS WREN Topeka, Kan., appoints George P. Hollingbery. WLOF Orlando, Fla., appoints James S. Ayers Co. WINE Buffalo and WLEU Erie, Pa., ap point Radio-Tv Representatives, Inc. WTMV East St. Louis, 111., appoints Weed & Co. WJBF (TV) Augusta, Ga., appoints George P. Hollingbery. KOZE Lewiston, Idaho, appoints Gill-Perna Inc. WJAM Marion, Ala., appoints Robert S. Keller, N. Y. CKAC Montreal, Que., appoints Weed & Co. for U. S. STATION SHORTS WFBM-TV Indianapolis announces it has begun installation of RCA TP7-A dual slide projector, TP15 Multiplexer, TK26-A 3-V Vidicon color camera, TK21-A . Monochrome camera and two TP6-CC 16 mm projectors. KROC-TV Rochester, Minn, announces increase of power from 100 kw to 240 kw. WRTI-FM Philadelphia (Temple U.) announces it is now broadcasting 1-6 p.m. with effective radiated power of 800 w. Broadcasting