Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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THE WEEK IN BRIEF LEAD STORY Brand Loyalty Tempest on Madison Ave. — Kolynos drops Grey Adv. after agency head says he used another toothpaste. Advertising experts are divided, in Broadcasting study, on whether agencies should or should not use product competitive to those they handle. Page 27. Partial transcript of "fatal" interview. Page 28. ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES Buying Value in Spot Radio — The Katz Agency comes up with a radio spot budget estimator, showing general costs for an advertiser's message in 150 radio markets. Page 30. FILM Mr. Roach Goes to Wall St. — With Hal Roach Productions Inc. slated to become a publicly-owned corporation beginning this week, President Hal Roach Jr. raises the "financial curtain" on his far-flung video operations as part of his effort to "educate," perhaps entice, Wall Streeters to take a flyer in tv films. Page 48. Rettig Elected — Veteran NBC executive becomes president of California National Productions succeeding Robert D. Levitt. Page 50. GOVERNMENT Radio Time Sales Up — Aural broadcasters had a good year, NARTB Am Radio Committee is told by John F. Meagher, vice president of association. National spot is 32% over 1956. Page 88. The Need for Free Tv — "Total information" is the only » alternative to "total destruction," NARTB President Fellows tells FCBA in hitting pay tv as a threat to future security of U. S. Page 90. NETWORKS Tv Network Billing Up — Publishers Information Bureau reports October was best for all three networks. Total for all networks in 10 months of year: more than $418.3 million, a gain of 4.8%. Page 46. DST Problems Loom — AT&T official doubts telephone company will be able to satisfy all customers completely during hectic Daylight Savings Time months next year despite its best efforts, but says situation can't be known definitely till tv networks and other users place firm orders next month. Page 42. PROGRAM SERVICES Star System Comes to Pay Tv — Impressario Sol Hurok joins Matty Fox's programming staff as head of Skiatron Tv's cultural entertainment division and discloses plans to bring big names from concert stage and legitimate drama to toll tv-wired living rooms. Page 82. Aspires for Birmingham — Washington Post makes bid for WSLA (TV)'s ch. 8, asking that the facility now assigned to Selma, Ala., be reallocated to Birmingham. Page 56. WATV (TV) Recoils From Reaching Hand — New York State Board of Regents doesn't have a leg to stand on, WATV says in response to Regents' petition to change Newark's ch. 13 to a New York educational frequency. Page 56. Conelrad for Storm Crises — FCC puts Conelrad attack network to work as warning system for turbulent weather; expresses hope that manufacturers will include special alert circuits in all am, fm and tv sets. Page 66. Kohn's Remedy for Broadcasters — Change all am to fm, all tv to uhf and settle all spectrum problems, Raymond F. Kohn, WFMZ (FM) and WFMZ-TV Allentown, Pa., writes to FCC. Page 56. STATIONS he Quality of Nighttime Radio — Pulse survey conducted or NBC Spot Sales reveals the quality of nighttime radio udiences is equal to that of daytime audiences. George Dietrich, national radio director of NBC Spot Sales, believes the survey will "explode the myth" of so-called "inferiority" of the quality of evening radio. Page 70. TRADE ASSNS. Public's Right to Know — NARTB Freedom of Information Committee backs President Harold E. Fellows in move to explain industry's side of courtroom access problem at meeting of American Bar Assn. ruling body, House of Delegates. Page 91. A / MR. WEIR OPINION Subliminal Projection: Is It a Fad? — A leading agency executive, regarded as an authority in copy writing, feels there are some very definite limitations in attempting to sell below the threshold of awareness. He is Walter Weir of Donahue & Co., who states his misgivings in the weekly Monday Memo series. Page 121. MANUFACTURING What About 1958? — There are trouble signs aplenty, according to key business sources, but electronics manufacturers are bullish. Note of cheer: Radio set output is up again and will keep rising next year; tv output is down a little but will increase in 1958. Page 92. DEPARTMENTS ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES... 27 AT DEADLINE 9 BUSINESS BRIEFLY 36 CHANGING HANDS 80 CLOSED CIRCUIT 5 COLORCASTING 36 EDITORIAL 122 EDUCATION 100 FILM 48 FOR THE RECORD 107 GOVERNMENT 56 IN PUBLIC INTEREST 22 IN REVIEW 14 LEAD STORY 27 MANUFACTURING 92 MONDAY MEMO 121 NETWORKS 42 OPEN MIKE 18 OUR RESPECTS 24 PEOPLE 96 PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONS. .102 PROGRAM SERVICES 82 STATIONS 70 TRADE ASSNS 84 UPCOMING 118 Broadcasting December 16, 1957 • Page 7